car-package | Companion to Applied Regression |
Adler | Experimenter Expectations |
AMSsurvey | American Math Society Survey Data |
Angell | Moral Integration of American Cities |
Anova | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.aov | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.coxph | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.default | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.glm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.lm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.lme | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.manova | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.mer | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.merMod | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.mlm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.multinom | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.polr | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anova.svyglm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Anscombe | U. S. State Public-School Expenditures |
av.plot | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
av.plots | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
avp | Added-Variable Plots |
avPlot | Added-Variable Plots |
avPlot.glm | Added-Variable Plots |
avPlot.lm | Added-Variable Plots |
avPlots | Added-Variable Plots |
basicPower | Box-Cox and Yeo-Johnson Power Transformations |
basicPowerAxis | Axes for Transformed Variables |
Baumann | Methods of Teaching Reading Comprehension |
bc | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
bcPower | Box-Cox and Yeo-Johnson Power Transformations |
bcPowerAxis | Axes for Transformed Variables |
Bfox | Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation |
Blackmoor | Exercise Histories of Eating-Disordered and Control Subjects |
Boot | Bootstrapping for regression models |
Boot.default | Bootstrapping for regression models |
Boot.glm | Bootstrapping for regression models |
Boot.lm | Bootstrapping for regression models |
Boot.nls | Bootstrapping for regression models |
box.cox | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
box.cox.powers | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
box.cox.var | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
box.tidwell | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
boxCox | Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models |
boxCox.default | Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models |
boxCox.formula | Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models |
boxCox.lm | Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models |
boxCoxVariable | Constructed Variable for Box-Cox Transformation |
Boxplot | Boxplots With Point Identification |
Boxplot.default | Boxplots With Point Identification |
Boxplot.formula | Boxplots With Point Identification |
boxTidwell | Box-Tidwell Transformations |
boxTidwell.default | Box-Tidwell Transformations |
boxTidwell.formula | Box-Tidwell Transformations |
Burt | Fraudulent Data on IQs of Twins Raised Apart |
CanPop | Canadian Population Data |
car | Companion to Applied Regression |
car-deprecated | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
carWeb | Access to the R Companion to Applied Regression website |
ceres.plot | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
ceres.plots | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
ceresPlot | Ceres Plots |
ceresPlot.glm | Ceres Plots |
ceresPlot.lm | Ceres Plots |
ceresPlots | Ceres Plots |
Chile | Voting Intentions in the 1988 Chilean Plebiscite |
Chirot | The 1907 Romanian Peasant Rebellion |
compareCoefs | Print estimated coefficients and their standard errors in a table for several regression models. |
confidence.ellipse | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
confidenceEllipse | Ellipses, Data Ellipses, and Confidence Ellipses |
confidenceEllipse.default | Ellipses, Data Ellipses, and Confidence Ellipses |
confidenceEllipse.glm | Ellipses, Data Ellipses, and Confidence Ellipses |
confidenceEllipse.lm | Ellipses, Data Ellipses, and Confidence Ellipses |
confint.boot | Generic functions to provide support for 'boot' objects |
contr.Helmert | Functions to Construct Contrasts |
contr.Sum | Functions to Construct Contrasts |
contr.Treatment | Functions to Construct Contrasts |
Contrasts | Functions to Construct Contrasts |
cookd | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
Cowles | Cowles and Davis's Data on Volunteering |
cr.plot | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
cr.plots | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
crp | Component+Residual (Partial Residual) Plots |
crPlot | Component+Residual (Partial Residual) Plots |
crPlot.lm | Component+Residual (Partial Residual) Plots |
crPlots | Component+Residual (Partial Residual) Plots |
data.ellipse | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
dataEllipse | Ellipses, Data Ellipses, and Confidence Ellipses |
Davis | Self-Reports of Height and Weight |
DavisThin | Davis's Data on Drive for Thinness |
deltaMethod | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.coxph | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.default | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.lm | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.lme | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.lmList | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.mer | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.merMod | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.multinom | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.nls | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.polr | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
deltaMethod.survreg | Estimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of Estimated Regression Coefficients |
densityPlot | Nonparametric Density Estimates |
densityPlot.default | Nonparametric Density Estimates |
densityPlot.formula | Nonparametric Density Estimates |
Depredations | Minnesota Wolf Depredation Data |
dfbetaPlots | dfbeta and dfbetas Index Plots |
dfbetaPlots.lm | dfbeta and dfbetas Index Plots |
dfbetasPlots | dfbeta and dfbetas Index Plots |
dfbetasPlots.lm | dfbeta and dfbetas Index Plots |
Duncan | Duncan's Occupational Prestige Data |
durbin.watson | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
durbinWatsonTest | Durbin-Watson Test for Autocorrelated Errors |
durbinWatsonTest.default | Durbin-Watson Test for Autocorrelated Errors |
durbinWatsonTest.lm | Durbin-Watson Test for Autocorrelated Errors |
dwt | Durbin-Watson Test for Autocorrelated Errors |
ellipse | Ellipses, Data Ellipses, and Confidence Ellipses |
Ericksen | The 1980 U.S. Census Undercount |
estimateTransform | Finding Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations |
Florida | Florida County Voting |
Freedman | Crowding and Crime in U. S. Metropolitan Areas |
Friendly | Format Effects on Recall |
gamLine | Smoothers to Draw Lines on Scatterplots |
Ginzberg | Data on Depression |
Greene | Refugee Appeals |
Guyer | Anonymity and Cooperation |
Hartnagel | Canadian Crime-Rates Time Series |
hccm | Heteroscedasticity-Corrected Covariance Matrices |
hccm.default | Heteroscedasticity-Corrected Covariance Matrices |
hccm.lm | Heteroscedasticity-Corrected Covariance Matrices |
Highway1 | Highway Accidents |
hist.boot | Generic functions to provide support for 'boot' objects |
Identify3d | Three-Dimensional Scatterplots and Point Identification |
infIndexPlot | Influence Index Plot |
infIndexPlot.lm | Influence Index Plot |
influence.plot | Regression Influence Plot |
influenceIndexPlot | Influence Index Plot |
influencePlot | Regression Influence Plot |
influencePlot.lm | Regression Influence Plot |
inverseResponsePlot | Inverse Response Plots to Transform the Response |
inverseResponsePlot.lm | Inverse Response Plots to Transform the Response |
invResPlot | Inverse Response Plots to Transform the Response |
invTranEstimate | Choose a Predictor Transformation Visually or Numerically |
invTranPlot | Choose a Predictor Transformation Visually or Numerically |
invTranPlot.default | Choose a Predictor Transformation Visually or Numerically |
invTranPlot.formula | Choose a Predictor Transformation Visually or Numerically |
Leinhardt | Data on Infant-Mortality |
levene.test | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
leveneTest | Levene's Test |
leveneTest.default | Levene's Test |
leveneTest.formula | Levene's Test |
leveneTest.lm | Levene's Test |
leverage.plot | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
leverage.plots | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
leveragePlot | Regression Leverage Plots |
leveragePlot.glm | Regression Leverage Plots |
leveragePlot.lm | Regression Leverage Plots |
leveragePlots | Regression Leverage Plots |
lht | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linear.hypothesis | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
linearHypothesis | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.default | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.glm | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.lm | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.lme | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.mer | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.merMod | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.mlm | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.nlsList | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.polr | Test Linear Hypothesis |
linearHypothesis.svyglm | Test Linear Hypothesis |
loessLine | Smoothers to Draw Lines on Scatterplots |
logit | Logit Transformation |
makeHypothesis | Test Linear Hypothesis |
Mandel | Contrived Collinear Data |
Manova | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
Manova.mlm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
marginalModelPlot | Marginal Model Plotting |
marginalModelPlots | Marginal Model Plotting |
matchCoefs | Test Linear Hypothesis |
matchCoefs.default | Test Linear Hypothesis |
matchCoefs.lme | Test Linear Hypothesis |
matchCoefs.mer | Test Linear Hypothesis |
matchCoefs.merMod | Test Linear Hypothesis |
matchCoefs.mlm | Test Linear Hypothesis |
Migration | Canadian Interprovincial Migration Data |
mmp | Marginal Model Plotting |
mmp.default | Marginal Model Plotting |
mmp.glm | Marginal Model Plotting |
mmp.lm | Marginal Model Plotting |
mmps | Marginal Model Plotting |
Moore | Status, Authoritarianism, and Conformity |
Mroz | U.S. Women's Labor-Force Participation |
ncv.test | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
ncvTest | Score Test for Non-Constant Error Variance |
ncvTest.glm | Score Test for Non-Constant Error Variance |
ncvTest.lm | Score Test for Non-Constant Error Variance |
OBrienKaiser | O'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures Data |
Ornstein | Interlocking Directorates Among Major Canadian Firms |
outlier.test | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
outlierTest | Bonferroni Outlier Test |
outlierTest.glm | Bonferroni Outlier Test |
outlierTest.lm | Bonferroni Outlier Test |
panel.car | Panel Function for Coplots |
plot.powerTransform | plot Method for powerTransform Objects |
Pottery | Chemical Composition of Pottery |
powerTransform | Finding Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations |
powerTransform.default | Finding Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations |
powerTransform.formula | Finding Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations |
powerTransform.lm | Finding Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations |
Prestige | Prestige of Canadian Occupations |
print.Anova.mlm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
print.boxTidwell | Box-Tidwell Transformations |
print.durbinWatsonTest | Durbin-Watson Test for Autocorrelated Errors |
print.linearHypothesis.mlm | Test Linear Hypothesis |
print.outlierTest | Bonferroni Outlier Test |
print.spreadLevelPlot | Spread-Level Plots |
print.summary.Anova.mlm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
printHypothesis | Test Linear Hypothesis |
probabilityAxis | Axes for Transformed Variables |
qq.plot | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
qqp | Quantile-Comparison Plots |
qqPlot | Quantile-Comparison Plots |
qqPlot.default | Quantile-Comparison Plots |
qqPlot.glm | Quantile-Comparison Plots |
qqPlot.lm | Quantile-Comparison Plots |
quantregLine | Smoothers to Draw Lines on Scatterplots |
Quartet | Four Regression Datasets |
Recode | Recode a Variable |
recode | Recode a Variable |
regLine | Plot Regression Line |
residCurvTest | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residCurvTest.glm | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residCurvTest.lm | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlot | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlot.default | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlot.glm | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlot.lm | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlots | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlots.default | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlots.glm | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
residualPlots.lm | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
Robey | Fertility and Contraception |
Sahlins | Agricultural Production in Mazulu Village |
Salaries | Salaries for Professors |
scatter3d | Three-Dimensional Scatterplots and Point Identification |
scatter3d.default | Three-Dimensional Scatterplots and Point Identification |
scatter3d.formula | Three-Dimensional Scatterplots and Point Identification |
scatterplot | Scatterplots with Boxplots |
scatterplot.default | Scatterplots with Boxplots |
scatterplot.formula | Scatterplots with Boxplots |
scatterplot.matrix | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
scatterplotMatrix | Scatterplot Matrices |
scatterplotMatrix.default | Scatterplot Matrices |
scatterplotMatrix.formula | Scatterplot Matrices |
ScatterplotSmoothers | Smoothers to Draw Lines on Scatterplots |
showLabels | Utility Functions to Identify and Mark Extreme Points in a 2D Plot. |
sigmaHat | Return the scale estimate for a regression model |
sigmaHat.default | Return the scale estimate for a regression model |
sigmaHat.glm | Return the scale estimate for a regression model |
sigmaHat.lm | Return the scale estimate for a regression model |
SLID | Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics |
slp | Spread-Level Plots |
Soils | Soil Compositions of Physical and Chemical Characteristics |
some | Sample a Few Elements of an Object |
some.data.frame | Sample a Few Elements of an Object |
some.default | Sample a Few Elements of an Object |
some.matrix | Sample a Few Elements of an Object |
sp | Scatterplots with Boxplots |
spm | Scatterplot Matrices |
spread.level.plot | Deprecated Functions in car Package |
spreadLevelPlot | Spread-Level Plots |
spreadLevelPlot.default | Spread-Level Plots |
spreadLevelPlot.formula | Spread-Level Plots |
spreadLevelPlot.lm | Spread-Level Plots |
States | Education and Related Statistics for the U.S. States |
subsets | Plot Output from regsubsets Function in leaps package |
subsets.regsubsets | Plot Output from regsubsets Function in leaps package |
summary.Anova.mlm | Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models |
summary.boot | Generic functions to provide support for 'boot' objects |
symbox | Boxplots for transformations to symmetry |
symbox.default | Boxplots for transformations to symmetry |
symbox.formula | Boxplots for transformations to symmetry |
testTransform | Likelihood-Ratio Tests for Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations to Normality |
testTransform.powerTransform | Likelihood-Ratio Tests for Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations to Normality |
Transact | Transaction data |
tukeyNonaddTest | Residual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits |
UN | GDP and Infant Mortality |
USPop | Population of the United States |
vif | Variance Inflation Factors |
vif.default | Variance Inflation Factors |
Vocab | Vocabulary and Education |
wcrossprod | Weighted Matrix Crossproduct |
WeightLoss | Weight Loss Data |
which.names | Position of Row Names |
whichNames | Position of Row Names |
Womenlf | Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation |
Wool | Wool data |
yjPower | Box-Cox and Yeo-Johnson Power Transformations |
yjPowerAxis | Axes for Transformed Variables |