#### Utility Functions for lme4 Testing #### ---------------------------------- if(FALSE) ### "Load" these by source(system.file("testdata/lme-tst-funs.R", package="lme4", mustWork=TRUE)) ## e.g. from ../../tests/glmmWeights.R ##' example originally from Gabor Grothendieck ##' https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2010q2/003726.html ##' ##' @title Simple LMM with 1 ran.eff., 1 fixed eff. rSim.11 <- function(n, k, sigma=1, beta=2) { stopifnot(length(n) == 1, length(k) == 1, n > k, k >= 1, k == round(k)) x <- 1:n fac <- gl(k, 1, n) fac.eff <- rnorm(k, 0, 4)[fac] e <- rnorm(n, sd=sigma) data.frame(x, fac, y = 1 + beta * x + fac.eff + e) } ##' General GLMM simulation for the model y ~ x + (1|block) ##' i.e. (2-way notation) Y_{ij} = \beta_1 + \beta_2 x_{ij} + B_j, ##' i = 1..nperblk, j = 1..nblk gSim <- function(nblk=26, nperblk=100, sigma=1, ## st.dev. of ran.eff B beta=c(4,3), x = runif(n),## sd = sqrt(1/12) = 0.2887; allow also x=c(0,1) shape=2, ## shape parameter for Gamma nbinom=10, ## N for binomial trials family=Gamma()) { stopifnot(nblk <= 1e7, nblk * nperblk <= 5e7) # some sanity .. ## ch.set: a large enough set of "letters", as level-labels for 'block': nc <- length(ch.set <- c(LETTERS, letters, paste0(LETTERS,LETTERS), paste0(LETTERS,letters))) while(nblk > nc) nc <- length(ch.set <- c(paste0(ch.set, LETTERS), paste0(ch.set, letters))) stopifnot(1 <= nblk, nblk <= length(ch.set)) d <- expand.grid(block = ch.set[1:nblk], rep= 1:nperblk, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE) stopifnot(nblk == length(levels(d$block)), (n <- nrow(d)) == nblk * nperblk, length(x) == n, length(beta) == 2) d$ x <- x reff_f <- rnorm(nblk, sd=sigma) ## need intercept large enough to avoid negative values d$ eta0 <- beta[1] + beta[2]*x ## fixed effects only d$ eta <- d$eta0 + reff_f[d$block] d$ mu <- family$linkinv(d$eta) d$ y <- switch(family$family, "Gamma" = rgamma(n,scale=d$mu/shape,shape=shape), "poisson" = rpois(n,d$mu), "binomial"= { z <- rbinom(n, prob=d$mu, size=nbinom) if (nbinom==1) z else cbind(succ = z, fail = nbinom-z) }, stop("Family ", family$family, " not supported here")) d } ### For Model comparisons ## a version of getME() that can be used for objects, both from lme4.0 or lme4 gimME <- function(mod, nm, is.mer = is(mod,"mer")) if(is.mer) lme4.0::getME(mod,nm) else lme4::getME(mod,nm) ##' @title All Coefficients of fitted (G)LMM model ##' @param mod a fitted (G)LMM model from pkg lme4.0 or lme4 ##' @param incl.t logical, indicating if 'beta' should include std.errors and t-values ##' @return named vector of coefficients [ beta | theta | sigma ] ##' @author Martin Maechler allcoefs <- function(mod, incl.t = FALSE) { iMer <- is(mod, "mer") ## incl.t: rather also the std.err., t-values: c(beta = if(incl.t) coef(summary(mod)) else gimME(mod, "beta", iMer), gimME(mod,"theta", iMer),# have their own names sigma = if(iMer) lme4.0::sigma(mod) else lme4::sigma(mod)) } ##' S3 method but also works for lme4.0: all.equal.merMod <- function(target, current, incl.t=FALSE, ...) { all.equal(allcoefs(target, incl.t), allcoefs(current, incl.t), ...) } ##' some optimizer info isOptimized <- function(mod) mod@optinfo[["conv"]][["opt"]] == 0 baseOpti <- function(mod) mod@optinfo[c("optimizer", "conv","feval")]