beamer_presentation Convert to a Beamer presentation compile_notebook Compiling R scripts to a notebook default_output_format Determine the default output format for an R Markdown document draft Create a new document based on a template html_document Convert to an HTML document html_document_base Base output format for HTML-based output formats html_fragment Convert to an HTML fragment. html_vignette Convert to an HTML vignette. includes Include content within output ioslides_presentation Convert to an ioslides Presentation knitr_options Knitr options for an output format knitr_options_html Knitr options for an HTML output format knitr_options_pdf Knitr options for a PDF output format md_document Convert to a markdown document metadata The YAML metadata of the current R Markdown document output_format Define an R Markdown output format pandoc_args Functions for generating pandoc command line arguments pandoc_available Check whether pandoc is available pandoc_convert Convert a document with pandoc pandoc_options Pandoc options for an output format pandoc_path_arg Transform path for passing to pandoc pandoc_self_contained_html Create a self-contained HTML document using pandoc. pandoc_template Render a pandoc template. pdf_document Convert to a PDF document render Render R Markdown render_delayed Delay Rendering for an Expression render_supporting_files Render supporting files for an input document revealjs_presentation Convert to a reveal.js presentation rmarkdown-package R Markdown Document Conversion rmarkdown_format R Markdown input format definition rmd_metadata R Markdown Metadata run Run a Shiny document slidy_presentation Convert to a slidy presentation tufte_handout Tufte handout format (PDF) word_document Convert to an MS Word document