# splitstackshape NEWS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author/Maintainer : Ananda Mahto Email : ananda@mahto.info URL : http://github.com/mrdwab/splitstackshape BugReports : http://github.com/mrdwab/splitstackshape/issues --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 1.2.0 27 August 2013 ### Enhancement * Further refinement of `Stacked` and `merge.stack`. `merge.stack` is now faster than `Reshape`, at least for large datasets. ## 1.1.0 18 August 2013 ### Enhancement * `Stacked` and `merge.stack` now made MUCH faster using almost a pure `data.table` solution. ## 1.0.2 17 August 2013 ### Bugfixes * When `Stacked` results in a list of length 1, it is "unlisted" before being returned. * `Reshape` (and as a result, `concat.split.multiple(..., direction = "long")`) has been enhanced by the addition of a feature to automatically add an ID variable if the present "IDs" are not unique. ## Feature Changes New functions added: * getanID * :::Names ## 1.0.1 16 August 2013 ### Bugfixes * `read.concat` updated to use `count.fields` to determine the correct number of columns that the resulting `data.frame` should have. ### Feature change * `Reshape` now has an option to remove the `rownames` from the output, set to `TRUE` by default. ## 1.0 12 August 2013 Initial commit of splitstacshape with the following main functions: * concat.split (plus: concat.split.compact, concat.split.expanded, concat.split.list, and concat.split.multiple) -- To split concatenated data into more manageable data formats. * Reshape -- To help base R's reshape function handle unbalanced data and simplify the reshape syntax (wide to long only). * Stacked -- To selectively stack columns of a data.frame. ### Full list of functions *Non-exported functions are indicated with ::: before their names* * concat.split.compact * concat.split.expanded * concat.split.list * concat.split.multiple * concat.split * merged.stack * Reshape * Stacked * :::binaryMat * :::FacsToChars * :::NoSep * :::othernames * :::read.concat * :::valueMat