Tools for HTML

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Documentation for package ‘htmltools’ version 0.2.4

Help Pages

a HTML Builder Functions
as.tags Convert a value to tags
attachDependencies HTML dependency metadata
br HTML Builder Functions
browsable Make an HTML object browsable
builder HTML Builder Functions
code HTML Builder Functions
copyDependencyToDir Copy an HTML dependency to a directory
div HTML Builder Functions
doRenderTags Render tags into HTML
em HTML Builder Functions
extractPreserveChunks Preserve HTML regions
findDependencies Collect attached dependencies from HTML tag object
h1 HTML Builder Functions
h2 HTML Builder Functions
h3 HTML Builder Functions
h4 HTML Builder Functions
h5 HTML Builder Functions
h6 HTML Builder Functions
hr HTML Builder Functions
HTML Mark Characters as HTML
htmlDependencies HTML dependency metadata
htmlDependencies<- HTML dependency metadata
htmlDependency Define an HTML dependency
htmlEscape Escape HTML entities
htmlPreserve Preserve HTML regions
html_print Implementation of the print method for HTML
img HTML Builder Functions
include Include Content From a File
includeCSS Include Content From a File
includeHTML Include Content From a File
includeMarkdown Include Content From a File
includeScript Include Content From a File
includeText Include Content From a File
is.browsable Make an HTML object browsable
is.singleton Include content only once
knitr_methods Knitr S3 methods
knit_print.html Knitr S3 methods
knit_print.shiny.tag Knitr S3 methods
knit_print.shiny.tag.list Knitr S3 methods
makeDependencyRelative Make an absolute dependency relative
p HTML Builder Functions
pre HTML Builder Functions
print.html Print method for HTML/tags
print.shiny.tag Print method for HTML/tags
renderDependencies Create HTML for dependencies
renderTags Render tags into HTML
resolveDependencies Resolve a list of dependencies
restorePreserveChunks Preserve HTML regions
singleton Include content only once
singleton_tools Singleton manipulation functions
span HTML Builder Functions
strong HTML Builder Functions
subtractDependencies Subtract dependencies
surroundSingletons Singleton manipulation functions
tag HTML Tag Object
tagAppendAttributes HTML Tag Object
tagAppendChild HTML Tag Object
tagAppendChildren HTML Tag Object
tagList HTML Tag Object
tags HTML Builder Functions
tagSetChildren HTML Tag Object
takeSingletons Singleton manipulation functions
urlEncodePath Encode a URL path
validateCssUnit Validate proper CSS formatting of a unit
withTags Evaluate an expression using 'tags'