Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z misc

VGAM-package Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models

-- A --

AA.Aa.aa The AA-Aa-aa Blood Group System
AB.Ab.aB.ab The AB-Ab-aB-ab Blood Group System
AB.Ab.aB.ab2 The AB-Ab-aB-ab2 Blood Group System
ABO The ABO Blood Group System
acat Ordinal Regression with Adjacent Categories Probabilities
AICcao Akaike's Information Criterion
AICqrrvglm Akaike's Information Criterion
AICrrvglm Akaike's Information Criterion
AICvgam Akaike's Information Criterion
AICvlm Akaike's Information Criterion
alaplace1 Asymmetric Laplace Distribution Family Functions
alaplace2 Asymmetric Laplace Distribution Family Functions
alaplace3 Asymmetric Laplace Distribution Family Functions
alclevels Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
alcoff Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
Amh Ali-Mikhail-Haq Bivariate Distribution
amh Ali-Mikhail-Haq Distribution Family Function
amlbinomial Binomial Logistic Regression by Asymmetric Maximum Likelihood Estimation
amlexponential Exponential Regression by Asymmetric Maximum Likelihood Estimation
amlnormal Asymmetric Least Squares Quantile Regression
amlpoisson Poisson Regression by Asymmetric Maximum Likelihood Estimation
as.character.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object Create a Survival Object
auuc Auckland University Undergraduate Counts Data
aux.posbernoulli.t Auxiliary Function for the Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Time Effects

-- B --

backPain Data on Back Pain Prognosis, from Anderson (1984)
beggs Bacon and Eggs Data
Benford Benford's Distribution
Benini The Benini Distribution
benini Benini Distribution Family Function
beta.ab The Two-parameter Beta Distribution Family Function
Betabinom The Beta-Binomial Distribution
betabinomial Beta-binomial Distribution Family Function
betabinomial.ab Beta-binomial Distribution Family Function
betaff The Two-parameter Beta Distribution Family Function
Betageom The Beta-Geometric Distribution
betageometric Beta-geometric Distribution Family Function
betaII Beta Distribution of the Second Kind
Betanorm The Beta-Normal Distribution
betaprime The Beta-Prime Distribution
biclaytoncop Clayton Copula (Bivariate) Family Function
BICvgam Bayesian Information Criterion
BICvlm Bayesian Information Criterion
bifrankcop Frank's Bivariate Distribution Family Function
bigamma.mckay Bivariate Gamma: McKay's Distribution
bigumbelI Gumbel's Type I Bivariate Distribution Family Function
bilogis4 Bivariate Logistic Distribution
bilogistic4 Bivariate Logistic Distribution Family Function
Binom2.or Bivariate Binary Regression with an Odds Ratio
binom2.or Bivariate Binary Regression with an Odds Ratio (Family Function)
Binom2.rho Bivariate Probit Model
binom2.Rho Bivariate Probit Model (Family Function)
binom2.rho Bivariate Probit Model (Family Function)
binomialff Binomial Family Function
Binorm Bivariate normal distribution cumulative distribution function
binormal Bivariate normal distribution family function
binormalcop Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Family Function
Binormcop Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
biplot-method Biplot of Constrained Regression Models
biplot.rrvglm Latent Variable Plot for RR-VGLMs
Bisa The Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
bisa Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution Family Function
Bistudentt Bivariate Student-t distribution cumulative distribution function
bistudentt Bivariate Student-t Family Function Body Mass Index of New Zealand Adults Data
borel.tanner Borel-Tanner Distribution Family Function
Bort The Borel-Tanner Distribution
Brat Inputting Data to fit a Bradley Terry Model
brat Bradley Terry Model
bratt Bradley Terry Model With Ties

-- C --

calibrate Model Calibrations
calibrate-method Calibration for Constrained Regression Models
calibrate.qrrvglm Calibration for CQO and CAO models
calibrate.qrrvglm.control Control function for CQO/CAO calibration
cao Fitting Constrained Additive Ordination (CAO)
cao.control Control Function for RR-VGAMs (CAO)
Card Cardioid Distribution
cardioid Cardioid Distribution Family Function
cauchit Cauchit Link Function
cauchy Cauchy Distribution Family Function
cauchy1 Cauchy Distribution Family Function
ccoef Extract Model Constrained/Canonical Coefficients
ccoef-method Constrained (Canonical) Coefficients
cdf.lmscreg Cumulative Distribution Function for LMS Quantile Regression
cennormal Censored Normal Distribution
cennormal1 Censored Normal Distribution
cenpoisson Censored Poisson Family Function
cenrayleigh Rayleigh Distribution Family Function
cfibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Data
cgo Redirects the user to cqo
cgumbel Censored Gumbel Distribution Chest Pain in NZ Adults Data Chinese Population in New Zealand 1867-2001 Data
chisq Chi-squared Distribution
clo Redirects the user to rrvglm
cloglog Complementary Log-log Link Function
coalminers Breathlessness and Wheeze Amongst Coalminers Data
Coef Computes Model Coefficients and Quantities
Coef.qrrvglm Returns Important Matrices etc. of a QO Object
Coef.qrrvglm-class Class "Coef.qrrvglm"
Coef.rrvglm Returns Important Matrices etc. of a RR-VGLM Object
Coef.rrvglm-class Class "Coef.rrvglm"
Coef.vlm Extract Model Coefficients for VLM Objects
coefvlm Extract Model Coefficients
CommonVGAMffArguments Common VGAM family function Arguments
concoef Extract Model Constrained/Canonical Coefficients
concoef-method Constrained (Canonical) Coefficients
constraints Constraint Matrices
constraints.vlm Constraint Matrices
corbet Corbet's Butterfly Data
cqo Fitting Constrained Quadratic Ordination (CQO)
crashbc Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
crashf Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
crashi Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
crashmc Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
crashp Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
crashtr Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
cratio Ordinal Regression with Continuation Ratios
cumulative Ordinal Regression with Cumulative Probabilities

-- D --

Dagum The Dagum Distribution
dagum Dagum Distribution Family Function
dalap The Laplace Distribution
damh Ali-Mikhail-Haq Bivariate Distribution
dbenf Benford's Distribution
dbenini The Benini Distribution
dbetabinom The Beta-Binomial Distribution
dbetabinom.ab The Beta-Binomial Distribution
dbetageom The Beta-Geometric Distribution
dbetanorm The Beta-Normal Distribution
dbiclaytoncop Clayton Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
dbifrankcop Frank's Bivariate Distribution
dbilogis4 Bivariate Logistic Distribution
dbinom2.or Bivariate Binary Regression with an Odds Ratio
dbinom2.rho Bivariate Probit Model
dbinorm Bivariate normal distribution cumulative distribution function
dbinormcop Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
dbisa The Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
dbistudentt Bivariate Student-t distribution cumulative distribution function
dbort The Borel-Tanner Distribution
dcard Cardioid Distribution
ddagum The Dagum Distribution
deermice Captures of Peromyscus maniculatus, also known as deer mice.
deexp Expectiles of the Exponential Distribution
denorm Expectiles of the Normal Distribution
deplot.lmscreg Density Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
depvar Response variable extracted
deunif Expectiles of the Uniform Distribution
dexpgeom The Exponential Geometric Distribution
dexplog The Exponential Logarithmic Distribution
dexppois The Exponential Poisson Distribution
df.residual Residual Degrees-of-Freedom
df.residual_vlm Residual Degrees-of-Freedom
dfbeta Hat Values and Regression Deletion Diagnostics
dfbetavlm Hat Values and Regression Deletion Diagnostics
dfelix The Felix Distribution
dfgm Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution
dfisk The Fisk Distribution
dfoldnorm The Folded-Normal Distribution
dfrechet The Frechet Distribution
dgengamma The Generalized Gamma Distribution
dgenray The Generalized Rayleigh Distribution
dgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
dgompertz The Gompertz Distribution
dgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
dgumbel The Gumbel Distribution
dgumbelII The Gumbel-II Distribution
dhuber Huber's least favourable distribution
dhzeta Haight's Zeta Distribution
dinv.gaussian The Inverse Gaussian Distribution
dinvlomax The Inverse Lomax Distribution
dinvparalogistic The Inverse Paralogistic Distribution
dirichlet Fitting a Dirichlet Distribution
dirmul.old Fitting a Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
dirmultinomial Fitting a Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
dkoenker Expectiles/Quantiles of the Koenker Distribution
dkumar The Kumaraswamy Distribution
dlaplace The Laplace Distribution
dlgamma The Log-Gamma Distribution
dlind The Lindley Distribution
dlino The Generalized Beta Distribution (Libby and Novick, 1982)
dlog Logarithmic Distribution
dlogF log F Distribution
dloglap The Log-Laplace Distribution
dlomax The Lomax Distribution
dmakeham The Makeham Distribution
dmaxwell The Maxwell Distribution
dnaka Nakagami Distribution
double.cennormal Univariate Normal Distribution with Double Censoring
double.expbinomial Double Exponential Binomial Distribution Family Function
dparalogistic The Paralogistic Distribution
dpareto The Pareto Distribution
dparetoI The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
dparetoII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
dparetoIII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
dparetoIV The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
dperks The Perks Distribution
dplack Plackett's Bivariate Distribution
dpois.points Poisson Points Distribution
dpolono The Poisson Lognormal Distribution
dposbern Positive Bernoulli Sequence Model
dposbinom Positive-Binomial Distribution
dposgeom Positive-geometric Distribution
dposnegbin Positive-Negative Binomial Distribution
dposnorm The Positive-Normal Distribution
dpospois Positive-Poisson Distribution
drayleigh The Rayleigh Distribution
drice The Rice Distribution
dsimplex Simplex Distribution
dsinmad The Singh-Maddala Distribution
dskellam The Skellam Distribution
dskewnorm Skew-Normal Distribution
dslash Slash Distribution
dtikuv A Short-tailed Symmetric Distribution
dtobit The Tobit Distribution
dtriangle The Triangle Distribution
dtruncpareto The Truncated Pareto Distribution
dyules Yule-Simon Distribution
dzabinom Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
dzageom Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
dzanegbin Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
dzapois Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
dzeta The Zeta Distribution
dzibinom Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution
dzigeom Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution
dzinegbin Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
dzipf The Zipf Distribution
dzipois Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution

-- E --

edhuber Huber's least favourable distribution
eexp Expectiles of the Exponential Distribution
egev Generalized Extreme Value Distribution Family Function
egumbel Gumbel Distribution Family Function
elogit Logit Link Function
enorm Expectiles of the Normal Distribution
enzyme Enzyme Data
erf Error Function
erlang Erlang Distribution
eunif Expectiles of the Uniform Distribution
Expectiles-Exponential Expectiles of the Exponential Distribution
Expectiles-Koenker Expectiles/Quantiles of the Koenker Distribution
Expectiles-Normal Expectiles of the Normal Distribution
Expectiles-Uniform Expectiles of the Uniform Distribution
expexp Exponentiated Exponential Distribution
expexp1 Exponentiated Exponential Distribution
expexpint The Exponential Integral and Variants
expgeom The Exponential Geometric Distribution
expgeometric Exponential Geometric Distribution Family Function
expint The Exponential Integral and Variants
expint.E1 The Exponential Integral and Variants
explink Exponential Link Function
explog The Exponential Logarithmic Distribution
explogff Exponential Logarithmic Distribution Family Function
exponential Exponential Distribution
exppois The Exponential Poisson Distribution
exppoisson Exponential Poisson Distribution Family Function

-- F --

Felix The Felix Distribution
felix Felix Distribution Family Function
fff F Distribution Family Function
Fgm Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution
fgm Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution Family Function
fill Creates a Matrix of Appropriate Dimension
fill1 Creates a Matrix of Appropriate Dimension
finney44 Toxicity trial for insects
fisherz Fisher's Z Link Function
Fisk The Fisk Distribution
fisk Fisk Distribution family function
fitted.values.vlm Fitted Values of a VLM object
fittedvlm Fitted Values of a VLM object
Foldnorm The Folded-Normal Distribution
foldnormal Folded Normal Distribution Family Function
format.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object
Frank Frank's Bivariate Distribution
Frechet The Frechet Distribution
frechet2 Frechet Distribution Family Function
freund61 Freund's (1961) Bivariate Extension of the Exponential Distribution
fsqrt Folded Square Root Link Function

-- G --

G1G2G3 The G1G2G3 Blood Group System
gamma1 1-parameter Gamma Distribution
gamma2 2-parameter Gamma Distribution
gamma2.ab 2-parameter Gamma Distribution
gammahyp Gamma Hyperbola Bivariate Distribution
garma GARMA (Generalized Autoregressive Moving-Average) Models
gaussianff Gaussian (normal) Family Function
genbetaII Generalized Beta Distribution of the Second Kind
gengamma Generalized Gamma distribution family function
gengammaUC The Generalized Gamma Distribution
genpoisson Generalized Poisson distribution
genray The Generalized Rayleigh Distribution
genrayleigh Generalized Rayleigh Distribution Family Function
geometric Geometric (Truncated and Untruncated) Distributions Retrieve One Component of ".smart.prediction" Retrieves ".smart.prediction"
gev Generalized Extreme Value Distribution Family Function
gevUC The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
gew General Electric and Westinghouse Data
golf Gamma-Ordinal Link Function
Gompertz The Gompertz Distribution
gompertz Gompertz Distribution Family Function
gpd Generalized Pareto Distribution Family Function
gpdUC The Generalized Pareto Distribution Grain Prices Data in USA
grc Row-Column Interaction Models including Goodman's RC Association Model and Unconstrained Quadratic Ordination
gumbel Gumbel Distribution Family Function
Gumbel-II The Gumbel-II Distribution
gumbelII Gumbel-II Distribution Family Function
guplot Gumbel Plot
guplot.default Gumbel Plot
guplot.vlm Gumbel Plot

-- H --

hatplot Hat Values and Regression Deletion Diagnostics
hatplot.vlm Hat Values and Regression Deletion Diagnostics
hatvalues Hat Values and Regression Deletion Diagnostics
hatvaluesvlm Hat Values and Regression Deletion Diagnostics
hormone Hormone Assay Data
hspider Hunting Spider Data
huber1 Huber's least favourable distribution family function
huber2 Huber's least favourable distribution family function
Huggins89.t1 Table 1 of Huggins (1989)
Huggins89table1 Table 1 of Huggins (1989)
hunua Hunua Ranges Data
hyperg Hypergeometric Family Function
hypersecant Hyperbolic Secant Distribution Family Function
hypersecant.1 Hyperbolic Secant Distribution Family Function
Hzeta Haight's Zeta Distribution
hzeta Haight's Zeta Family Function

-- I --

iam Index from Array to Matrix
identitylink Identity Link Function
Inv.gaussian The Inverse Gaussian Distribution
inv.gaussianff Inverse Gaussian Distribution Family Function
invbinomial Inverse Binomial Distribution Family Function
Invlomax The Inverse Lomax Distribution
invlomax Inverse Lomax Distribution Family Function
Invparalogistic The Inverse Paralogistic Distribution
invparalogistic Inverse Paralogistic Distribution Family Function Create a Survival Object
is.parallel Parallelism Constraint Matrices
is.parallel.matrix Parallelism Constraint Matrices
is.parallel.vglm Parallelism Constraint Matrices Test For a Smart Object
is.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object Zero Constraint Matrices Zero Constraint Matrices Zero Constraint Matrices

-- K --

kendall.tau Kendall's Tau Statistic
koenker Koenker's Distribution Family Function
Kumar The Kumaraswamy Distribution
kumar Kumaraswamy Distribution Family Function

-- L --

lakeO Annual catches on Lake Otamangakau from October 1974 to October 1989
lambertW The Lambert W function
laplace Laplace Distribution
latvar Latent Variables
leipnik Leipnik Distribution Family Function
lerch Lerch Phi Function
leukemia Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Survival Data
levy Levy Distribution Family Function
lgamma3ff Log-gamma Distribution Family Function
lgammaff Log-gamma Distribution Family Function
lgammaUC The Log-Gamma Distribution
Lindley The Lindley Distribution
lindley 1-parameter Gamma Distribution
Links Link functions for VGLM/VGAM/etc. families
Lino The Generalized Beta Distribution (Libby and Novick, 1982)
lino Generalized Beta Distribution Family Function
lirat Low-iron Rat Teratology Data LMS Quantile Regression with a Box-Cox transformation to a Gamma Distribution LMS Quantile Regression with a Box-Cox Transformation to Normality
lms.yjn LMS Quantile Regression with a Yeo-Johnson Transformation to Normality
lms.yjn2 LMS Quantile Regression with a Yeo-Johnson Transformation to Normality
Log Logarithmic Distribution
log1pexp Logarithms with an Unit Offset and Exponential Term
logc Complementary-log Link Function
loge Log link function, and variants
logF Natural Exponential Family Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distribution Family Function
logff Logarithmic Distribution
logistic Logistic Distribution Family Function
logistic1 Logistic Distribution Family Function
logistic2 Logistic Distribution Family Function
logit Logit Link Function
logitlaplace1 Log-Laplace and Logit-Laplace Distribution Family Functions
loglaplace1 Log-Laplace and Logit-Laplace Distribution Family Functions
logLik.vlm Extract Log-likelihood for VGLMs/VGAMs/etc.
loglinb2 Loglinear Model for Two Binary Responses
loglinb3 Loglinear Model for Three Binary Responses
loglog Log-log Link Function
logneg Log link function, and variants
lognormal Lognormal Distribution
lognormal3 Lognormal Distribution
logoff Log link function with an offset
Lomax The Lomax Distribution
lomax Lomax Distribution Family Function
lqnorm Minimizing the L-q norm Family Function
lrtest Likelihood Ratio Test of Nested Models
lrtest_vglm Likelihood Ratio Test of Nested Models
lv Latent Variables
lvplot Latent Variable Plot
lvplot.qrrvglm Latent Variable Plot for QO models
lvplot.rrvglm Latent Variable Plot for RR-VGLMs

-- M --

machinists Machinists Accidents
Makeham The Makeham Distribution
makeham Makeham Distribution Family Function
margeff Marginal effects for the multinomial logit and cumulative models New Zealand Marital Data.
matched.binomial The Matched Binomial Distribution Family Function
Math.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object
Max Maxima
Maxwell The Maxwell Distribution
maxwell Maxwell Distribution Family Function
mccullagh89 McCullagh (1989) Distribution Family Function
meplot Mean Excess Plot
meplot.default Mean Excess Plot
meplot.vlm Mean Excess Plot
micmen Michaelis-Menten Model
mix2exp Mixture of Two Exponential Distributions
mix2normal Mixture of Two Univariate Normal Distributions
mix2poisson Mixture of Two Poisson Distributions
mlogit Multi-logit Link Function
mmt mmt daily maximum temperatures
MNSs The MNSs Blood Group System
model.framevlm Construct the Model Frame of a VLM Object
model.matrixvlm Construct the Design Matrix of a VLM Object
moffset Matrix Offset
morgenstern Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution Family Function
multinomial Multinomial Logit Model

-- N --

Nakagami Nakagami Distribution
nakagami Nakagami Distribution Family Function
nbcanlink Negative binomial canonical link function
nbolf Negative Binomial-Ordinal Link Function
nef.hs Hyperbolic Secant Distribution Family Function
negbinomial Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
negbinomial.size Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function With Known Size
negidentity Identity Link Function
negloge Log link function, and variants
negreciprocal Reciprocal link function
normal.vcm Univariate Normal Distribution as a Varying-Coefficient Model
normal1 Univariate Normal Distribution

-- O --

olym08 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympic Final Medal Count Data
olym12 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympic Final Medal Count Data
Ops.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object
Opt Maxima
ordpoisson Ordinal Poisson Family Function
oxtemp Oxford Temperature Data

-- P --

palap The Laplace Distribution
pamh Ali-Mikhail-Haq Bivariate Distribution
Paralogistic The Paralogistic Distribution
paralogistic Paralogistic Distribution Family Function
Pareto The Pareto Distribution
paretoff Pareto and Truncated Pareto Distribution Family Functions
ParetoI The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
ParetoII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
paretoII Pareto(IV/III/II) Distribution Family Functions
ParetoIII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
paretoIII Pareto(IV/III/II) Distribution Family Functions
ParetoIV The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
paretoIV Pareto(IV/III/II) Distribution Family Functions
pbenf Benford's Distribution
pbenini The Benini Distribution
pbetabinom The Beta-Binomial Distribution
pbetabinom.ab The Beta-Binomial Distribution
pbetageom The Beta-Geometric Distribution
pbetanorm The Beta-Normal Distribution
pbifrankcop Frank's Bivariate Distribution
pbilogis4 Bivariate Logistic Distribution
pbinorm Bivariate normal distribution cumulative distribution function
pbinormcop Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
pbisa The Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
pcard Cardioid Distribution
pdagum The Dagum Distribution
peexp Expectiles of the Exponential Distribution
penorm Expectiles of the Normal Distribution
Perks The Perks Distribution
perks Perks Distribution Family Function
perspqrrvglm Perspective plot for QRR-VGLMs
peunif Expectiles of the Uniform Distribution
pexpgeom The Exponential Geometric Distribution
pexplog The Exponential Logarithmic Distribution
pexppois The Exponential Poisson Distribution
pfgm Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution
pfisk The Fisk Distribution
pfoldnorm The Folded-Normal Distribution
pfrechet The Frechet Distribution
pgamma.deriv Derivatives of the Incomplete Gamma Integral
pgamma.deriv.unscaled Derivatives of the Incomplete Gamma Integral (Unscaled Version)
pgengamma The Generalized Gamma Distribution
pgenray The Generalized Rayleigh Distribution
pgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
pgompertz The Gompertz Distribution
pgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
pgumbel The Gumbel Distribution
pgumbelII The Gumbel-II Distribution
phuber Huber's least favourable distribution
phzeta Haight's Zeta Distribution
pinv.gaussian The Inverse Gaussian Distribution
pinvlomax The Inverse Lomax Distribution
pinvparalogistic The Inverse Paralogistic Distribution
pkoenker Expectiles/Quantiles of the Koenker Distribution
pkumar The Kumaraswamy Distribution
Plackett Plackett's Bivariate Distribution
plackett Plackett's Bivariate Distribution Family Function
plaplace The Laplace Distribution
plgamma The Log-Gamma Distribution
plind The Lindley Distribution
plino The Generalized Beta Distribution (Libby and Novick, 1982)
plog Logarithmic Distribution
ploglap The Log-Laplace Distribution
plomax The Lomax Distribution
plotdeplot.lmscreg Density Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
plotqrrvglm Model Diagnostic Plots for QRR-VGLMs
plotqtplot.lmscreg Quantile Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
plotrcim0 Main effects plot for a Row-Column Interaction Model (RCIM)
plotvgam Default VGAM Plotting
plotvgam.control Control Function for plotvgam()
plotvglm Plots for VGLMs
pmakeham The Makeham Distribution
pmaxwell The Maxwell Distribution
pnaka Nakagami Distribution
pneumo Pneumoconiosis in Coalminers Data
pnorm2 Bivariate normal distribution cumulative distribution function
poisson.points Poisson-points-on-a-plane/volume Distances Distribution
poissonff Poisson Family Function
PoissonPoints Poisson Points Distribution
polf Poisson-Ordinal Link Function
Polono The Poisson Lognormal Distribution
polya Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
posbernoulli.b Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Behavioural Effects
posbernoulli.t Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Time Effects
posbernoulli.tb Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Time and Behavioural Effects
posbernUC Positive Bernoulli Sequence Model
Posbinom Positive-Binomial Distribution
posbinomial Positive Binomial Distribution Family Function
Posgeom Positive-geometric Distribution
Posnegbin Positive-Negative Binomial Distribution
posnegbinomial Positive Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
Posnorm The Positive-Normal Distribution
posnormal Positive Normal Distribution Family Function
Pospois Positive-Poisson Distribution
pospoisson Positive Poisson Distribution Family Function
powerlink Power Link Function
pparalogistic The Paralogistic Distribution
ppareto The Pareto Distribution
pparetoI The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
pparetoII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
pparetoIII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
pparetoIV The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
pperks The Perks Distribution
pplack Plackett's Bivariate Distribution
ppolono The Poisson Lognormal Distribution
pposbinom Positive-Binomial Distribution
pposgeom Positive-geometric Distribution
pposnegbin Positive-Negative Binomial Distribution
pposnorm The Positive-Normal Distribution
ppospois Positive-Poisson Distribution
prats Pregnant Rats Toxological Experiment Data
prayleigh The Rayleigh Distribution
predictqrrvglm Predict Method for a CQO fit
predictvglm Predict Method for a VGLM fit
prentice74 Prentice (1974) Log-gamma Distribution
prinia Yellow-bellied Prinia
probit Probit Link Function
propodds Proportional Odds Model for Ordinal Regression
prplot Probability Plots for Categorical Data Analysis
prplot.control Probability Plots for Categorical Data Analysis
psinmad The Singh-Maddala Distribution
pslash Slash Distribution
ptikuv A Short-tailed Symmetric Distribution
ptobit The Tobit Distribution
ptriangle The Triangle Distribution
ptruncpareto The Truncated Pareto Distribution Adds a List to the End of the List ".smart.prediction"
pyules Yule-Simon Distribution
pzabinom Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
pzageom Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
pzanegbin Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
pzapois Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
pzibinom Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution
pzigeom Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution
pzinegbin Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
pzipf The Zipf Distribution
pzipois Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution

-- Q --

qalap The Laplace Distribution
qbenf Benford's Distribution
qbenini The Benini Distribution
qbetanorm The Beta-Normal Distribution
qbisa The Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
qcard Cardioid Distribution
qdagum The Dagum Distribution
qeexp Expectiles of the Exponential Distribution
qenorm Expectiles of the Normal Distribution
qeunif Expectiles of the Uniform Distribution
qexpgeom The Exponential Geometric Distribution
qexplog The Exponential Logarithmic Distribution
qexppois The Exponential Poisson Distribution
qfisk The Fisk Distribution
qfoldnorm The Folded-Normal Distribution
qfrechet The Frechet Distribution
qgengamma The Generalized Gamma Distribution
qgenray The Generalized Rayleigh Distribution
qgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
qgompertz The Gompertz Distribution
qgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
qgumbel The Gumbel Distribution
qgumbelII The Gumbel-II Distribution
qhuber Huber's least favourable distribution
qhzeta Haight's Zeta Distribution
qinvlomax The Inverse Lomax Distribution
qinvparalogistic The Inverse Paralogistic Distribution
qkoenker Expectiles/Quantiles of the Koenker Distribution
qkumar The Kumaraswamy Distribution
qlaplace The Laplace Distribution
qlgamma The Log-Gamma Distribution
qlino The Generalized Beta Distribution (Libby and Novick, 1982)
qloglap The Log-Laplace Distribution
qlomax The Lomax Distribution
qmakeham The Makeham Distribution
qmaxwell The Maxwell Distribution
qnaka Nakagami Distribution
qparalogistic The Paralogistic Distribution
qpareto The Pareto Distribution
qparetoI The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
qparetoII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
qparetoIII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
qparetoIV The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
qperks The Perks Distribution
qposbinom Positive-Binomial Distribution
qposgeom Positive-geometric Distribution
qposnegbin Positive-Negative Binomial Distribution
qposnorm The Positive-Normal Distribution
qpospois Positive-Poisson Distribution
qrayleigh The Rayleigh Distribution
qrrvglm.control Control function for QRR-VGLMs (CQO)
qsinmad The Singh-Maddala Distribution
qtikuv A Short-tailed Symmetric Distribution
qtobit The Tobit Distribution
qtplot.egumbel Quantile Plot for Gumbel Regression
qtplot.gumbel Quantile Plot for Gumbel Regression
qtplot.lmscreg Quantile Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
qtriangle The Triangle Distribution
qtruncpareto The Truncated Pareto Distribution
quasibinomialff Quasi-Binomial Family Function
quasipoissonff Quasi-Poisson Family Function
Qvar Quasi-variances Preprocessing Function
qvar Quasi-variances Extraction Function
qzabinom Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
qzageom Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
qzanegbin Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
qzapois Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
qzibinom Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution
qzigeom Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution
qzinegbin Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
qzipois Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution

-- R --

ralap The Laplace Distribution
ramh Ali-Mikhail-Haq Bivariate Distribution
Rayleigh The Rayleigh Distribution
rayleigh Rayleigh Distribution Family Function
rbenf Benford's Distribution
rbenini The Benini Distribution
rbetabinom The Beta-Binomial Distribution
rbetabinom.ab The Beta-Binomial Distribution
rbetageom The Beta-Geometric Distribution
rbetanorm The Beta-Normal Distribution
rbiclaytoncop Clayton Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
rbifrankcop Frank's Bivariate Distribution
rbilogis4 Bivariate Logistic Distribution
rbinom2.or Bivariate Binary Regression with an Odds Ratio
rbinom2.rho Bivariate Probit Model
rbinorm Bivariate normal distribution cumulative distribution function
rbinormcop Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
rbisa The Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
rbort The Borel-Tanner Distribution
rcard Cardioid Distribution
Rcim Mark the Baseline of Row and Column on a Matrix data
rcim Row-Column Interaction Models including Goodman's RC Association Model and Unconstrained Quadratic Ordination
rcqo Constrained Quadratic Ordination
rdagum The Dagum Distribution
rdiric The Dirichlet distribution
recexp1 Upper Record Values from a 1-parameter Exponential Distribution
reciprocal Reciprocal link function
recnormal Upper Record Values from a Univariate Normal Distribution
reexp Expectiles of the Exponential Distribution
renorm Expectiles of the Normal Distribution
reunif Expectiles of the Uniform Distribution
rexpgeom The Exponential Geometric Distribution
rexplog The Exponential Logarithmic Distribution
rexppois The Exponential Poisson Distribution
rfgm Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution
rfisk The Fisk Distribution
rfoldnorm The Folded-Normal Distribution
rfrechet The Frechet Distribution
rgengamma The Generalized Gamma Distribution
rgenray The Generalized Rayleigh Distribution
rgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
rgompertz The Gompertz Distribution
rgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
rgumbel The Gumbel Distribution
rgumbelII The Gumbel-II Distribution
rhobit Rhobit Link Function
rhuber Huber's least favourable distribution
rhzeta Haight's Zeta Distribution
Rice The Rice Distribution
riceff Rice Distribution Family Function
rigff Reciprocal Inverse Gaussian distribution
rinv.gaussian The Inverse Gaussian Distribution
rinvlomax The Inverse Lomax Distribution
rinvparalogistic The Inverse Paralogistic Distribution
rkoenker Expectiles/Quantiles of the Koenker Distribution
rkumar The Kumaraswamy Distribution
rlaplace The Laplace Distribution
rlgamma The Log-Gamma Distribution
rlind The Lindley Distribution
rlino The Generalized Beta Distribution (Libby and Novick, 1982)
rlog Logarithmic Distribution
rloglap The Log-Laplace Distribution
rlomax The Lomax Distribution
rlplot.egev Return Level Plot for GEV Fits
rlplot.gev Return Level Plot for GEV Fits
rmakeham The Makeham Distribution
rmaxwell The Maxwell Distribution
rnaka Nakagami Distribution
rparalogistic The Paralogistic Distribution
rpareto The Pareto Distribution
rparetoI The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
rparetoII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
rparetoIII The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
rparetoIV The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
rperks The Perks Distribution
rplack Plackett's Bivariate Distribution
rpois.points Poisson Points Distribution
rpolono The Poisson Lognormal Distribution
rposbern Positive Bernoulli Sequence Model
rposbinom Positive-Binomial Distribution
rposgeom Positive-geometric Distribution
rposnegbin Positive-Negative Binomial Distribution
rposnorm The Positive-Normal Distribution
rpospois Positive-Poisson Distribution
rrar Nested reduced-rank autoregressive models for multiple time series
rrayleigh The Rayleigh Distribution
rrice The Rice Distribution
rrvglm Fitting Reduced-Rank Vector Generalized Linear Models (RR-VGLMs)
rrvglm-class Class "rrvglm"
rrvglm.control Control function for rrvglm
rrvglm.optim.control Control function for rrvglm() calling optim()
rsimplex Simplex Distribution
rsinmad The Singh-Maddala Distribution
rskellam The Skellam Distribution
rskewnorm Skew-Normal Distribution
rslash Slash Distribution
rtikuv A Short-tailed Symmetric Distribution
rtobit The Tobit Distribution
rtriangle The Triangle Distribution
rtruncpareto The Truncated Pareto Distribution
ruge Rutherford-Geiger Polonium Data
ryules Yule-Simon Distribution
rzabinom Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
rzageom Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
rzanegbin Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
rzapois Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
rzibinom Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution
rzigeom Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution
rzinegbin Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
rzipois Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution

-- S --

s Defining smooths in VGAM formulae
Select Select variables for a formula response or the RHS of a formula
seq2binomial The Two-stage Sequential Binomial Distribution Family Function Smart Prediction Setup
show-method Class "SurvS4"
show.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object
simplex Simplex Distribution Family Function
simulate.vlm Simulate Responses for VGLMs and VGAMs
Sinmad The Singh-Maddala Distribution
sinmad Singh-Maddala Distribution Family Function
Skellam The Skellam Distribution
skellam Skellam Distribution Family Function
skewnorm Skew-Normal Distribution
skewnormal Univariate Skew-Normal Distribution Family Function
Slash Slash Distribution
slash Slash Distribution Family Function Smart Prediction
sm.ns Smart Prediction
sm.poly Smart Prediction
sm.scale Smart Prediction
sm.scale.default Smart Prediction
smart.expression S Expression for Smart Functions Determine What Mode the Smart Prediction is In
smartpred Smart Prediction
sratio Ordinal Regression with Stopping Ratios
studentt Student t Distribution
studentt2 Student t Distribution
studentt3 Student t Distribution
subsetc Select variables for a formula response or the RHS of a formula
Summary.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object
SUR Seemingly Unrelated Regressions
SurvS4 Create a Survival Object
SurvS4-class Class "SurvS4"

-- T --

Tikuv A Short-tailed Symmetric Distribution
tikuv Short-tailed Symmetric Distribution Family Function
Tobit The Tobit Distribution
tobit Tobit Model
Tol Tolerances
toxop Toxoplasmosis Data
Triangle The Triangle Distribution
triangle Triangle Distribution Family Function
trplot Trajectory Plot
trplot.qrrvglm Trajectory plot for QRR-VGLMs
truncgeometric Geometric (Truncated and Untruncated) Distributions
Truncpareto The Truncated Pareto Distribution
truncpareto Pareto and Truncated Pareto Distribution Family Functions
truncweibull Truncated Weibull Distribution Family Function
TypicalVGAMfamilyFunction Common VGAM family function Arguments
TypicalVGAMlinkFunction Link functions for VGLM/VGAM/etc. families

-- U --

ucberk University California Berkeley Graduate Admissions
uninormal Univariate Normal Distribution
uqo Row-Column Interaction Models including Goodman's RC Association Model and Unconstrained Quadratic Ordination

-- V --

V1 V1 Flying-Bombs Hits in London
venice Venice Maximum Sea Levels Data
venice90 Venice Maximum Sea Levels Data
VGAM Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
vgam Fitting Vector Generalized Additive Models
vgam-class Class "vgam"
vgam.control Control function for vgam
vglm Fitting Vector Generalized Linear Models
vglm-class Class "vglm"
vglm.control Control function for vglm
vglmff-class Class "vglmff"
vonmises von Mises Distribution Family Function
vsmooth.spline Vector cubic smoothing spline

-- W --

waitakere Waitakere Ranges Data
waldff Wald Distribution Family Function
weibull Weibull Distribution Family Function
weightsvglm Prior and Working Weights of a VGLM fit
wine Bitterness in Wine Data Cleans Up After Smart Prediction

-- Y --

yeo.johnson Yeo-Johnson Transformation
yip88 Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution (Yip (1988) algorithm)
Yules Yule-Simon Distribution
yulesimon Yule-Simon Family Function

-- Z --

Zabinom Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
zabinomial Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
zabinomialff Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
Zageom Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
zageometric Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
zageometricff Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
Zanegbin Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
zanegbinomial Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
zanegbinomialff Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
Zapois Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
zapoisson Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
zapoissonff Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
zero The zero Argument in VGAM Family Functions
Zeta The Zeta Distribution
zeta Riemann's Zeta Function
zetaff Zeta Distribution Family Function
Zibinom Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution
zibinomial Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution Family Function
zibinomialff Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution Family Function
Zigeom Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution
zigeometric Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution Family Function
zigeometricff Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution Family Function
Zinegbin Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
zinegbinomial Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
zinegbinomialff Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
zipebcom Exchangeable bivariate cloglog odds-ratio model from a zero-inflated Poisson distribution
Zipf The Zipf Distribution
zipf Zipf Distribution Family Function
Zipois Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution
zipoisson Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution Family Function
zipoissonff Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution Family Function

-- misc --

[.SurvS4 Create a Survival Object