VERSION 0.3-10 o added NAMESPACE file o removed junk files VERSION 0.3-9.2 o fixed bug in print.instantiatedProtoMethod VERSION 0.3-9.1 o minor change to pass R CMD CHECK o removed one file that was not relevant to this version of proto VERSION 0.3-9 o minor changes to satisfy subtitute/eval changes in R 2.13.0 (thanks to Luke Tierney) o x could previously not be the name of a proto object. Now fixed. o proto print methods could break str.proto. Now fixed. VERSION 0.3-8 o minor changes to satisfy R 2.6.0 VERSION 0.3-7 o FAQ added as Appendix A of vignette o str.proto added (modified code of Tom Short) o the class of p$fun is now "instantiatedProtoMethod" and print.instantiatedProtoMethod provided (modified code of Tom Short) o "$.proto" now has a third argument which, if present, is a list of arguments at which to evaluate the instantiated method. Intended for use within sapply/lapply/etc. See examples in ?proto . o modified DESCRIPTION to point to new home page VERSION 0.3-6 o order of arguments in proto and as.proto.list changed to address a bug VERSION 0.3-5 o new arg funEnvir= on proto and as.proto.list [experimental] o new arg SELECT= on as.proto [experimental] VERSION 0.3-4 o new function graph.proto using Rgraphviz replaces dot.proto o updated vignettes o added proto-package.Rd (viewable via package?proto) VERSION 0.3-3 o updated NEWS, README, WISHLIST and moved to to inst directory VERSION 0.3-2 o bug fix (recursion bug) o documentation improvements (vignette, .Rd files, README) VERSION 0.3-1 o .Rd file improvements VERSION 0.3-0 o that/super changed to .that/.super. o .Name changed to ..Name in dot.proto o improvements to .Rd files and vignette VERSION 0.2-6 o demo index file fixed and demo renamed and enhanced o proto.bib updated o consistent use of obj$with(meth) in examples and demo where method not used in the context of a call VERSION 0.2-5 o vignette and reference card now pass R CMD check/build/install o CHANGES renamed to NEWS VERSION 0.2-4 o added control argument to dot.proto VERSION 0.2-3 o added reference card o modified demo, .Rd files and vignette to correspond to new interface o changed argument list for proto and eliminated delegate o created as.proto.list and eliminated copy.proto o fixed bug in proto. Parent was not always set correctly. o added ... argument to copy.proto o added the isnot.function support function for use with copy.proto o cleaned up $.proto code for handling .. names. o the on-the-fly wrapper function generated by obj$meth now has the current environment as its environment. o proto no longer coerces its parent to a proto object. See note at end of proto.Rd. o added .. name processing and updated .Rd file o dot.proto now accepts names with dots in them o added delegate and copy.proto commands and updated .Rd file VERSION 0.2-2 o added .. name processing and updated .Rd file o dot.proto now accepts names with dots in them o added delegate and copy.proto commands and updated .Rd file