Encoding: latin1 Package: RVAideMemoire Type: Package Title: Diverse basic statistical and graphical functions Version: 0.9-40 Date: 2014-09-27 Author: Maxime Hervé Maintainer: Maxime Hervé Imports: ade4, boot, car, lme4 (>= 1.0-4), lsmeans (>= 2.0.1), MASS, mixOmics (>= 5.0.2), multcomp, statmod, stats Suggests: ordinal, survival Description: This package contains diverse more or less complicated functions, written to simplify user's life: simplifications of existing functions, basic but not implemented tests, easy-to-use tools, bridges between functions of different packages... All functions are presented in the French book 'Aide-memoire de statistique appliquee a la biologie', written by the same author and available on CRAN. License: GPL-2 LazyLoad: yes Packaged: 2014-09-27 08:07:51 UTC; Maxime NeedsCompilation: no Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2014-09-27 12:19:55 Built: R 3.0.3; ; 2014-10-31 07:51:16 UTC; windows