Demonstrations for teaching and learning

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Documentation for package ‘TeachingDemos’ version 2.9

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B C D E F G H L M O P R S T U V W Z misc

TeachingDemos-package Various functions for demonstration and learning.

-- B --

bct Box-Cox Transforms

-- C --

cal Plot a month or year calendar
ccc Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit
char2seed Convert a character string into a random seed
chisq.detail Print details of a chi-squared test
ci.examp Plot examples of Confidence Intervals
clipplot Clip plotting to a rectangular region
clt.examp Plot Examples of the Central Limit Theorem
cnvrt.coords Convert between the 5 different coordinate sytems on a graphical device
coin.faces Designs for coin faces for use with plot.rgl.coin
col2gray Convert colors to grey/grayscale
col2grey Convert colors to grey/grayscale
cor.rect.plot Plot a visualization of the correlation using colored rectangles

-- D --

dice Simulate rolling dice
dots Create a quick dotchart (histogram)
dots2 Create a quick dotchart (histogram)
dynIdentify Interacively place labels for points in a plot

-- E --

emp.hpd Compute Highest Posterior Density Intervals
etxtComment Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
etxtPlot Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
etxtSkip Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
etxtStart Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
etxtStop Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
evap Data on soil evaporation.

-- F --

face2.plot Chernoff Faces
faces Chernoff Faces
faces2 Chernoff Faces
fagan.plot Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests
flip.rgl.coin Animated die roll or coin flip

-- G --

gp.close Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot
gp.plot Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot
gp.send Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot
gp.splot Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot

-- H --

h2h Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit
hpd Compute Highest Posterior Density Intervals
HTKidentify Show label for point being Hovered over.
HWidentify Show label for point being Hovered over.

-- L --

lattice.demo Interactively explore the conditioned panels in lattice plots.
ldsgrowth Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
loess.demo Demonstrate the internals of loess curve fits

-- M --

mdtxtComment Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
mdtxtPlot Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
mdtxtSkip Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
mdtxtStart Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
mdtxtStop Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
mle.demo Demonstrate the basic concept of Maximum Likelihood Estimation
ms.arrows Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.face Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.female Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.filled.polygon Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.image Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.male Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.polygon Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.polygram Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
ms.sunflowers Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols
my.symbols Draw Symbols (User Defined) on a Plot

-- O --

outliers Outliers data

-- P --

pairs2 Create part of a scatterplot matrix
panel.dice Simulate rolling dice Draw Symbols (User Defined) on a Lattice Plot
petals Play the Petals Around the Rose game
plot.dice Simulate rolling dice
plot2script Create a script from the current plot
plotFagan Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests
plotFagan.old Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests
plotFagan2 Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests
plotFagan2.old Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests
power.examp Graphically illustrate the concept of power.
power.refresh Graphically illustrate the concept of power.
Predict.Plot Plot predicted values from a model against one of the predictors for a given value of the othe predictors
prepanel.dice Simulate rolling dice
put.points.demo Demonstrate Correlation and Regression by placing and moving data points
Pvalue.binom.sim Simulate P-values
Pvalue.norm.sim Simulate P-values

-- R --

rgl.coin Animated die roll or coin flip
rgl.die Animated die roll or coin flip
rgl.Map Plot a map in an rgl window
roc.demo Demonstrate ROC curves by interactively building one
roll.rgl.die Animated die roll or coin flip Interactively rotate 3D plots
rotate.persp Interactively rotate 3D plots
rotate.wireframe Interactively rotate 3D plots Plot examples of Confidence Intervals
run.cor.examp Interactively demonstrate correlations
run.cor2.examp Interactively demonstrate correlations
run.hist.demo Create a histogram and interactively change the number of bars.
run.old.cor.examp Interactively demonstrate correlations
run.old.cor2.examp Interactively demonstrate correlations
run.power.examp Graphically illustrate the concept of power.
run.power.examp.old Graphically illustrate the concept of power.
run.Pvalue.binom.sim Simulate P-values
run.Pvalue.norm.sim Simulate P-values

-- S --

SensSpec.demo Demonstrate Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, and NPV
shadowtext Add text to a plot with a contrasting background.
sigma.test One sample Chi-square test for a population variance
simfun Create a function to simulate data
slider slider / button control widgets
sliderv Create a Tk slider window
SnowsCorrectlySizedButOtherwiseUselessTestOfAnything Snow's Correctly Sized But Otherwise Useless Test of Anything
SnowsPenultimateNormalityTest Test the uninteresting question of whether the data represents an exact normal distribution.
spread.labs Spread out close points for labeling in plots
squishplot Squish the plotting area to a specified aspect ratio
stork Neyman's Stork data
subplot Embed a new plot within an existing plot

-- T --

TeachingDemos Various functions for demonstration and learning.
TkApprox Plot a set of data in a Tk window and interactively move lines to see predicted y-values corresponding to selected x-values.
tkBrush Change the Color and Styles of points interactively
TkBuildDist Interactively create a probability distribution.
TkBuildDist2 Interactively create a probability distribution.
tkexamp Create Tk dialog boxes with controls to show examples of changing parameters on a graph.
TkIdentify Interacively place labels for points in a plot
TkListView Interactivly view structures of list and list like objects.
TkPredict Plot predicted values from a model against one of the predictors for a given value of the othe predictors
TkSpline Plot a set of data in a Tk window and interactively move a line to see predicted y-values from a spline fit corresponding to selected x-values.
towork Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit
tree.demo Interactively demonstrate regression trees
triplot Create or add to a Trilinear Plot
txtComment Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
txtSkip Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
txtStart Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
txtStop Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.

-- U --

updateusr Updates the 'usr' coordinates in the current plot.
USCrimes US Crime Statistics

-- V --

vis.binom Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters.
vis.boxcox Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations
vis.boxcox.old Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations
vis.boxcoxu Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations
vis.boxcoxu.old Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations
vis.gamma Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters.
vis.normal Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters.
vis.t Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters.
vis.test Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong.
vt.normhist Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong.
vt.qqnorm Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong.
vt.residpermute Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong.
vt.residsim Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong.
vt.scatterpermute Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong.
vt.tspermute Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong.

-- W --

wdtxtComment Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
wdtxtPlot Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
wdtxtSkip Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
wdtxtStart Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
wdtxtStop Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.

-- Z --

z.test Z test for known population standard deviation
zoomplot Zoom or unzoom an existing plot in the plot window

-- misc --

%<% Less than or Less than and equal operators that can be chained together.
%<=% Less than or Less than and equal operators that can be chained together.