Package for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological Series

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Documentation for package ‘pastecs’ version 1.3-18

Help Pages

.gleissberg.table Table of probabilities according to the Gleissberg distribution
abund Sort variables by abundance
AutoD2 AutoD2, CrossD2 or CenterD2 analysis of a multiple time-series
bnr A data frame of 163 benthic species measured across a transect
buysbal Buys-Ballot table
CenterD2 AutoD2, CrossD2 or CenterD2 analysis of a multiple time-series
CrossD2 AutoD2, CrossD2 or CenterD2 analysis of a multiple time-series
daystoyears Convert time units from "days" to "years" or back
decaverage Time series decomposition using a moving average
deccensus Time decomposition using the CENSUS II method
decdiff Time series decomposition using differences (trend elimination)
decevf Time series decomposition using eigenvector filtering (EVF)
decloess Time series decomposition by the LOESS method
decmedian Time series decomposition using a running median
decreg Time series decomposition using a regression model
disjoin Complete disjoined coded data (binary coding)
disto Compute and plot a distogram
escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
extract Extract a subset of the original dataset
extract.abund Sort variables by abundance
extract.escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
extract.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
extract.tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
extract.turnogram Calculate and plot a turnogram for a regular time series
extract.turnpoints Analyze turning points (peaks or pits)
first Get the first element of a vector
GetUnitText Format a nice time units for labels in graphs
hist.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
identify.abund Sort variables by abundance
identify.escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
identify.local.trend Calculate local trends using cumsum
identify.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
identify.turnogram Calculate and plot a turnogram for a regular time series
is.tseries Is this object a time series?
last Get the last element of a vector
lines.abund Sort variables by abundance
lines.escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
lines.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
lines.stat.slide Sliding statistics
lines.turnpoints Analyze turning points (peaks or pits)
local.trend Calculate local trends using cumsum
marbio Several zooplankton taxa measured across a transect
marphy Physico-chemical records at the same stations as for marbio
match.tol Determine matching observation with a tolerance in time-scale
pennington Calculate Pennington statistics
pgleissberg Gleissberg distribution probability
plot.abund Sort variables by abundance
plot.escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
plot.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
plot.stat.slide Sliding statistics
plot.tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
plot.turnogram Calculate and plot a turnogram for a regular time series
plot.turnpoints Analyze turning points (peaks or pits)
print.abund Sort variables by abundance
print.escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
print.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
print.specs.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
print.specs.tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
print.stat.slide Sliding statistics
print.summary.abund Sort variables by abundance
print.summary.escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
print.summary.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
print.summary.tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
print.summary.turnogram Calculate and plot a turnogram for a regular time series
print.summary.turnpoints Analyze turning points (peaks or pits)
print.tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
print.turnogram Calculate and plot a turnogram for a regular time series
print.turnpoints Analyze turning points (peaks or pits)
regarea Regulate a series using the area method
regconst Regulate a series using the constant value method
reglin Regulation of a series using a linear interpolation
regspline Regulation of a time series using splines
regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
regul.adj Adjust regulation parameters
regul.screen Test various regulation parameters
releve A data frame of six phytoplankton taxa followed in time at one station
specs Collect parameters ("specifications") from one object to use them in another analysis
specs.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
specs.tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
stat.desc Descriptive statistics on a data frame or time series
stat.pen Pennington statistics on a data frame or time series
stat.slide Sliding statistics
summary.abund Sort variables by abundance
summary.escouf Choose variables using the Escoufier's equivalent vectors method
summary.regul Regulation of one or several time series using various methods
summary.tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
summary.turnogram Calculate and plot a turnogram for a regular time series
summary.turnpoints Analyze turning points (peaks or pits)
trend.test Test if an increasing or decreasing trend exists in a time series
tsd Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods
tseries Convert a 'regul' or a 'tsd' object into a time series
turnogram Calculate and plot a turnogram for a regular time series
turnpoints Analyze turning points (peaks or pits)
vario Compute and plot a semi-variogram
yearstodays Convert time units from "days" to "years" or back