TE ID CGI_ID GOslim_bin aspect LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000190 CGI_10000190 other biological processes P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000190 CGI_10000190 other cellular component C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000190 CGI_10000190 other molecular function F LINE_I CGI_10000414 CGI_10000414 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000414 CGI_10000414 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000423 CGI_10000423 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000423 CGI_10000423 nucleus C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000423 CGI_10000423 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000423 CGI_10000423 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000423 CGI_10000423 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_L2 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_L2 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000534 CGI_10000534 transporter activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other metabolic processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other metabolic processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other metabolic processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other metabolic processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 stress response P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 stress response P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 stress response P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10000540 CGI_10000540 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 protein metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 protein metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 protein metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10000560 CGI_10000560 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000576 CGI_10000576 stress response P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 cytoskeleton C LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 death P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 developmental processes P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 nucleus C LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 other biological processes P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 other cellular component C LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 other molecular function F LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 protein metabolism P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 RNA metabolism P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 signal transduction P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 signal transduction activity F LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 stress response P LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_Rex-Babar CGI_10000594 CGI_10000594 transport P DNA_Zator CGI_10000645 CGI_10000645 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000645 CGI_10000645 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 death P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 death P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000658 CGI_10000658 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 developmental processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other biological processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other metabolic processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000714 CGI_10000714 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000731 CGI_10000731 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10000778 CGI_10000778 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10000816 CGI_10000816 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10000816 CGI_10000816 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10000816 CGI_10000816 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10000817 CGI_10000817 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10000817 CGI_10000817 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10000817 CGI_10000817 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_L1 CGI_10000817 CGI_10000817 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10000817 CGI_10000817 transport P DNA_hAT-hATw CGI_10000865 CGI_10000865 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-hATw CGI_10000865 CGI_10000865 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-hATw CGI_10000865 CGI_10000865 nucleus C DNA_hAT-hATw CGI_10000865 CGI_10000865 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-hATw CGI_10000865 CGI_10000865 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-hATw CGI_10000865 CGI_10000865 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000869 CGI_10000869 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000869 CGI_10000869 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000869 CGI_10000869 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000869 CGI_10000869 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000869 CGI_10000869 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10000869 CGI_10000869 other molecular function F LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other biological processes P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other biological processes P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other biological processes P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other cellular component C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other cellular component C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other cellular component C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other molecular function F LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other molecular function F LTR_ERV1 CGI_10000874 CGI_10000874 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 mitochondrion C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 mitochondrion C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 mitochondrion C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10000898 CGI_10000898 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000906 CGI_10000906 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000906 CGI_10000906 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000906 CGI_10000906 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000906 CGI_10000906 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000906 CGI_10000906 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000906 CGI_10000906 RNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000906 CGI_10000906 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 extracellular matrix C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 extracellular matrix C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 extracellular matrix C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000910 CGI_10000910 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10000916 CGI_10000916 protein metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10000916 CGI_10000916 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000975 CGI_10000975 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000975 CGI_10000975 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000975 CGI_10000975 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10000975 CGI_10000975 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT CGI_10001003 CGI_10001003 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT CGI_10001003 CGI_10001003 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT CGI_10001003 CGI_10001003 other biological processes P DNA_hAT CGI_10001003 CGI_10001003 other cellular component C DNA_hAT CGI_10001003 CGI_10001003 other molecular function F DNA_hAT CGI_10001003 CGI_10001003 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001015 CGI_10001015 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001015 CGI_10001015 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001015 CGI_10001015 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001015 CGI_10001015 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001015 CGI_10001015 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001015 CGI_10001015 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001015 CGI_10001015 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001052 CGI_10001052 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001052 CGI_10001052 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001052 CGI_10001052 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001052 CGI_10001052 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001110 CGI_10001110 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001110 CGI_10001110 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001110 CGI_10001110 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001110 CGI_10001110 RNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001111 CGI_10001111 nucleus C LTR_DIRS CGI_10001119 CGI_10001119 DNA metabolism P LTR_DIRS CGI_10001119 CGI_10001119 DNA metabolism P LTR_DIRS CGI_10001119 CGI_10001119 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_DIRS CGI_10001119 CGI_10001119 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 death P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 death P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 death P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 death P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 ER/Golgi C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 ER/Golgi C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 ER/Golgi C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 ER/Golgi C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 nucleus C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 nucleus C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 nucleus C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 nucleus C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 protein metabolism P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 protein metabolism P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 protein metabolism P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 protein metabolism P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 stress response P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 stress response P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 stress response P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 stress response P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transporter activity F LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transporter activity F LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transporter activity F LINE_Penelope CGI_10001150 CGI_10001150 transporter activity F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10001154 CGI_10001154 death P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10001154 CGI_10001154 nucleus C LTR_Pao CGI_10001161 CGI_10001161 cell cycle and proliferation P LTR_Pao CGI_10001161 CGI_10001161 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Pao CGI_10001161 CGI_10001161 cytoskeleton C LTR_Pao CGI_10001161 CGI_10001161 other cellular component C LTR_Pao CGI_10001161 CGI_10001161 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10001167 CGI_10001167 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10001167 CGI_10001167 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 nucleus C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 nucleus C LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 RNA metabolism P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 RNA metabolism P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001181 CGI_10001181 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001227 CGI_10001227 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001227 CGI_10001227 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001227 CGI_10001227 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001227 CGI_10001227 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001227 CGI_10001227 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001227 CGI_10001227 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001236 CGI_10001236 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001253 CGI_10001253 signal transduction P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 enzyme regulator activity F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 enzyme regulator activity F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 enzyme regulator activity F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 RNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 RNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 RNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 stress response P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 stress response P DNA_hAT-Blackja CGI_10001262 CGI_10001262 stress response P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001316 CGI_10001316 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001316 CGI_10001316 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001316 CGI_10001316 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001316 CGI_10001316 RNA metabolism P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell adhesion P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell adhesion P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell adhesion P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 extracellular matrix C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 extracellular matrix C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 extracellular matrix C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 non-structural extracellular C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 non-structural extracellular C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 non-structural extracellular C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001323 CGI_10001323 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 cell-cell signaling P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 developmental processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other biological processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 signal transduction P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001324 CGI_10001324 signal transduction activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001379 CGI_10001379 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 RNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 RNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001394 CGI_10001394 RNA metabolism P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 other biological processes P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 other biological processes P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 other cellular component C DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 other cellular component C DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 other molecular function F DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 other molecular function F DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT CGI_10001405 CGI_10001405 protein metabolism P DNA_Crypton CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 nucleus C DNA_Crypton CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 nucleus C DNA_Crypton CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 other molecular function F DNA_Crypton CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 other molecular function F DNA_Crypton CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 RNA metabolism P DNA_Crypton CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001426 CGI_10001426 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001430 CGI_10001430 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001443 CGI_10001443 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001449 CGI_10001449 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001449 CGI_10001449 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001449 CGI_10001449 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001449 CGI_10001449 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001449 CGI_10001449 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001449 CGI_10001449 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001449 CGI_10001449 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 developmental processes P LINE_Proto2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 developmental processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other biological processes P LINE_Proto2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other biological processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other cellular component C LINE_Proto2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other membranes C LINE_Proto2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other membranes C LINE_L2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other metabolic processes P LINE_Proto2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other metabolic processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other molecular function F LINE_Proto2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 plasma membrane C LINE_Proto2 CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001451 CGI_10001451 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001456 CGI_10001456 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001457 CGI_10001457 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001464 CGI_10001464 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001464 CGI_10001464 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001464 CGI_10001464 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001464 CGI_10001464 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001470 CGI_10001470 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 protein metabolism P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 protein metabolism P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 stress response P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001477 CGI_10001477 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001478 CGI_10001478 other molecular function F DNA_En-Spm CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 cytoskeleton C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 cytoskeleton C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 cytoskeleton C DNA_En-Spm CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_En-Spm CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001479 CGI_10001479 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001497 CGI_10001497 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001497 CGI_10001497 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001497 CGI_10001497 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001497 CGI_10001497 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001497 CGI_10001497 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001497 CGI_10001497 other biological processes P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 non-structural extracellular C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 other membranes C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 plasma membrane C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 signal transduction activity F LTR_ERV1 CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 stress response P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 stress response P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 stress response P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 stress response P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001510 CGI_10001510 stress response P DNA_MuDR CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P DNA_MuDR CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_CR1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001514 CGI_10001514 developmental processes P 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CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 other membranes C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 stress response P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10001591 CGI_10001591 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001612 CGI_10001612 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001612 CGI_10001612 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001612 CGI_10001612 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001612 CGI_10001612 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001612 CGI_10001612 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001612 CGI_10001612 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001635 CGI_10001635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001636 CGI_10001636 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001636 CGI_10001636 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001636 CGI_10001636 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001636 CGI_10001636 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001636 CGI_10001636 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001636 CGI_10001636 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001638 CGI_10001638 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001651 CGI_10001651 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001651 CGI_10001651 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001651 CGI_10001651 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001651 CGI_10001651 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001651 CGI_10001651 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001651 CGI_10001651 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001699 CGI_10001699 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001699 CGI_10001699 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001699 CGI_10001699 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001699 CGI_10001699 other membranes C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 ER/Golgi C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 ER/Golgi C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 ER/Golgi C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 RNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 RNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 RNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 transcription regulatory activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 transcription regulatory activity F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001702 CGI_10001702 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001705 CGI_10001705 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001705 CGI_10001705 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001705 CGI_10001705 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001705 CGI_10001705 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001715 CGI_10001715 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001735 CGI_10001735 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001735 CGI_10001735 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001735 CGI_10001735 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001735 CGI_10001735 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001735 CGI_10001735 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001735 CGI_10001735 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001737 CGI_10001737 transporter activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10001740 CGI_10001740 death P LINE_L2 CGI_10001740 CGI_10001740 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10001740 CGI_10001740 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10001740 CGI_10001740 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001741 CGI_10001741 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001743 CGI_10001743 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001743 CGI_10001743 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001743 CGI_10001743 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001743 CGI_10001743 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001743 CGI_10001743 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001746 CGI_10001746 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001790 CGI_10001790 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001790 CGI_10001790 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001790 CGI_10001790 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001790 CGI_10001790 protein metabolism P LINE_CR1 CGI_10001795 CGI_10001795 non-structural extracellular C LINE_CR1 CGI_10001795 CGI_10001795 non-structural extracellular C LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10001795 CGI_10001795 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L2 CGI_10001795 CGI_10001795 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001795 CGI_10001795 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001795 CGI_10001795 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 mitochondrion C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 mitochondrion C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 protein metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10001808 CGI_10001808 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001813 CGI_10001813 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001816 CGI_10001816 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001863 CGI_10001863 signal transduction P LINE_L2 CGI_10001889 CGI_10001889 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10001889 CGI_10001889 other membranes C LINE_L2 CGI_10001889 CGI_10001889 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10001889 CGI_10001889 signal transduction activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10001889 CGI_10001889 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10001889 CGI_10001889 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001929 CGI_10001929 ER/Golgi C 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protein metabolism P DNA_hAT-hATw CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_CR1 CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10001932 CGI_10001932 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X 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component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other cellular component C DNA_Crypton CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C DNA_Crypton CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C DNA_Crypton CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C DNA_Maverick CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C LTR_Pao CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C LTR_Pao CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C LTR_Pao CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C LTR_Pao CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other membranes C DNA_Crypton CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other metabolic processes P DNA_Crypton CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other metabolic processes P DNA_Crypton CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other metabolic processes P DNA_Maverick CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other metabolic processes P LTR_Pao CGI_10002182 CGI_10002182 other 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CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002193 CGI_10002193 transport P LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other metabolic processes P LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other metabolic processes P LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other metabolic processes P LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other metabolic processes P LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other molecular function F LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other molecular function F LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other molecular function F LTR_DIRS CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002196 CGI_10002196 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002232 CGI_10002232 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002233 CGI_10002233 signal transduction activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10002238 CGI_10002238 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10002238 CGI_10002238 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002246 CGI_10002246 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002246 CGI_10002246 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002246 CGI_10002246 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002246 CGI_10002246 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10002247 CGI_10002247 extracellular matrix C LINE_L1 CGI_10002247 CGI_10002247 non-structural extracellular C DNA_TcMar-Ant1 CGI_10002252 CGI_10002252 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_TcMar-ISRm1 CGI_10002252 CGI_10002252 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_TcMar-Ant1 CGI_10002252 CGI_10002252 signal transduction P DNA_TcMar-ISRm1 CGI_10002252 CGI_10002252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002254 CGI_10002254 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002256 CGI_10002256 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002257 CGI_10002257 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002258 CGI_10002258 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat 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CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002286 CGI_10002286 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002294 CGI_10002294 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002322 CGI_10002322 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002325 CGI_10002325 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002325 CGI_10002325 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002325 CGI_10002325 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002325 CGI_10002325 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002325 CGI_10002325 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 other 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transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002326 CGI_10002326 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002332 CGI_10002332 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002332 CGI_10002332 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002332 CGI_10002332 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002332 CGI_10002332 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002332 CGI_10002332 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002339 CGI_10002339 RNA metabolism P DNA_Chapaev CGI_10002381 CGI_10002381 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002381 CGI_10002381 other cellular component C DNA_Chapaev CGI_10002381 CGI_10002381 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002381 CGI_10002381 other molecular function F DNA_Chapaev CGI_10002381 CGI_10002381 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002381 CGI_10002381 signal transduction P LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 cell organization and biogenesis P 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other cellular component C LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 other molecular function F LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 protein metabolism P LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10002382 CGI_10002382 protein metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10002382 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CGI_10002469 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002469 CGI_10002469 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002478 CGI_10002478 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002478 CGI_10002478 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002478 CGI_10002478 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002478 CGI_10002478 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002478 CGI_10002478 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002494 CGI_10002494 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 extracellular matrix C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 extracellular matrix C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 extracellular matrix C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002498 CGI_10002498 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C LINE_CR1 CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C LINE_CR1 CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 non-structural extracellular C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F LINE_CR1 CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F LINE_CR1 CGI_10002507 CGI_10002507 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10002508 CGI_10002508 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10002508 CGI_10002508 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10002508 CGI_10002508 other metabolic processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10002508 CGI_10002508 other metabolic processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10002508 CGI_10002508 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10002508 CGI_10002508 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002515 CGI_10002515 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002516 CGI_10002516 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002516 CGI_10002516 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002516 CGI_10002516 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002516 CGI_10002516 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002516 CGI_10002516 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002516 CGI_10002516 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002518 CGI_10002518 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002518 CGI_10002518 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002518 CGI_10002518 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002518 CGI_10002518 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10002519 CGI_10002519 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10002519 CGI_10002519 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002534 CGI_10002534 other molecular function F LTR_Copia CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_Copia CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_ERVK CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_Copia CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 nucleus C LTR_Copia CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 nucleus C LTR_ERVK CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 nucleus C LTR_Copia CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 other molecular function F LTR_Copia CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 other molecular function F LTR_ERVK CGI_10002539 CGI_10002539 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002550 CGI_10002550 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 death P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 death P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 death P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 death P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 death P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 developmental processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 developmental processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 developmental processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other biological processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other biological processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other biological processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other cellular component C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other cellular component C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other cellular component C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 protein metabolism P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 protein metabolism P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 stress response P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 stress response P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 stress response P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 stress response P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 stress response P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 transport P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 transport P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002553 CGI_10002553 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002573 CGI_10002573 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002585 CGI_10002585 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 cytosol C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 cytosol C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 cytosol C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other metabolic processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other metabolic processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other metabolic processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002589 CGI_10002589 other molecular function F 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CGI_10002704 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10002704 CGI_10002704 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X 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response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P DNA_Sola CGI_10002811 CGI_10002811 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002827 CGI_10002827 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002827 CGI_10002827 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002827 CGI_10002827 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002827 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P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002901 CGI_10002901 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_I CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_I CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_I-Nimb CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_L1 CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002912 CGI_10002912 LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10002912 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Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002923 CGI_10002923 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002925 CGI_10002925 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002925 CGI_10002925 protein metabolism P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002944 CGI_10002944 death P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002944 CGI_10002944 death P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002944 CGI_10002944 death P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002944 CGI_10002944 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002944 CGI_10002944 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10002944 CGI_10002944 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cytoskeletal activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cytoskeletal activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 ER/Golgi C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 ER/Golgi C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10002946 CGI_10002946 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002973 CGI_10002973 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002974 CGI_10002974 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10002999 CGI_10002999 plasma membrane C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 cell cycle and proliferation P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 cytoskeletal activity F LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 cytoskeleton C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 other biological processes P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 other cellular component C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 other molecular function F LTR_ERV1 CGI_10003000 CGI_10003000 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003001 CGI_10003001 signal transduction activity F DNA?_Crypton? 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CGI_10003013 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 nucleus C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 protein metabolism P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 protein metabolism P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 RNA metabolism P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 RNA metabolism P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 transcription regulatory activity F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003013 CGI_10003013 transcription regulatory activity F DNA_hAT-Charlie CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_hAT-Charlie CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Tip100 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cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Charlie CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytosol C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytosol C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytosol C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytosol C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytosol C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 cytosol C DNA_hAT-Charlie CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 developmental processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003025 CGI_10003025 developmental processes P 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Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other membranes C LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other membranes C LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 other molecular function F LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 plasma membrane C LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P LINE_L2 CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003057 CGI_10003057 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003069 CGI_10003069 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003072 CGI_10003072 translational apparatus C LINE_I CGI_10003080 CGI_10003080 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003080 CGI_10003080 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003080 CGI_10003080 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003080 CGI_10003080 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003080 CGI_10003080 DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeletal activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeletal activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeletal activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeleton C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeleton C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 cytoskeleton C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 ER/Golgi C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 ER/Golgi C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 ER/Golgi C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other membranes C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other membranes C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other membranes C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other metabolic processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other metabolic processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other metabolic processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 plasma membrane C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 plasma membrane C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 plasma membrane C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 signal transduction activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transport P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transport P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transport P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transporter activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transporter activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003097 CGI_10003097 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003104 CGI_10003104 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003104 CGI_10003104 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003104 CGI_10003104 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003104 CGI_10003104 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 cytoskeletal activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 death P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003105 CGI_10003105 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003107 CGI_10003107 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003112 CGI_10003112 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003112 CGI_10003112 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003112 CGI_10003112 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003118 CGI_10003118 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003118 CGI_10003118 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003118 CGI_10003118 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003118 CGI_10003118 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003118 CGI_10003118 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003118 CGI_10003118 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003118 CGI_10003118 plasma membrane C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell adhesion P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell adhesion P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell adhesion P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell adhesion P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell adhesion P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell adhesion P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003119 CGI_10003119 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003130 CGI_10003130 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003130 CGI_10003130 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003133 CGI_10003133 LINE_L1 CGI_10003135 CGI_10003135 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003144 CGI_10003144 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003144 CGI_10003144 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003144 CGI_10003144 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003144 CGI_10003144 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003144 CGI_10003144 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003144 CGI_10003144 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003145 CGI_10003145 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003145 CGI_10003145 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003145 CGI_10003145 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003145 CGI_10003145 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10003149 CGI_10003149 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003151 CGI_10003151 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003156 CGI_10003156 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003158 CGI_10003158 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003164 CGI_10003164 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003167 CGI_10003167 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003169 CGI_10003169 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003172 CGI_10003172 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003172 CGI_10003172 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003172 CGI_10003172 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003172 CGI_10003172 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003172 CGI_10003172 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003172 CGI_10003172 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003172 CGI_10003172 stress response P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 CGI_10003173 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003173 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extracellular C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 non-structural extracellular C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction activity F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction activity F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction activity F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003176 CGI_10003176 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003178 CGI_10003178 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003182 CGI_10003182 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003182 CGI_10003182 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003182 CGI_10003182 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003182 CGI_10003182 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 cell 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LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003186 CGI_10003186 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003187 CGI_10003187 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat 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CGI_10003195 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003195 CGI_10003195 other biological processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell adhesion P LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 cytoskeleton C LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 enzyme regulator activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 protein metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003201 CGI_10003201 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003207 CGI_10003207 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003208 CGI_10003208 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003211 CGI_10003211 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003212 CGI_10003212 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003213 CGI_10003213 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003213 CGI_10003213 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003213 CGI_10003213 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003213 CGI_10003213 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003220 CGI_10003220 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003220 CGI_10003220 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003222 CGI_10003222 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003222 CGI_10003222 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003222 CGI_10003222 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003222 CGI_10003222 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003223 CGI_10003223 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003224 CGI_10003224 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003225 CGI_10003225 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003225 CGI_10003225 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003225 CGI_10003225 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003225 CGI_10003225 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003238 CGI_10003238 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003244 CGI_10003244 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003250 CGI_10003250 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003256 CGI_10003256 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003262 CGI_10003262 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003262 CGI_10003262 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003262 CGI_10003262 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003262 CGI_10003262 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 DNA metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 ER/Golgi C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 ER/Golgi C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 ER/Golgi C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other cellular component C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other membranes C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other membranes C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other membranes C DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 protein metabolism P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 signal transduction P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 signal transduction P DNA_hAT-Tip100 CGI_10003263 CGI_10003263 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003265 CGI_10003265 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003266 CGI_10003266 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003266 CGI_10003266 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003267 CGI_10003267 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003267 CGI_10003267 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003267 CGI_10003267 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003267 CGI_10003267 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003267 CGI_10003267 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003267 CGI_10003267 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003279 CGI_10003279 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003279 CGI_10003279 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003279 CGI_10003279 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003279 CGI_10003279 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003285 CGI_10003285 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003285 CGI_10003285 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003285 CGI_10003285 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003285 CGI_10003285 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003285 CGI_10003285 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003285 CGI_10003285 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003288 CGI_10003288 other cellular component C DNA_hAT CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_hAT CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 cell-cell signaling P DNA_hAT CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 cytoskeletal activity F DNA_hAT CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 other biological processes P DNA_hAT CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 other cellular component C DNA_hAT CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003290 CGI_10003290 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003293 CGI_10003293 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003293 CGI_10003293 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003293 CGI_10003293 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003293 CGI_10003293 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003298 CGI_10003298 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003299 CGI_10003299 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003301 CGI_10003301 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003302 CGI_10003302 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003302 CGI_10003302 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003302 CGI_10003302 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003310 CGI_10003310 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003310 CGI_10003310 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003310 CGI_10003310 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003310 CGI_10003310 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003310 CGI_10003310 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003310 CGI_10003310 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003310 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CGI_10003605 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003605 CGI_10003605 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003605 CGI_10003605 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003605 CGI_10003605 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003605 CGI_10003605 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003605 CGI_10003605 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003605 CGI_10003605 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003608 CGI_10003608 other 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Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003619 CGI_10003619 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003622 CGI_10003622 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003622 CGI_10003622 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003622 CGI_10003622 other molecular function F DNA_Zator CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 death P DNA_Zator CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 DNA metabolism P DNA_Zator CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 nucleus C DNA_Zator CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 other biological processes P DNA_Zator CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 other molecular function F DNA_Zator CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003625 CGI_10003625 protein metabolism P DNA_Zator 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CGI_10003647 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003647 CGI_10003647 other molecular function F LINE_R2-Hero CGI_10003651 CGI_10003651 ER/Golgi C LINE_R2-Hero CGI_10003651 CGI_10003651 ER/Golgi C LINE_R2-Hero CGI_10003651 CGI_10003651 non-structural extracellular C LINE_R2-Hero CGI_10003651 CGI_10003651 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003652 CGI_10003652 stress response P DNA_Kolobok-Hyd CGI_10003661 CGI_10003661 DNA metabolism P DNA_Kolobok-Hyd CGI_10003661 CGI_10003661 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_Kolobok-Hyd CGI_10003661 CGI_10003661 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok-Hyd CGI_10003661 CGI_10003661 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003662 CGI_10003662 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function F LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 cytoskeleton C LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 cytoskeleton C LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 cytoskeleton C LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 cytoskeleton C LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 kinase activity F LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 kinase activity F LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 kinase activity F LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 kinase activity F LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 other cellular component C LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 other cellular component C LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 other cellular component C LTR_Pao CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003674 CGI_10003674 other 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CGI_10003702 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003702 CGI_10003702 RNA metabolism P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003709 CGI_10003709 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function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003752 CGI_10003752 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003752 CGI_10003752 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003752 CGI_10003752 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003752 CGI_10003752 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003755 CGI_10003755 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003758 CGI_10003758 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003758 CGI_10003758 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003758 CGI_10003758 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003758 CGI_10003758 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003758 CGI_10003758 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003758 CGI_10003758 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10003760 CGI_10003760 other molecular function F LTR_ERVK CGI_10003771 CGI_10003771 other membranes C LTR_ERVK CGI_10003771 CGI_10003771 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003773 CGI_10003773 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003773 CGI_10003773 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003773 CGI_10003773 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003773 CGI_10003773 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003781 CGI_10003781 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003785 CGI_10003785 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003797 CGI_10003797 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003799 CGI_10003799 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003799 CGI_10003799 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003799 CGI_10003799 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003799 CGI_10003799 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003799 CGI_10003799 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003800 CGI_10003800 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003806 CGI_10003806 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003806 CGI_10003806 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003806 CGI_10003806 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003808 CGI_10003808 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003808 CGI_10003808 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003808 CGI_10003808 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003808 CGI_10003808 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003808 CGI_10003808 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003823 CGI_10003823 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003823 CGI_10003823 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003823 CGI_10003823 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003823 CGI_10003823 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003823 CGI_10003823 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 developmental processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 developmental processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 developmental processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 developmental processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other biological processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other biological processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other biological processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other biological processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10003835 CGI_10003835 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003838 CGI_10003838 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003840 CGI_10003840 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003841 CGI_10003841 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003841 CGI_10003841 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003841 CGI_10003841 other molecular function F DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 cytosol C DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 cytosol C DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 nucleus C DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 nucleus C DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other biological processes P DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other biological processes P DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other cellular component C DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other cellular component C DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other metabolic processes P DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other metabolic processes P DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other molecular function F DNA_Zator CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003842 CGI_10003842 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003843 CGI_10003843 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003848 CGI_10003848 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003848 CGI_10003848 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003848 CGI_10003848 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003849 CGI_10003849 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003851 CGI_10003851 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003854 CGI_10003854 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003856 CGI_10003856 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003859 CGI_10003859 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other biological processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003862 CGI_10003862 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003863 CGI_10003863 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003863 CGI_10003863 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003864 CGI_10003864 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003864 CGI_10003864 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003864 CGI_10003864 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003866 CGI_10003866 transporter activity F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003867 CGI_10003867 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003871 CGI_10003871 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003871 CGI_10003871 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003871 CGI_10003871 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003871 CGI_10003871 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003877 CGI_10003877 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003878 CGI_10003878 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 death P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 kinase activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003879 CGI_10003879 other metabolic processes P 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P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003880 CGI_10003880 transport P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Maverick 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and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 developmental processes P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 developmental processes P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 developmental processes P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 developmental processes P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 developmental processes P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 developmental processes P 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extracellular matrix C LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 extracellular matrix C LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 extracellular matrix C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 extracellular matrix C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 extracellular matrix C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 extracellular matrix C DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 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other biological processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other biological processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other biological processes P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 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CGI_10003883 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 signal transduction P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P DNA_Maverick CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003883 CGI_10003883 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10003883 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P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003897 CGI_10003897 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10003898 CGI_10003898 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1 CGI_10003898 CGI_10003898 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat 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other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003921 CGI_10003921 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003921 CGI_10003921 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003928 CGI_10003928 transporter activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10003930 CGI_10003930 cell adhesion P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003930 CGI_10003930 cell adhesion P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003930 CGI_10003930 cell adhesion P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003930 CGI_10003930 cell adhesion P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003930 CGI_10003930 cell adhesion P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10003930 CGI_10003930 cell adhesion P 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biological processes P LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other cellular component C LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other membranes C LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other membranes C LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other 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processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other metabolic processes P LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 other molecular function F LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 plasma membrane C LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction P LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 signal transduction activity F LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transport P LINE_CR1 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_I CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_Jockey CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10003936 CGI_10003936 transporter activity F 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Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003949 CGI_10003949 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003950 CGI_10003950 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003950 CGI_10003950 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003950 CGI_10003950 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003950 CGI_10003950 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003954 CGI_10003954 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003954 CGI_10003954 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003954 CGI_10003954 other membranes C 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CGI_10003967 CGI_10003967 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003969 CGI_10003969 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003969 CGI_10003969 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003969 CGI_10003969 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003969 CGI_10003969 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003970 CGI_10003970 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 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CGI_10003971 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003971 CGI_10003971 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003982 CGI_10003982 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003982 CGI_10003982 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003982 CGI_10003982 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003982 CGI_10003982 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003982 CGI_10003982 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003982 CGI_10003982 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003983 CGI_10003983 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003984 CGI_10003984 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CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003989 CGI_10003989 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003991 CGI_10003991 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003993 CGI_10003993 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003993 CGI_10003993 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003993 CGI_10003993 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003993 CGI_10003993 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003993 CGI_10003993 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003994 CGI_10003994 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003994 CGI_10003994 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003994 CGI_10003994 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10003994 CGI_10003994 other biological processes P 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CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy-Gmr1 CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy-Gmr1 CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy-Gmr1 CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy 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CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004002 CGI_10004002 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004007 CGI_10004007 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004009 CGI_10004009 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004009 CGI_10004009 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004009 CGI_10004009 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004009 CGI_10004009 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004010 CGI_10004010 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004010 CGI_10004010 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004010 CGI_10004010 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004010 CGI_10004010 other molecular function F LINE_CR1 CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 LINE_L1 CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 LINE_L2 CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 LINE_Proto2 CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 LINE_Proto2 CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004012 CGI_10004012 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004014 CGI_10004014 Tandem_Repeat 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CGI_10004025 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 extracellular matrix C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 extracellular matrix C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 extracellular matrix C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 extracellular matrix C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004025 CGI_10004025 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004031 CGI_10004031 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004031 CGI_10004031 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004031 CGI_10004031 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004031 CGI_10004031 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004032 CGI_10004032 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004032 CGI_10004032 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004032 CGI_10004032 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004032 CGI_10004032 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004035 CGI_10004035 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004035 CGI_10004035 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004035 CGI_10004035 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004035 CGI_10004035 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004035 CGI_10004035 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004035 CGI_10004035 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004037 CGI_10004037 stress response P DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 cytoskeleton C DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 cytoskeleton C DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 other cellular component C DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 other cellular component C DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 other molecular function F DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 other molecular function F DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 protein metabolism P DNA_Maverick CGI_10004038 CGI_10004038 protein metabolism P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 cell adhesion P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 extracellular matrix C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 non-structural extracellular C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004043 CGI_10004043 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004046 CGI_10004046 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004046 CGI_10004046 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004046 CGI_10004046 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004050 CGI_10004050 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004052 CGI_10004052 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004052 CGI_10004052 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004052 CGI_10004052 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004053 CGI_10004053 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004059 CGI_10004059 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004059 CGI_10004059 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004059 CGI_10004059 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004059 CGI_10004059 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004060 CGI_10004060 stress response P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 plasma membrane C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004066 CGI_10004066 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004069 CGI_10004069 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CGI_10004072 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004072 CGI_10004072 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004072 CGI_10004072 other biological processes P LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 developmental processes P LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 nucleus C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 other membranes C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 other molecular function F LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 RNA metabolism P LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 signal transduction P LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 signal transduction activity F LTR_DIRS CGI_10004075 CGI_10004075 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004078 CGI_10004078 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004078 CGI_10004078 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004078 CGI_10004078 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004078 CGI_10004078 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004078 CGI_10004078 signal transduction P LINE_L2 CGI_10004080 CGI_10004080 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004081 CGI_10004081 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004081 CGI_10004081 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004081 CGI_10004081 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004081 CGI_10004081 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004086 CGI_10004086 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat 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Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004091 CGI_10004091 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004096 CGI_10004096 protein metabolism P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 nucleus C LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 nucleus C LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 other metabolic processes P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 other metabolic processes P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 other molecular function F LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 other molecular function F LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 protein metabolism P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 protein metabolism P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 RNA metabolism P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 RNA metabolism P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 stress response P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004098 CGI_10004098 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004099 CGI_10004099 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004099 CGI_10004099 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004102 CGI_10004102 RNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 ER/Golgi C LINE_RTE-BovB 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CGI_10004103 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other membranes C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004103 CGI_10004103 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component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004109 CGI_10004109 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 transporter activity F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004112 CGI_10004112 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004114 CGI_10004114 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004115 CGI_10004115 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004118 CGI_10004118 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004123 CGI_10004123 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004123 CGI_10004123 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004123 CGI_10004123 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004123 CGI_10004123 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004123 CGI_10004123 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004124 CGI_10004124 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004130 CGI_10004130 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004130 CGI_10004130 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004130 CGI_10004130 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004130 CGI_10004130 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004130 CGI_10004130 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004131 CGI_10004131 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004132 CGI_10004132 translational apparatus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004134 CGI_10004134 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004134 CGI_10004134 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004134 CGI_10004134 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004134 CGI_10004134 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004134 CGI_10004134 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004139 CGI_10004139 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004139 CGI_10004139 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004139 CGI_10004139 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004139 CGI_10004139 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004139 CGI_10004139 protein metabolism P LTR_Copia CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004140 CGI_10004140 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell-cell signaling P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell-cell signaling P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell-cell signaling P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cell-cell signaling P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 cytoskeleton C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 developmental processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 ER/Golgi C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 ER/Golgi C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 ER/Golgi C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 ER/Golgi C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cytoplasmic organelle C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cytoplasmic organelle C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cytoplasmic organelle C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other cytoplasmic organelle C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 transport P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004142 CGI_10004142 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_DIRS CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell adhesion P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_DIRS CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 plasma membrane C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_DIRS CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004144 CGI_10004144 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004145 CGI_10004145 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004146 CGI_10004146 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004160 CGI_10004160 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004160 CGI_10004160 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004162 CGI_10004162 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004162 CGI_10004162 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004162 CGI_10004162 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004162 CGI_10004162 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004167 CGI_10004167 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004168 CGI_10004168 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004176 CGI_10004176 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004176 CGI_10004176 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004176 CGI_10004176 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004176 CGI_10004176 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004176 CGI_10004176 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004178 CGI_10004178 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004178 CGI_10004178 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004181 CGI_10004181 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004181 CGI_10004181 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004181 CGI_10004181 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004181 CGI_10004181 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell adhesion P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004182 CGI_10004182 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004188 CGI_10004188 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004188 CGI_10004188 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other membranes C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 other molecular function F DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok-IS4 CGI_10004193 CGI_10004193 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004196 CGI_10004196 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004196 CGI_10004196 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004196 CGI_10004196 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004196 CGI_10004196 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004196 CGI_10004196 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004196 CGI_10004196 other cellular component C LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 cell-cell signaling P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 cell-cell signaling P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 cell-cell signaling P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 cell-cell signaling P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 cell-cell signaling P LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 enzyme regulator activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 enzyme regulator activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 enzyme regulator activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 enzyme regulator activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 enzyme regulator activity F LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other biological processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other biological processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other biological processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other biological processes P LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other cellular component C LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other membranes C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other membranes C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other membranes C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other membranes C LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other metabolic processes P LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 other molecular function F LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 plasma membrane C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 plasma membrane C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 plasma membrane C LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 plasma membrane C LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction P LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 signal transduction activity F LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 stress response P LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transport P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transport P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transport P LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transport P LINE_DRE CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transporter activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transporter activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transporter activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transporter activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004207 CGI_10004207 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004208 CGI_10004208 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004209 CGI_10004209 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004211 CGI_10004211 other molecular function F DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell adhesion P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell adhesion P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell adhesion P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell adhesion P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell adhesion P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell adhesion P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other cellular component C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other cellular component C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other cellular component C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other cellular component C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other cellular component C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other cellular component C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other membranes C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other membranes C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other membranes C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other membranes C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other membranes C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 other membranes C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 plasma membrane C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 plasma membrane C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 plasma membrane C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 plasma membrane C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 plasma membrane C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 plasma membrane C DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 transport P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 transport P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 transport P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 transport P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 transport P DNA_Academ CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004214 CGI_10004214 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004216 CGI_10004216 protein metabolism P RC_Helitron CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 enzyme regulator activity F RC_Helitron CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 other cellular component C RC_Helitron CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004233 CGI_10004233 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004240 CGI_10004240 signal transduction P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 cell adhesion P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 cell adhesion P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 non-structural extracellular C LINE_CR1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 other molecular function F LINE_CR1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 protein metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 protein metabolism P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004249 CGI_10004249 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004251 CGI_10004251 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004251 CGI_10004251 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004251 CGI_10004251 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004251 CGI_10004251 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004251 CGI_10004251 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004255 CGI_10004255 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004257 CGI_10004257 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 death P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 death P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 mitochondrion C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 mitochondrion C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 other membranes C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 protein metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 protein metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004268 CGI_10004268 transport P LINE_L1 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 developmental processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 developmental processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 developmental processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cellular component C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_L1 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 transport P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004269 CGI_10004269 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004278 CGI_10004278 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004280 CGI_10004280 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004282 CGI_10004282 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004282 CGI_10004282 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004282 CGI_10004282 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004282 CGI_10004282 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004282 CGI_10004282 signal transduction activity F DNA_Zator CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C DNA_Zator CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 extracellular matrix C DNA_Zator CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Zator CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004284 CGI_10004284 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L2 CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 cytoskeleton C LINE_L2 CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 ER/Golgi C LINE_L2 CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other metabolic processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004288 CGI_10004288 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004289 CGI_10004289 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004291 CGI_10004291 transporter activity F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 plasma membrane C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 signal transduction P LINE_Penelope CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004306 CGI_10004306 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 death P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004319 CGI_10004319 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004325 CGI_10004325 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004335 CGI_10004335 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004335 CGI_10004335 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004335 CGI_10004335 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004335 CGI_10004335 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004335 CGI_10004335 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004335 CGI_10004335 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 developmental processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other biological processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other cellular component C LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 other molecular function F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 RNA metabolism P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 signal transduction P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_R2 CGI_10004338 CGI_10004338 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004344 CGI_10004344 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004344 CGI_10004344 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004344 CGI_10004344 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004344 CGI_10004344 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004344 CGI_10004344 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004344 CGI_10004344 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004348 CGI_10004348 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004348 CGI_10004348 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004348 CGI_10004348 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004348 CGI_10004348 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004348 CGI_10004348 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004348 CGI_10004348 other molecular function F DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P LTR_Copia CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell adhesion P DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Copia CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C LTR_Copia CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other cellular component C DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C LTR_Copia CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other membranes C DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F LTR_Copia CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 other molecular function F DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C LTR_Copia CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 plasma membrane C DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_En-Spm CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P LTR_Copia CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P DNA_TcMar-Tc1 CGI_10004353 CGI_10004353 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cell adhesion P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cell adhesion P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cell adhesion P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cytoskeletal activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cytoskeletal activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 cytoskeletal activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004361 CGI_10004361 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004362 CGI_10004362 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004363 CGI_10004363 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004363 CGI_10004363 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004364 CGI_10004364 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004364 CGI_10004364 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004364 CGI_10004364 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004364 CGI_10004364 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004381 CGI_10004381 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004381 CGI_10004381 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004381 CGI_10004381 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004381 CGI_10004381 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004381 CGI_10004381 signal transduction activity F DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeletal activity F DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytoskeleton C DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 cytosol C DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 developmental processes P DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 enzyme regulator activity F DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other cellular component C DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Tc2 CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004384 CGI_10004384 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004385 CGI_10004385 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004394 CGI_10004394 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004395 CGI_10004395 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004402 CGI_10004402 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004404 CGI_10004404 transport P DNA_Crypton CGI_10004407 CGI_10004407 LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 cell adhesion P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 developmental processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 developmental processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 developmental processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 nucleus C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 nucleus C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 nucleus C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other biological processes P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other cellular component C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other membranes C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 other molecular function F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 plasma membrane C LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 signal transduction P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 signal transduction P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 signal transduction P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 signal transduction activity F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 signal transduction activity F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 signal transduction activity F LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 stress response P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 stress response P LTR_Ngaro CGI_10004409 CGI_10004409 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004430 CGI_10004430 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004430 CGI_10004430 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004430 CGI_10004430 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004431 CGI_10004431 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004431 CGI_10004431 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004431 CGI_10004431 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004431 CGI_10004431 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004431 CGI_10004431 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004431 CGI_10004431 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004431 CGI_10004431 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004433 CGI_10004433 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004433 CGI_10004433 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004433 CGI_10004433 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004433 CGI_10004433 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004433 CGI_10004433 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004437 CGI_10004437 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other metabolic processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004438 CGI_10004438 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 DNA metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 DNA metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10004439 CGI_10004439 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other biological processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other biological processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other metabolic processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other metabolic processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004440 CGI_10004440 other molecular function F 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CGI_10004466 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004466 CGI_10004466 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004466 CGI_10004466 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004466 CGI_10004466 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004469 CGI_10004469 RNA metabolism 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cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 other membranes C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 other membranes C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 other metabolic processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 other metabolic processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 plasma membrane C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 plasma membrane C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 signal transduction activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 signal transduction activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 stress response P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10004493 CGI_10004493 stress response P 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CGI_10004521 cytosol C LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 cytosol C LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 cytosol C LINE_CR1 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 death P LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 death P LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 death P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 nucleus C LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 nucleus C LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 nucleus C LINE_CR1 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 other biological processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 other biological processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 other biological processes P LINE_CR1 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10004521 CGI_10004521 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004521 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component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004529 CGI_10004529 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004529 CGI_10004529 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004529 CGI_10004529 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004529 CGI_10004529 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004529 CGI_10004529 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004534 CGI_10004534 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004534 CGI_10004534 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004534 CGI_10004534 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004534 CGI_10004534 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004534 CGI_10004534 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004534 CGI_10004534 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004535 CGI_10004535 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004535 CGI_10004535 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004535 CGI_10004535 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004535 CGI_10004535 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004535 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CGI_10004571 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 RNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004574 CGI_10004574 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004575 CGI_10004575 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004575 CGI_10004575 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004575 CGI_10004575 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004575 CGI_10004575 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004575 CGI_10004575 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004575 CGI_10004575 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004575 CGI_10004575 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004577 CGI_10004577 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004577 CGI_10004577 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004577 CGI_10004577 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004577 CGI_10004577 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004577 CGI_10004577 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004578 CGI_10004578 protein metabolism P LINE_CR1-L2 CGI_10004583 CGI_10004583 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CGI_10004590 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 other cellular component C 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metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004590 CGI_10004590 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004593 CGI_10004593 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004595 CGI_10004595 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004595 CGI_10004595 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004595 CGI_10004595 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004595 CGI_10004595 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004595 CGI_10004595 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004598 CGI_10004598 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004598 CGI_10004598 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004598 CGI_10004598 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004598 CGI_10004598 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004598 CGI_10004598 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 cell cycle and proliferation P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 nucleus C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 protein metabolism P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004599 CGI_10004599 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004601 CGI_10004601 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004604 CGI_10004604 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004604 CGI_10004604 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004604 CGI_10004604 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004604 CGI_10004604 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004604 CGI_10004604 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004604 CGI_10004604 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10004606 CGI_10004606 LINE_L2 CGI_10004606 CGI_10004606 ER/Golgi C LINE_L2 CGI_10004606 CGI_10004606 other biological processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004606 CGI_10004606 other membranes C LINE_L2 CGI_10004606 CGI_10004606 other metabolic processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004606 CGI_10004606 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10004606 CGI_10004606 transporter activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004610 CGI_10004610 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_L1 CGI_10004610 CGI_10004610 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L1 CGI_10004610 CGI_10004610 cytosol C LINE_L1 CGI_10004610 CGI_10004610 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1 CGI_10004610 CGI_10004610 nucleus C LINE_L1 CGI_10004610 CGI_10004610 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004611 CGI_10004611 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004623 CGI_10004623 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004624 CGI_10004624 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004624 CGI_10004624 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004624 CGI_10004624 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004624 CGI_10004624 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004624 CGI_10004624 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004624 CGI_10004624 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004624 CGI_10004624 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004625 CGI_10004625 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004625 CGI_10004625 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004626 CGI_10004626 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004628 CGI_10004628 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004628 CGI_10004628 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004628 CGI_10004628 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004628 CGI_10004628 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004629 CGI_10004629 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004635 CGI_10004635 other membranes C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeletal activity F LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeletal activity F LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeletal activity F LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeletal activity F LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeleton C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeleton C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeleton C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 cytoskeleton C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 other cellular component C LTR_DIRS CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004644 CGI_10004644 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004647 CGI_10004647 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004649 CGI_10004649 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004650 CGI_10004650 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004654 CGI_10004654 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004656 CGI_10004656 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 LINE_L2 CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 LINE_L2 CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 LINE_L2 CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004662 CGI_10004662 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004664 CGI_10004664 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organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004665 CGI_10004665 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004667 CGI_10004667 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004667 CGI_10004667 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004667 CGI_10004667 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 cell adhesion P 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non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004670 CGI_10004670 other molecular 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CGI_10004684 CGI_10004684 transporter activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other membranes C LINE_L2 CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other metabolic processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 plasma membrane C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 plasma membrane C LINE_L2 CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transport P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004688 CGI_10004688 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004690 CGI_10004690 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004692 CGI_10004692 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other metabolic processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004698 CGI_10004698 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 death P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 nucleus C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other membranes C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004703 CGI_10004703 stress response P LTR_Pao CGI_10004713 CGI_10004713 RC_Helitron CGI_10004721 CGI_10004721 cell organization and biogenesis P RC_Helitron CGI_10004721 CGI_10004721 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CGI_10004756 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004756 CGI_10004756 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004760 CGI_10004760 stress response P DNA_hAT CGI_10004761 CGI_10004761 cytoskeletal activity F DNA_hAT CGI_10004761 CGI_10004761 cytoskeletal activity F DNA_hAT CGI_10004761 CGI_10004761 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT CGI_10004761 CGI_10004761 cytoskeleton C DNA_hAT CGI_10004761 CGI_10004761 other cellular component C DNA_hAT CGI_10004761 CGI_10004761 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004764 CGI_10004764 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004764 CGI_10004764 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X 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transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004768 CGI_10004768 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004768 CGI_10004768 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004768 CGI_10004768 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004774 CGI_10004774 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004774 CGI_10004774 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004774 CGI_10004774 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004774 CGI_10004774 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004774 CGI_10004774 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004774 CGI_10004774 protein metabolism P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell adhesion P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 cell organization and biogenesis P LTR_ERV1 CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other cellular component C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other membranes C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 other molecular function F LTR_ERV1 CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 plasma membrane C LTR_ERV1 CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004777 CGI_10004777 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 CGI_10004779 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004779 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CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004794 CGI_10004794 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat 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CGI_10004803 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004803 CGI_10004803 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004803 CGI_10004803 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004816 CGI_10004816 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extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004818 CGI_10004818 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004818 CGI_10004818 non-structural extracellular C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004818 CGI_10004818 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004818 CGI_10004818 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004818 CGI_10004818 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004818 CGI_10004818 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004818 CGI_10004818 non-structural extracellular C LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004823 CGI_10004823 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10004823 CGI_10004823 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004823 CGI_10004823 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004826 CGI_10004826 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004826 CGI_10004826 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004826 CGI_10004826 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004826 CGI_10004826 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004826 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CGI_10004828 nucleus C LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10004828 CGI_10004828 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004830 CGI_10004830 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004830 CGI_10004830 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004830 CGI_10004830 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004830 CGI_10004830 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004830 CGI_10004830 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004830 CGI_10004830 death P 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CGI_10004875 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10004875 CGI_10004875 RNA metabolism P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 cell adhesion P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 non-structural extracellular C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 protein metabolism P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004879 CGI_10004879 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004884 CGI_10004884 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004884 CGI_10004884 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004884 CGI_10004884 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10004884 CGI_10004884 other metabolic processes P 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metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005002 CGI_10005002 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005002 CGI_10005002 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005003 CGI_10005003 transcription regulatory activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 cell adhesion P LINE_L2 CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_L2 CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 cell-cell signaling P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 cell-cell signaling P LINE_L2 CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 developmental processes P LINE_L2 CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 extracellular matrix C LINE_L2 CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 non-structural extracellular C LINE_L2 CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005014 CGI_10005014 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005018 CGI_10005018 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005021 CGI_10005021 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005021 CGI_10005021 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005021 CGI_10005021 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005021 CGI_10005021 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005021 CGI_10005021 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005021 CGI_10005021 cell 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CGI_10005034 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other membranes C DNA_IS4EU CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other metabolic processes P DNA_IS4EU CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005034 CGI_10005034 other molecular function F 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CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005037 CGI_10005037 stress response P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 kinase activity F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-BovB CGI_10005041 CGI_10005041 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005042 CGI_10005042 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005058 CGI_10005058 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005062 CGI_10005062 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005063 CGI_10005063 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005063 CGI_10005063 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005063 CGI_10005063 other molecular function F LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 cell adhesion P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 cytoskeleton C LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 death P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 developmental processes P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 other biological processes P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 other cellular component C LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 other membranes C LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 other metabolic processes P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 other molecular function F LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 plasma membrane C LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 protein metabolism P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 signal transduction P LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 signal transduction activity F LINE_Jockey CGI_10005072 CGI_10005072 stress response P LINE_L1 CGI_10005075 CGI_10005075 protein metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005075 CGI_10005075 protein metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10005075 CGI_10005075 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005083 CGI_10005083 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005087 CGI_10005087 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005087 CGI_10005087 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005087 CGI_10005087 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005087 CGI_10005087 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005089 CGI_10005089 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005089 CGI_10005089 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005089 CGI_10005089 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005094 CGI_10005094 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005094 CGI_10005094 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005094 CGI_10005094 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005095 CGI_10005095 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005095 CGI_10005095 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005097 CGI_10005097 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005097 CGI_10005097 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005097 CGI_10005097 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005097 CGI_10005097 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005097 CGI_10005097 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005107 CGI_10005107 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005108 CGI_10005108 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005108 CGI_10005108 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005108 CGI_10005108 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005111 CGI_10005111 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005111 CGI_10005111 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005111 CGI_10005111 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005111 CGI_10005111 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005111 CGI_10005111 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005111 CGI_10005111 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005111 CGI_10005111 transporter activity F DNA_Academ CGI_10005112 CGI_10005112 other membranes C DNA_Academ CGI_10005112 CGI_10005112 plasma membrane C DNA_Academ CGI_10005112 CGI_10005112 signal transduction P DNA_Academ CGI_10005112 CGI_10005112 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005114 CGI_10005114 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 enzyme regulator activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 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CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005126 CGI_10005126 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005127 CGI_10005127 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005127 CGI_10005127 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005127 CGI_10005127 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005127 CGI_10005127 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005128 CGI_10005128 transport P DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 cell adhesion P DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 cell adhesion P DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 other cellular component C DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 other cellular component C DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 other membranes C DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 other membranes C DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 plasma membrane C DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 plasma membrane C DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 transport P DNA_PiggyBac CGI_10005137 CGI_10005137 transport P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 cytosol C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 cytosol C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 cytosol C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 cytosol C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 nucleus C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other cellular component C DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other metabolic processes P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other metabolic processes P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other metabolic processes P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other metabolic processes P DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other molecular function F DNA_Harbinger CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005140 CGI_10005140 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005142 CGI_10005142 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005143 CGI_10005143 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005143 CGI_10005143 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005143 CGI_10005143 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005143 CGI_10005143 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005143 CGI_10005143 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005144 CGI_10005144 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005149 CGI_10005149 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 developmental processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 ER/Golgi C LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 non-structural extracellular C LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other biological processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other cellular component C LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other membranes C LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other metabolic processes P LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 other molecular function F LINE_Penelope CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005150 CGI_10005150 protein metabolism P LTR_Copia CGI_10005154 CGI_10005154 DNA metabolism P LTR_Copia CGI_10005154 CGI_10005154 nucleic acid binding activity F LTR_Copia CGI_10005154 CGI_10005154 other biological processes P LTR_Copia CGI_10005154 CGI_10005154 other cellular component C LTR_Copia CGI_10005154 CGI_10005154 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005155 CGI_10005155 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005156 CGI_10005156 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005156 CGI_10005156 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005156 CGI_10005156 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005156 CGI_10005156 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005156 CGI_10005156 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005156 CGI_10005156 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005156 CGI_10005156 transporter activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005157 CGI_10005157 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005157 CGI_10005157 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005157 CGI_10005157 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005157 CGI_10005157 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Marin CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 ER/Golgi C DNA_TcMar-Marin CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 other biological processes P DNA_TcMar-Marin CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 other membranes C DNA_TcMar-Marin CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 other molecular function F DNA_TcMar-Marin CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005162 CGI_10005162 protein metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10005168 CGI_10005168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005168 CGI_10005168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005168 CGI_10005168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005168 CGI_10005168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005168 CGI_10005168 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005168 CGI_10005168 other cellular component C DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell adhesion P DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 ER/Golgi C DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular matrix C DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 extracellular structural activity F DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 non-structural extracellular C DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 other biological processes P DNA_MuDR CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005171 CGI_10005171 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005172 CGI_10005172 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005172 CGI_10005172 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005172 CGI_10005172 non-structural extracellular C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005172 CGI_10005172 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005172 CGI_10005172 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005172 CGI_10005172 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005175 CGI_10005175 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cell organization and biogenesis P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytoskeleton C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 DNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 other cellular component C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005179 CGI_10005179 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005185 CGI_10005185 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005185 CGI_10005185 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005185 CGI_10005185 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005185 CGI_10005185 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005185 CGI_10005185 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005185 CGI_10005185 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005186 CGI_10005186 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005196 CGI_10005196 other molecular function F DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleic acid binding activity F DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 nucleus C DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other biological processes P DNA_hAT-Ac CGI_10005199 CGI_10005199 other molecular 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CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LTR_Copia CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other biological processes P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other cellular component C LINE_L1-Tx1 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molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other molecular function F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C LTR_Copia CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 plasma membrane C LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 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CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LTR_Copia CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 signal transduction activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LTR_Copia CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LTR_Gypsy CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P LTR_Gypsy-Cigr CGI_10005250 CGI_10005250 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat 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C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat 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CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005252 CGI_10005252 transcription regulatory activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005253 CGI_10005253 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005254 CGI_10005254 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005254 CGI_10005254 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005254 CGI_10005254 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005254 CGI_10005254 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005254 CGI_10005254 RNA metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005255 CGI_10005255 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005255 CGI_10005255 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005255 CGI_10005255 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005255 CGI_10005255 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005267 CGI_10005267 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005267 CGI_10005267 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005267 CGI_10005267 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005267 CGI_10005267 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005267 CGI_10005267 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005267 CGI_10005267 other molecular function F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 DNA metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 DNA metabolism P LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 DNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 DNA metabolism P LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleic acid binding activity F LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleus C LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleus C LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 nucleus C LINE_L1-Tx1 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 stress response P LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 stress response P LINE_L2 CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005268 CGI_10005268 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005277 CGI_10005277 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005277 CGI_10005277 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005277 CGI_10005277 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005277 CGI_10005277 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 cell cycle and proliferation P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 cell organization and biogenesis P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 cell-cell signaling P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 death P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 developmental processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 nucleus C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 other biological processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 other cellular component C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 other membranes C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 other metabolic processes P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 other molecular function F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 plasma membrane C DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 protein metabolism P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 signal transduction P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 signal transduction activity F DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 stress response P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 transport P DNA_Kolobok CGI_10005281 CGI_10005281 transporter activity F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cell cycle and proliferation P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 cytosol C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 death P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 developmental processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 mitochondrion C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 nucleus C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other biological processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other biological processes P 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CGI_10005285 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other membranes C LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other metabolic processes P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 other molecular function F LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 protein metabolism P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 signal transduction P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P LINE_RTE-X CGI_10005285 CGI_10005285 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 cell adhesion P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005291 CGI_10005291 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005294 CGI_10005294 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005294 CGI_10005294 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005294 CGI_10005294 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005294 CGI_10005294 other cellular component C LTR_Copia CGI_10005295 CGI_10005295 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005295 CGI_10005295 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005295 CGI_10005295 other molecular function F LTR_Copia CGI_10005295 CGI_10005295 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005295 CGI_10005295 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005295 CGI_10005295 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 nucleus C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 RNA metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005296 CGI_10005296 stress response P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005297 CGI_10005297 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 cytoskeletal activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 cytoskeleton C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 signal transduction P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005301 CGI_10005301 transport P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005303 CGI_10005303 nucleic acid binding activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005303 CGI_10005303 nucleus Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005303 CGI_10005303 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005303 CGI_10005303 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005303 CGI_10005303 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 cell organization and biogenesis P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 developmental processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 ER/Golgi C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 other biological processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 other cellular component C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 other cytoplasmic organelle C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 plasma membrane C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 signal transduction activity F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005308 CGI_10005308 transport P LINE_L2 CGI_10005309 CGI_10005309 death P LINE_L2 CGI_10005309 CGI_10005309 other cellular component C LINE_L2 CGI_10005309 CGI_10005309 other molecular function F LINE_L2 CGI_10005309 CGI_10005309 protein metabolism P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005312 CGI_10005312 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005312 CGI_10005312 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005312 CGI_10005312 other membranes C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005314 CGI_10005314 Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005314 CGI_10005314 cytosol C Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005314 CGI_10005314 other metabolic processes P Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005314 CGI_10005314 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005336 CGI_10005336 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005336 CGI_10005336 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005336 CGI_10005336 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005336 CGI_10005336 other molecular function F Tandem_Repeat CGI_10005336