A B C D E F G I L M N O P Q R S T U V W X misc
lme4-package | Linear, generalized linear, and nonlinear mixed models |
anova.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
as.data.frame.thpr | Profile method for merMod objects |
as.data.frame.VarCorr.merMod | Extract Variance and Correlation Components |
as.function.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
bootMer | Model-based (Semi-)Parametric Bootstrap for Mixed Models |
cake | Breakage Angle of Chocolate Cakes |
cbpp | Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia |
coef.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
confint.merMod | Compute Confidence Intervals for Parameters of a [ng]lmer Fit |
convergence | Control of Mixed Model Fitting |
densityplot.thpr | Mixed-Effects Profile Plots (Regular / Density / Pairs) |
devcomp | Extract the deviance component list |
deviance.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
df.residual.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
dotplot.ranef.mer | Extract the modes of the random effects |
drop1.merMod | Drop all possible single fixed-effect terms from a mixed effect model |
dummy | Dummy variables (experimental) |
Dyestuff | Yield of dyestuff by batch |
Dyestuff2 | Yield of dyestuff by batch |
expandDoubleVerts | Expand terms with "||" notation into separate "|" terms |
extractAIC.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
family.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
findbars | Determine random-effects expressions from a formula |
fitted.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
fixed.effects | Extract fixed-effects estimates |
fixef | Extract fixed-effects estimates |
fixef.merMod | Extract fixed-effects estimates |
formula.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
fortify | add information to data based on a fitted model |
fortify.merMod | add information to data based on a fitted model |
getL | Extract or Get Generalized Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects Model |
getL-method | Extract or Get Generalized Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects Model |
getME | Extract or Get Generalized Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects Model |
GHrule | Univariate Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule |
glFormula | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
glmer | Fit Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models |
glmer.nb | glmer() for Negative Binomial |
glmerControl | Control of Mixed Model Fitting |
glmerMod-class | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
glmFamily | Generator object for the 'glmFamily' class |
glmFamily-class | Class '"glmFamily"' - a reference class for 'family' |
glmResp | Generator objects for the response classes |
glmResp-class | Classes '"lmResp"', '"glmResp"', '"nlsResp"' and '"lmerResp"' |
golden | Generator object for the golden search optimizer class. |
golden-class | Class '"golden"' |
GQdk | Sparse Gaussian Quadrature grid |
GQN | Sparse Gauss-Hermite quadrature grids |
grouseticks | Data on red grouse ticks from Elston et al. 2001 |
grouseticks_agg | Data on red grouse ticks from Elston et al. 2001 |
InstEval | University Lecture/Instructor Evaluations by Students at ETH |
isGLMM | Check characteristics of models |
isGLMM.merMod | Check characteristics of models |
isLMM | Check characteristics of models |
isLMM.merMod | Check characteristics of models |
isNested | Is f1 nested within f2? |
isNLMM | Check characteristics of models |
isNLMM.merMod | Check characteristics of models |
isREML | Check characteristics of models |
isREML.merMod | Check characteristics of models |
lFormula | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
lme4 | Linear, generalized linear, and nonlinear mixed models |
lmer | Fit Linear Mixed-Effects Models |
lmerControl | Control of Mixed Model Fitting |
lmerMod-class | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
lmerResp | Generator objects for the response classes |
lmerResp-class | Classes '"lmResp"', '"glmResp"', '"nlsResp"' and '"lmerResp"' |
lmList | List of lm Objects with a Common Model |
lmList-class | Class "lmList" of 'lm' Objects on Common Model |
lmResp | Generator objects for the response classes |
lmResp-class | Classes '"lmResp"', '"glmResp"', '"nlsResp"' and '"lmerResp"' |
log.thpr | Profile method for merMod objects |
logLik.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
logProf | Profile method for merMod objects |
mcmcsamp | Getting p-values for fitted models |
merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
merMod-class | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
merPredD | Generator object for the 'merPredD' class |
merPredD-class | Class '"merPredD"' - a dense predictor reference class |
mkdevfun | Create a deviance evaluation function from a predictor and a response module |
mkGlmerDevfun | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
mkLmerDevfun | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
mkMerMod | Create a merMod object |
mkRespMod | Create an lmerResp, glmResp or nlsResp instance |
mkReTrms | Create Z, Lambda, Lind, etc. |
mkVarCorr | Make Variance and Correlation Matrices from 'theta' |
model.frame.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
model.matrix.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
modular | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
NelderMead | Class '"NelderMead"' of Nelder-Mead optimizers and its Generator |
NelderMead-class | Class '"NelderMead"' of Nelder-Mead optimizers and its Generator |
Nelder_Mead | Nelder-Mead Optimization of Parameters, Possibly (Box) Constrained |
ngrps | Number of levels |
ngrps.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
nlformula | Manipulate a Nonlinear Model Formula |
nlmer | Fit Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models |
nlmerControl | Control of Mixed Model Fitting |
nlmerMod-class | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
nloptwrap | Wrapper for nlOpt optimizers |
nlsResp | Generator objects for the response classes |
nlsResp-class | Classes '"lmResp"', '"glmResp"', '"nlsResp"' and '"lmerResp"' |
nobars | Omit terms separated by vertical bars in a formula |
nobs | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
nobs.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
optimizeGlmer | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
optimizeLmer | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
Pastes | Paste strength by batch and cask |
Penicillin | Variation in penicillin testing |
plot.merMod | diagnostic plots for merMod fits |
predict.merMod | Predictions from a model at new data values |
print.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
print.summary.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
profile-methods | Profile method for merMod objects |
profile.merMod | Profile method for merMod objects |
pvalues | Getting p-values for fitted models |
qqmath.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
qqmath.ranef.mer | Extract the modes of the random effects |
ranef | Extract the modes of the random effects |
ranef.merMod | Extract the modes of the random effects |
refit | Refit a model with a new response, by maximum likelihood criterion |
refit.merMod | Refit a model with a new response, by maximum likelihood criterion |
refitML | Refit a model by maximum likelihood criterion |
refitML.merMod | Refit a model by maximum likelihood criterion |
REMLcrit | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
rePos | Generator object for the rePos (random-effects positions) class |
rePos-class | Class '"rePos"' |
residuals.glmResp | residuals of merMod objects |
residuals.lmResp | residuals of merMod objects |
residuals.merMod | residuals of merMod objects |
show-method | Class "lmList" of 'lm' Objects on Common Model |
show-method | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
show.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
show.summary.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
sigma | Extract residual standard error |
sigma.merMod | Extract residual standard error |
simulate.formula | Simulate responses from a 'merMod' object |
simulate.merMod | Simulate responses from a 'merMod' object |
sleepstudy | Reaction times in a sleep deprivation study |
splom.thpr | Mixed-Effects Profile Plots (Regular / Density / Pairs) |
subbars | "Sub[stitute] Bars" |
summary.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
summary.summary.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
terms.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
update.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
updateGlmerDevfun | Modular functions for mixed model fits |
VarCorr | Extract Variance and Correlation Components |
VarCorr.merMod | Extract Variance and Correlation Components |
varianceProf | Transform Profile to the variance scale |
vcov.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
vcov.summary.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
VerbAgg | Verbal Aggression item responses |
weights.merMod | Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Models |
xyplot.thpr | Mixed-Effects Profile Plots (Regular / Density / Pairs) |
.makeCC | Control of Mixed Model Fitting |
.simulateFun | Simulate responses from a 'merMod' object |