Changes in Version 1.2-4 o Bug fix for choose_palette() when using palette functions with optional alpha channels. Changes in Version 1.2-3 o Alpha channel is preserved in desaturate for named colors (especially "transparent" and NA). (Reported by Simon Potter.) o Added alpha argument for all palette functions (see ?rainbow_hcl). o Small fixups for R CMD check. Changes in Version 1.2-2 o Names of colors are preserved in hex() and hex2RGB() now. (Reported by Richard Cotton.) Changes in Version 1.2-1 o If a new version of the dichromat package (> 1.2-4) with tritan support is found, this is interfaced in choose_palette(). Changes in Version 1.2-0 o New Tcl/Tk-based GUI for choosing different types of palettes: qualitative (rainbow_hcl), single-hue sequential (sequential_hcl), multi-hue sequential (heat_hcl), and diverging (diverge_hcl). The GUI provides a wide collection of pre-stored palettes, easy manipulation of the corresponding arguments, illustration through a broad range of plot types (maps, heatmaps, variations of bar plots, scatter plots, and many more), emulation of desaturation and dichromatic vision, loading/saving palettes, etc. o Bug fix in polarLAB_to_LAB conversion. o All .Call() calls now with PACKAGE = "colorspace". o Added some simple tests based on the examples and vignette. Changes in Version 1.1-1 o Added desaturate() function for removal of chroma in a given vector of colors. o Bug fix in HLS_to_RGB conversion for s == 0. Changes in Version 1.1-0 o Added "sRGB" colorspace. (Existing "RGB" colorspace is linearized "sRGB".) o Conversions to and from "HSV" and "HSL" can only occur from or to "RGB" or "sRGB" (because both "HSV" and "HSL" are relative colorspaces, meaning relative to a particular RGB colorspace). (Converting to or from "RGB" gives a different result compared to conversion to or from "sRGB".) o All 'gamma' parameters in all R-level functions have been deprecated. (The "sRGB" colorspace has implicit gamma.) Changes in Version 1.0-1 o "Escaping RGBland" paper is now published Computational Statistics & Data Analysis as doi:10.1016/j.csda.2008.11.033. Citation and references updated accordingly. Changes in Version 1.0-0 o new version to accompany the "Escaping RGBland" paper accepted for publication in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, see citation("colorspace") Changes in Version 0.97 o moved color palettes from vcd to colorspace, including vignette("hcl-colors") o added infrastructure for HLS color space o new CITATION file