R interface to NLopt

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Documentation for package ‘nloptr’ version 1.0.4

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nloptr-package R interface to NLopt
auglag Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm
bobyqa Bound Optimization by Quadratic Approximation
check.derivatives Check analytic gradients of a function using finite difference approximations
cobyla Constrained Optimization by Linear Approximations
crs2lm Controlled Random Search
direct DIviding RECTangles Algorithm for Global Optimization
directL DIviding RECTangles Algorithm for Global Optimization
is.nloptr R interface to NLopt
isres Improved Stochastic Ranking Evolution Strategy
lbfgs Low-storage BFGS
mlsl Multi-level Single-linkage
mma Method of Moving Asymptotes
neldermead Nelder-Mead Simplex
newuoa New Unconstrained Optimization with quadratic Approximation
nl.grad Numerical Gradients and Jacobians
nl.jacobian Numerical Gradients and Jacobians
nl.opts Setting NL Options
nloptr R interface to NLopt
nloptr.get.default.options Return a data.frame with all the options that can be supplied to nloptr.
nloptr.print.options Print description of nloptr options
print.nloptr Print results after running nloptr
sbplx Subplex Algorithm
slsqp Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP)
stogo Stochastic Global Optimization
tnewton Preconditioned Truncated Newton
varmetric Shifted Limited-memory Variable-metric