context("Matching groups") set.seed(1410) num <- matrix(sample(9, 10 * 10, rep = T), ncol = 10) num_flat <- apply(num, 1, str_c, collapse = "") phones <- str_c( "(", num[, 1], num[ ,2], num[, 3], ") ", num[, 4], num[, 5], num[, 6], " ", num[, 7], num[, 8], num[, 9], num[, 10]) test_that("special case are correct", { # These tests really should compare to character matrices, but str_match # returns matrices with dimnames set it's real pain expect_that(c(str_match(NA, "(a)")), equals(c(NA_character_, NA_character_))) expect_that(c(str_match(character(), "(a)")), equals(character())) }) test_that("no matching cases returns 1 column matrix", { res <- str_match(c("a", "b"), ".") expect_that(nrow(res), equals(2)) expect_that(ncol(res), equals(1)) expect_that(res[, 1], equals(c("a", "b"))) }) test_that("single match works when all match", { matches <- str_match(phones, "\\(([0-9]{3})\\) ([0-9]{3}) ([0-9]{4})") expect_that(nrow(matches), equals(length(phones))) expect_that(ncol(matches), equals(4)) expect_that(matches[, 1], equals(phones)) matches_flat <- apply(matches[, -1], 1, str_c, collapse = "") expect_that(matches_flat, equals(num_flat)) }) test_that("single match works when some don't match", { matches <- str_match(c(phones, "blah", NA), "\\(([0-9]{3})\\) ([0-9]{3}) ([0-9]{4})") expect_that(nrow(matches), equals(length(phones) + 2)) expect_that(ncol(matches), equals(4)) expect_that(matches[11, ], equals(rep(NA_character_, 4))) expect_that(matches[12, ], equals(rep(NA_character_, 4))) }) test_that("multiple match works", { phones_one <- str_c(phones, collapse = " ") multi_match <- str_match_all(phones_one, "\\(([0-9]{3})\\) ([0-9]{3}) ([0-9]{4})") single_matches <- str_match(phones, "\\(([0-9]{3})\\) ([0-9]{3}) ([0-9]{4})") expect_that(multi_match[[1]], equals(single_matches)) })