HTML Mark Characters as HTML
as.tags Convert a value to tags
browsable Make an HTML object browsable
builder HTML Builder Functions
copyDependencyToDir Copy an HTML dependency to a directory
findDependencies Collect attached dependencies from HTML tag
htmlDependencies HTML dependency metadata
htmlDependency Define an HTML dependency
htmlEscape Escape HTML entities
htmlPreserve Preserve HTML regions
html_print Implementation of the print method for HTML
include Include Content From a File
knitr_methods Knitr S3 methods
Make an absolute dependency relative
print.shiny.tag Print method for HTML/tags
renderDependencies Create HTML for dependencies
renderTags Render tags into HTML
resolveDependencies Resolve a list of dependencies
singleton Include content only once
singleton_tools Singleton manipulation functions
subtractDependencies Subtract dependencies
tagList HTML Tag Object
urlEncodePath Encode a URL path
validateCssUnit Validate proper CSS formatting of a unit
withTags Evaluate an expression using 'tags'