--- title: "Not an Introduction to knitr" author: "Yihui Xie" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" bibliography: - ../inst/examples/knitr-packages.bib - ../inst/examples/knitr-manual.bib output: html_document --- The **knitr** package [@R-knitr] is an alternative tool to Sweave based on a different design with more features. This document is not an introduction, but only serves as a placeholder to guide you to the real manuals, which are available on the package website ^[e.g. the [main manual](http://bit.ly/117OLVl) and the [graphics manual](http://bit.ly/114GNdP)], and remember to read the help pages of functions in this package. There is a book [@xie2013] for this package, but it may not be useful to those who prefer digging out information on the web. Anyway, here is a code chunk that shows you can compile vignettes with **knitr** as well using R 3.0.x, which supports non-Sweave vignettes: ```{r show-off} rnorm(5) df=data.frame(y=rnorm(100), x=1:100) summary(lm(y~x, data=df)) ``` ## References