library(inline) library(RcppEigen) incl <- ' using Eigen::LLT; using Eigen::Lower; using Eigen::Map; using Eigen::MatrixXd; using Eigen::MatrixXi; using Eigen::Upper; using Eigen::VectorXd; typedef Map MapMatd; typedef Map MapMati; typedef Map MapVecd; inline MatrixXd AtA(const MatrixXd& A) { int n(A.cols()); return MatrixXd(n,n).setZero().selfadjointView() .rankUpdate(A.adjoint()); } inline MatrixXd AAt(const MatrixXd& A) { int n(A.cols()); return MatrixXd(n,n).setZero().selfadjointView() .rankUpdate(A); } ' ## section 3.1 (A <- matrix(1:6, ncol=2)) str(A) transCpp <-' using Eigen::Map; using Eigen::MatrixXi; // Map the integer matrix AA from R const Map A(as >(AA)); // evaluate and return the transpose of A const MatrixXi At(A.transpose()); return wrap(At); ' ftrans <- cxxfunction(signature(AA="matrix"), transCpp, plugin="RcppEigen") (At <- ftrans(A)) stopifnot(all.equal(At, t(A))) ## section 3.2 prodCpp <- ' typedef Eigen::Map MapMati; const MapMati B(as(BB)); const MapMati C(as(CC)); return List::create(Named("B %*% C") = B * C, Named("crossprod(B, C)") = B.adjoint() * C); ' fprod <- cxxfunction(signature(BB = "matrix", CC = "matrix"), prodCpp, "RcppEigen") B <- matrix(1:4, ncol=2) C <- matrix(6:1, nrow=2) str(fp <- fprod(B, C)) stopifnot(all.equal(fp[[1]], B %*% C), all.equal(fp[[2]], crossprod(B, C))) ## section 3.3 crossprodCpp <- ' using Eigen::Map; using Eigen::MatrixXi; using Eigen::Lower; const Map A(as >(AA)); const int m(A.rows()), n(A.cols()); MatrixXi AtA(MatrixXi(n, n).setZero(). selfadjointView().rankUpdate(A.adjoint())); MatrixXi AAt(MatrixXi(m, m).setZero(). selfadjointView().rankUpdate(A)); return List::create(Named("crossprod(A)") = AtA, Named("tcrossprod(A)") = AAt); ' fcprd <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "matrix"), crossprodCpp, "RcppEigen") str(crp <- fcprd(A)) stopifnot(all.equal(crp[[1]], crossprod(A)), all.equal(crp[[2]], tcrossprod(A))) ## section 3.4 storage.mode(A) <- "double" cholCpp <- ' const LLT llt(AtA(as(AA))); return List::create(Named("L") = MatrixXd(llt.matrixL()), Named("R") = MatrixXd(llt.matrixU())); ' fchol <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "matrix"), cholCpp, "RcppEigen", incl) (ll <- fchol(A)) stopifnot(all.equal(ll[[2]], chol(crossprod(A)))) # section 3.5 cholDetCpp <- ' const MatrixXd ata(AtA(as(AA))); const double detL(MatrixXd(ata.llt().matrixL()).diagonal().prod()); const VectorXd Dvec(ata.ldlt().vectorD()); return List::create(Named("d1") = detL * detL, Named("d2") =, Named("ld") = Dvec.array().log().sum()); ' fdet <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "matrix"), cholDetCpp, "RcppEigen", incl) unlist(ll <- fdet(A)) ## section 4.1 lltLSCpp <- ' const MapMatd X(as(XX)); const MapVecd y(as(yy)); const int n(X.rows()), p(X.cols()); const LLT llt(AtA(X)); const VectorXd betahat(llt.solve(X.adjoint() * y)); const VectorXd fitted(X * betahat); const VectorXd resid(y - fitted); const int df(n - p); const double ssq(resid.squaredNorm() / double(df)); const MatrixXd vcov(ssq * llt.solve(MatrixXd::Identity(p, p))); return List::create(Named("coefficients") = betahat, Named("fitted.values") = fitted, Named("residuals") = resid, Named("s") = sqrt(ssq), Named("df.residual") = df, Named("rank") = p, Named("vcov") = vcov); ' lltLS <- cxxfunction(signature(XX = "matrix", yy = "numeric"), lltLSCpp, "RcppEigen", incl) data(trees, package="datasets") str(lltFit <- with(trees, lltLS(cbind(1, log(Girth)), log(Volume)))) str(lmFit <- with(trees,, log(Girth)), log(Volume)))) for (nm in c("coefficients", "residuals", "fitted.values", "rank")) stopifnot(all.equal(lltFit[[nm]], unname(lmFit[[nm]]))) stopifnot(all.equal(unname(vcov(lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), trees))), lltFit$vcov)) ## section 4.3 dd <- data.frame(f1 = gl(4, 6, labels = LETTERS[1:4]), f2 = gl(3, 2, labels = letters[1:3]))[-(7:8), ] xtabs(~ f2 + f1, dd) # one missing cell mm <- model.matrix(~ f1 * f2, dd) kappa(mm) # large condition number, indicating rank deficiency rcond(mm) # alternative evaluation, the reciprocal condition number (c(rank=qr(mm)$rank, p=ncol(mm))) # rank as computed in R's qr function set.seed(1) dd$y <- mm %*% seq_len(ncol(mm)) + rnorm(nrow(mm), sd = 0.1) # lm detects the rank deficiency fm1 <- lm(y ~ f1 * f2, dd) writeLines(capture.output(print(summary(fm1), signif.stars=FALSE))[9:22]) ## section 4.6 print(summary(fmPQR <- fastLm(y ~ f1 * f2, dd)), signif.stars=FALSE) all.equal(coef(fm1), coef(fmPQR)) all.equal(unname(fitted(fm1)), fitted(fmPQR)) all.equal(unname(residuals(fm1)), residuals(fmPQR)) print(summary(fmSVD <- fastLm(y ~ f1 * f2, dd, method=4L)), signif.stars=FALSE) all.equal(coef(fm1), coef(fmSVD)) all.equal(unname(fitted(fm1)), fitted(fmSVD)) all.equal(unname(residuals(fm1)), residuals(fmSVD)) fmVLV <- fastLm(y ~ f1 * f2, dd, method=5L) all.equal(coef(fmSVD), coef(fmVLV)) ## section 5 badtransCpp <- ' const MapMati A(as(AA)); return wrap(A.transpose()); ' Ai <- matrix(1:6, ncol=2L) ftrans2 <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "matrix"), badtransCpp, "RcppEigen", incl) (At <- ftrans2(Ai)) all.equal(At, t(Ai)) ## section 6 sparseProdCpp <- ' using Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix; using Eigen::SparseMatrix; const MappedSparseMatrix A(as >(AA)); const MapVecd y(as(yy)); const SparseMatrix At(A.adjoint()); return List::create(Named("At") = At, Named("Aty") = At * y); ' sparse1 <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "dgCMatrix", yy = "numeric"), sparseProdCpp, "RcppEigen", incl) data(KNex, package="Matrix") rr <- sparse1(KNex$mm, KNex$y) stopifnot(all.equal(rr$At, t(KNex$mm)), all.equal(rr$Aty, as.vector(crossprod(KNex$mm, KNex$y)))) sparseLSCpp <- ' typedef Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix MSpMat; typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix SpMat; typedef Eigen::SimplicialLDLT SpChol; const SpMat At(as(AA).adjoint()); const VectorXd Aty(At * as(yy)); const SpChol Ch(At * At.adjoint()); if ( != Eigen::Success) return R_NilValue; return List::create(Named("betahat") = Ch.solve(Aty), Named("perm") = Ch.permutationP().indices()); ' sparse2 <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "dgCMatrix", yy = "numeric"), sparseLSCpp, "RcppEigen", incl) str(rr <- sparse2(KNex$mm, KNex$y)) res <- as.vector(solve(Ch <- Cholesky(crossprod(KNex$mm)), crossprod(KNex$mm, KNex$y))) stopifnot(all.equal(rr$betahat, res)) all(rr$perm == Ch@perm) # fill-reducing permutations are different