A Collection of functions for similarity analysis of vegetation data

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Documentation for package ‘simba’ version 0.3-5

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simba-package Calculate similarity measures for binary data
abis Vegetation and environmental data recorded in a Tundra ecosystem in Northern Sweden (Southeast of Abisko).
abis.env Vegetation and environmental data recorded in a Tundra ecosystem in Northern Sweden (Southeast of Abisko).
abis.spec Vegetation and environmental data recorded in a Tundra ecosystem in Northern Sweden (Southeast of Abisko).
ads Create artificial data set (species matrix).
ads.fbg Create artificial data set (species matrix).
ads.hot Create artificial data set (species matrix).
ads.ternaries Artificial data-set for studying the mathematical behavior of asymmetric similarity coefficients
aslopect Calculate similarity of plots based on slope aspect and inclination
batons Adaption of boxplot.n.
bb2num Transform Braun-Blanquet scale data to percentage cover values and vice versa
bcoov Calculate Bray-Curtis distance for only one variable
boxes Adaption of boxplot.n.
com.sim Compare mean similarity between subsets of data
CqN Probabilistic multiple-plot similarity indices following Chao et al. (2008). Strictly preliminary.
CqNa Probabilistic multiple-plot similarity indices following Chao et al. (2008). Strictly preliminary.
diffic Calculate the difference in slope or intercept of two regression lines
diffmean Calculate the difference in Mean between two vectors
diffmich Calculate the difference in parameters of a Michaelis-Menten kinetik fitted to (PAM) data
diffslope Calculate the difference in slope or intercept of two regression lines
diffslope2 Calculate the difference in slope or intercept of two regression lines
direct Obtain Direction Classes from Geographic Coordinates
direct2 Obtain Direction Classes from Geographic Coordinates
dist.tmp Calculate the distance between the instances or variables of two similar data-sets.
fitmich Calculate the difference in parameters of a Michaelis-Menten kinetik fitted to (PAM) data
hexgrid Produces the nodes of an equidistant grid.
liste Convert dist-objects and matrices to database format
mad Make binary dummy variables out of a factor vector
makead Create artificial data set (species matrix).
mama A (convenience) wrapper function to make matrix from a data.frame
mantl Permuted Correlation (on strata)
mos.f Calculate multiple plot resemblance measures
mos.ft Calculate multiple plot resemblance measures
mpd Calculate multiple plot resemblance measures
mps Calculate multiple plot resemblance measures
mps.ave Calculate multiple plot resemblance measures
occ.time Track species occurrence
occ.tmp Track species occurrence
pcol Permuted Correlation (on strata)
plot.diffmich Calculate the difference in parameters of a Michaelis-Menten kinetik fitted to (PAM) data
plot.dmn Calculate the difference in Mean between two vectors
plot.dsl Calculate the difference in slope or intercept of two regression lines
plot.mantl Permuted Correlation (on strata)
plot.mrpp plot an mrpp-object
rin Calculate multiple plot resemblance measures
sim Calculate similarities for binary vegetation data
sim.tmp Calculate binary similarity in time
sim.yo Calculate a binary similarity index you define.
simba Calculate similarity measures for binary data
simbadocs Display Package Documentation
sos Calculate multiple plot resemblance measures
summits Repeated vegetation records from 7 Alpine summits of the Bernina range.
symbol.size Little helper function to obtain bubble plots with simple plot and points methods
trudi Calculate true diversity of any order
veg Repeated vegetation records from 7 Alpine summits of the Bernina range.
veg.lst Repeated vegetation records from 7 Alpine summits of the Bernina range.
years Repeated vegetation records from 7 Alpine summits of the Bernina range.