Package: permute Title: Functions for generating restricted permutations of data Version: 0.8-3 Date: $Date$ Authors@R: c(person(given = "Gavin L.", family = "Simpson", email = "", role = c("aut", "cph", "cre")), person(given = "R Core Team", role = "cph"), person(given = "Douglas M.", family = "Bates", role = "ctb"), person(given = "Jari", family = "Oksanen", role = "ctb")) Depends: R (>= 2.14.0) Suggests: vegan (>= 2.0-0), testthat (>= 0.5), parallel Description: The 'permute' package implements a set of restricted permutation designs for freely exchangeable, line transects (time series), and spatial grid designs plus permutation of blocks (groups of samples). 'permute' also allows split-plot designs, in which the whole-plots or split-plots or both can be freely-exchangeable or one of the restricted designs. The 'permute' package is modelled after the permutation schemes of Canoco 3.1 (and later) by Cajo ter Braak. License: GPL-2 ByteCompile: true URL: Copyright: see file COPYRIGHTS Author: Gavin L. Simpson [aut, cph, cre], R Core Team [cph], Douglas M. Bates [ctb], Jari Oksanen [ctb] Maintainer: Gavin L. Simpson Repository: CRAN Repository/R-Forge/Project: vegan Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 2847 Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2014-01-28 04:02:29 Date/Publication: 2014-01-29 21:24:58 Packaged: 2014-01-28 07:15:34 UTC; rforge NeedsCompilation: no Built: R 3.0.3; ; 2014-09-28 05:29:18 UTC; windows