Version 0.2.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Eliminate stringr dependency. * Fix outstanding errors in R CMD check Version 0.2.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * `floor_time` calls `to_time`, but that function was moved into a function so it was no longer available in the scales namespace. Now `floor_time` has its own copy of that function. (Thanks to Stefan Novak) * Color palettes generated by `brewer_pal` no longer give warnings when fewer than 3 colors are requested. (Winston Chang) * `abs_area and `rescale_max` functions have been added, for scaling the area of points to be proportional to their value. These are used by `scale_size_area` in ggplot2. Version 0.2.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * `zero_range` has improved behaviour thanks to Brian Diggs. * `brewer_pal` complains if you give it an incorrect palette type. (Fixes #15, thanks to Jean-Olivier Irisson) * `shape_pal` warns if asked for more than 6 values. (Fixes #16, thanks to Jean-Olivier Irisson) * `time_trans` gains an optional argument `tz` to specify the time zone to use for the times. If not specified, it will be guess from the first input with a non-null time zone. * `date_trans` and `time_trans` now check that their inputs are of the correct type. This prevents ggplot2 scales from silently giving incorrect outputs when given incorrect inputs. * Change the default breaks algorithm for `cbreaks()` and `trans_new()`. Previously it was `pretty_breaks()`, and now it's `extended_breaks()`, which uses the `extended()` algorithm from the labeling package. * fixed namespace problem with `fullseq` Version 0.2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * `suppressWarnings` from `train_continuous` so zero-row or all infinite data frames don't potentially cause problems. * check for zero-length colour in `gradient_n_pal` * added `extended_breaks` which implements an extension to Wilkinson's labelling approach, as implemented in the `labeling` package. This should generally produce nicer breaks than `pretty_breaks`. * `alpha` can now preserve existing alpha values if `alpha` is missing. * `log_breaks` always gives breaks evenly spaced on the log scale, never evenly spaced on the data scale. This will result in really bad breaks for some ranges (e.g 0.5-0.6), but you probably shouldn't be using log scales in that situation anyway. Version 0.2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * `censor` and `squish` gain `only.finite` argument and default to operating only on finite values. This is needed for ggplot2, and reflects the use of Inf and -Inf as special values. * `bounds` functions now `force` evaluation of range to avoid bug with S3 method dispatch inside primitive functions (e.g. `[`) * Simplified algorithm for `discrete_range` that is robust to `stringsAsFactors` global option. Now, the order of a factor will only be preserved if the full factor is the first object seen, and all subsequent inputs are subsets of the levels of the original factor. * `scientific` ensures output is always in scientific format and off the specified number of significant digits. `comma` ensures output is never in scientific format. (Fixes #7) * Another tweak to `zero_range` to better detect when a range has zero length. (Fixes #6)