# Namespace for lsmeans package # Imports import(Matrix) import(methods) # 'requireNamespace' block below allows me to put multcomp in # Imports instead of Depends. if (requireNamespace("multcomp", quietly = TRUE)) { importFrom(multcomp, cld, glht, modelparm) #S3method(cld, ref.grid) # Appears later outside this block S3method(glht, lsmlf) S3method(glht, ref.grid) S3method(modelparm, lsmwrap) } # Gotta have the generic for cld, whether or not multcomp is attacjed export(cld) if (requireNamespace("plyr", quietly = TRUE)) { importFrom(plyr, alply) } # Visible exports exportPattern("*.lsmc") #all contrast fcns export( as.glht, contrast, lsm, lsm.basis, lsmeans, lsmeans.character, # because it is a generic lsmobj, lsmip, lsm.options, lstrends, nonest.basis, recover.data, ref.grid, test ) # S3 methods - # For clarity, I'm showing them all # but commenting out the ones used only interally S3method(as.glht, ref.grid) S3method(cld, ref.grid) S3method(cld, lsm.list) S3method(confint, ref.grid) S3method(confint, lsm.list) S3method(contrast, ref.grid) S3method(contrast,lsm.list) #S3method(glht, lsmlf) # in namespace block above #S3method(glht, ref.grid) S3method(lsmeans, character) S3method(lsmeans.character, default) S3method(lsmeans.character, ref.grid) S3method(lsmeans, default) S3method(lsmeans, formula) S3method(lsmeans, list) S3method(lsmip, default) #S3method(modelparm, lsmwrap) # in namespace block above S3method(pairs, ref.grid) S3method(pairs, lsm.list) S3method(plot, lsmobj) S3method(plot, summary.ref.grid) S3method(predict, ref.grid) S3method(print, ref.grid) S3method(print, summary.ref.grid) S3method(print, lsm.list) S3method(recover.data, call) S3method(str, ref.grid) S3method(str, lsm.list) S3method(summary, ref.grid) S3method(summary, glht.list) S3method(summary, lsm.list) S3method(test, ref.grid) S3method(test, lsm.list) S3method(update, ref.grid) S3method(vcov, ref.grid) # interim support for old lsmeans function export(.old.lsmeans) S3method(print, lsm) S3method(print, data.frame.lsm)