sd_section("Geoms", "Geoms, short for geometric objects, describe the type of plot you will produce.", c( "geom_abline", "geom_area", "geom_bar", "geom_bin2d", "geom_blank", "geom_boxplot", "geom_contour", "geom_crossbar", "geom_density", "geom_density2d", "geom_dotplot", "geom_errorbar", "geom_errorbarh", "geom_freqpoly", "geom_hex", "geom_histogram", "geom_hline", "geom_jitter", "geom_line", "geom_linerange", "geom_map", "geom_path", "geom_point", "geom_pointrange", "geom_polygon", "geom_quantile", "geom_raster", "geom_rect", "geom_ribbon", "geom_rug", "geom_segment", "geom_smooth", "geom_step", "geom_text", "geom_tile", "geom_violin", "geom_vline" ) ) sd_section("Statistics", "It's often useful to transform your data before plotting, and that's what statistical transformations do.", c( "stat_bin", "stat_bin2d", "stat_bindot", "stat_binhex", "stat_boxplot", "stat_contour", "stat_density", "stat_density2d", "stat_ecdf", "stat_function", "stat_identity", "stat_qq", "stat_quantile", "stat_smooth", "stat_spoke", "stat_sum", "stat_summary", "stat_summary_hex", "stat_summary2d", "stat_unique", "stat_ydensity" ) ) sd_section("Scales", "Scales control the mapping between data and aesthetics.", c( "expand_limits", "guides", "guide_legend", "guide_colourbar", "scale_alpha", "scale_area", "scale_size_area", "scale_colour_brewer", "scale_colour_gradient", "scale_colour_gradient2", "scale_colour_gradientn", "scale_colour_grey", "scale_colour_hue", "scale_identity", "scale_manual", "scale_linetype", "scale_shape", "scale_size", "scale_x_continuous", "scale_x_date", "scale_x_datetime", "scale_x_discrete", "labs", "update_labels", "xlim" ) ) sd_section("Coordinate systems", "Coordinate systems adjust the mapping from coordinates to the 2d plane of the computer screen.", c( "coord_cartesian", "coord_fixed", "coord_flip", "coord_map", "coord_polar", "coord_trans" ) ) sd_section("Faceting", "Facets display subsets of the dataset in different panels.", c( "facet_grid", "facet_null", "facet_wrap", "label_both", "label_bquote", "label_parsed", "label_value" ) ) sd_section("Position adjustments", "Position adjustments can be used to fine tune positioning of objects to achieve effects like dodging, jittering and stacking.", c( "position_dodge", "position_fill", "position_identity", "position_stack", "position_jitter" ) ) sd_section("Data", "Data sets included in ggplot2 and used in examples", c( "diamonds", "economics", "midwest", "movies", "mpg", "msleep", "presidential", "seals" ) ) sd_section("Anotation", "Specialised functions for adding annotations to a plot", c( "annotate", "annotation_custom", "annotation_logticks", "annotation_map", "annotation_raster", "borders" ) ) sd_section("Fortify", "Fortify methods make it possible to use ggplot2 with objects of various types, not just data frames.", c( "fortify", "fortify-multcomp", "fortify.lm", "", "fortify.sp", "map_data" ) ) sd_section("Themes", "Themes control non-data components of the plot", c( "add_theme", "calc_element", "element_blank", "element_line", "element_rect", "element_text", "is.rel", "is.theme", "opts", "rel", "theme", "theme_blank", "theme_bw", "theme_classic", "theme_grey", "theme_minimal", "theme_update", "update_element" ) ) sd_section("Plot creation", "", c( "ggplot", "qplot", "", "autoplot", "", "is.ggplot", "print.ggplot" ) ) sd_section("Aesthetics", "", c( "aes", "aes_all", "aes_auto", "aes_string", "aes_colour_fill_alpha", "aes_group_order", "aes_linetype_size_shape", "aes_position" ) )