--- output: pdf_document: highlight: null number_sections: yes template: assets/template-refcard.tex --- # Chunk Options `opts_chunk` controls global chunk options, e.g. `opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE)`, which can be overridden by local chunk options. See all options at ; some frequently used options: eval : whether to evaluate the chunk echo : whether to echo source code results : `'markup'`, `'asis'`, `'hold'`, `'hide'` tidy : whether to reformat R code cache : whether to cache results fig.width, fig.height, out.width, out.height : device and output size of figures include : whether to include the chunk results in output child : filenames of child documents engine : language name (R, python, ...) # Functions `knit()` : the main function in this package; knit input document and write output `purl()` : extract R code from an input document `spin()` : spin goat's hair (an R script with roxygen comments) into wool (a literate programming document to be passed to `knit()`) `stitch()` : insert an R script into a template and compile the document `knit_hooks$set()` : set or reset chunk and output [hooks](http://yihui.name/knitr/hooks) # Resources - homepage: - development repository: ([CRAN](http://cran.rstudio.com/package=knitr), [Rforge](http://rforge.net/knitr)) - examples: - stackoverflow: - mailing list: