fixed Match fixed characters, not regular expression. Ignore case of match. invert_match Switch location of matches to location of non-matches. perl Use perl regular expressions. str_c Join multiple strings into a single string. str_count Count the number of matches in a string. str_detect Detect the presence or absence of a pattern in a string. str_dup Duplicate and concatenate strings within a character vector. str_extract Extract first piece of a string that matches a pattern. str_extract_all Extract all pieces of a string that match a pattern. str_length The length of a string (in characters). str_locate Locate the position of the first occurence of a pattern in a string. str_locate_all Locate the position of all occurences of a pattern in a string. str_match Extract first matched group from a string. str_match_all Extract all matched groups from a string. str_pad Pad a string. str_replace Replace first occurrence of a matched pattern in a string. str_replace_all Replace all occurrences of a matched pattern in a string. str_split Split up a string into a variable number of pieces. str_split_fixed Split up a string into a fixed number of pieces. str_sub Extract substrings from a character vector. str_sub_replace Replace substrings in a character vector. 'str_sub<-' will recycle all arguments to be the same length as the longest argument. str_trim Trim whitespace from start and end of string. str_wrap Wrap strings into nicely formatted paragraphs. word Extract words from a sentence.