Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package.

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Documentation for package ‘reshape2’ version 1.4

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acast Cast functions Cast a molten data frame into an array or data frame.
add_margins Add margins to a data frame.
cast Cast functions Cast a molten data frame into an array or data frame.
colsplit Split a vector into multiple columns
dcast Cast functions Cast a molten data frame into an array or data frame.
french_fries Sensory data from a french fries experiment.
melt Convert an object into a molten data frame.
melt.array Melt an array.
melt.data.frame Melt a data frame into form suitable for easy casting.
melt.default Melt a vector. For vectors, makes a column of a data frame
melt.list Melt a list by recursively melting each component.
melt.matrix Melt an array.
melt.table Melt an array.
melt_check Check that input variables to melt are appropriate.
parse_formula Parse casting formulae.
recast Recast: melt and cast in a single step
smiths Demo data describing the Smiths.
tips Tipping data