Vignettes and other documentation


Vignettes from package 'knitr'

knitr::knit_print Custom Print Methods HTML source R code
knitr::knitr-intro Not an Introduction to knitr HTML source R code
knitr::knitr-refcard knitr Reference Card PDF source
knitr::datatables Display Tables with the DataTables Library HTML source R code
knitr::knit_expand Templating with knit_expand() HTML source R code
knitr::knitr-html An R HTML Vignette with knitr HTML source R code
knitr::knitr-markdown An R Markdown Vignette with knitr HTML source R code
knitr::docco-classic R Markdown with the Docco Classic Style HTML source R code
knitr::docco-linear R Markdown with the Docco Linear Style HTML source R code