Need to grab genes in correct orientation.

robertsmac:bin sr320$ ./ipython notebook

^this is getting methylation

Still need to get new Coordinate system (again) for visualization.


GFF are in with C9 Modified for joining….

Will be modifying CDS gff so that it coordinates are related to genes
Will need to to arithmetic based on strand so that 5' 3' orientation holds true

SELECT cds.*
  mRNA.Column4 as mRNA_start
  mRNA.Column5 as mRNA_end
  FROM [].[Snapshot of CDS GFFcds
  LEFT Join [].[oyster_v9_mRNA GFFmRNA
  on cds.Column9 mRNA.Column9
  Order by Column1 Desc

Create new Dataset

correct stuff

 Case when Column7 '+'
  then Column4 mRNA_start 1
  Else mRNA_end Column4 1
  END as New_Start,
  Case when Column7 '+'
  then Column5 mRNA_start 1
  Else mRNA_end Column5 1
  END as New_End,
 Column5 Column4
  as exon_size  -- trying to check arithmetic
  [].[CDS GFF with Gene start and stopcd

  Order by Column1 DescColumn9 --makes it easy to see big genes