CHANGES IN highr VERSION 0.3 BUG FIXES o blank lines were not preserved in previous versions; now they can be correctly preserved o hilight() works when the code is only a comment; fixed the bug reported at which was actually due to the bug of utils::getParseData() in R 3.0.1 o Linux Mint has a built-in version of highlight under /usr/local/bin/ which is not Andre Simon's highlight, and this can hang highr (!topic/knitr/nicYgzqhwX8) MINOR CHANGES o the package vignettes were built with the knitr::docco_classic engine; see vignette(package = 'highr') CHANGES IN highr VERSION 0.2.1 MINOR CHANGES o fixed a test that failed under R 2.15.x due to the keep.source argument in parse(), which was not available in R until R 3.0.0 CHANGES IN highr VERSION 0.2 NEW FEATURES o added a new argument 'fallback' in hilight(); for R < 3.0.0, we can use hilight(..., fallback = TRUE), which is a rough syntax highlighting method based on regular expressions (hence less accurate and comphrehensive than the getParseData() approach); as a result, highr no longer has to depend on R 3.0.0, although it is recommended to use R 3.0.0 CHANGES IN highr VERSION 0.1 NEW FEATURES o the first version of highr: a hilight() function based on utils::getParseData() to do syntax highlighting for R code; hi_andrew() as a wrapper for Andre Simon's Highlight package