v2.1.13 - fix integer overflow issue - explicitly cast pointers from char to yaml_char_t, and vice versa v2.1.12 - properly emit factors with NAs (bug submitted by Jenny Bryan) - update LibYAML to 0.1.6 v2.1.11 - update LibYAML to 0.1.5 v2.1.10 - properly escape names in data frames and lists (bug submitted by Paul Hodor) - remove extra digit in Windows when formatting exponential numbers v2.1.9 - CRAN maintainers changed memcpy to memmove v2.1.8 - properly emit and consume numeric values in scientific notiation (bug submitted by Gergely Daróczi) - add 'precision' argument to as.yaml to control how many digits are printed when emitting v2.1.7 - properly emit and consume special values: Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA, TRUE, and FALSE (bug submitted by Richard Cotton) - Inf is emitted as '.inf' - -Inf as '-.inf' - NaN as '.nan' - TRUE is now emitted as 'yes', and FALSE as 'no' - because the YAML specification does not specify how to handle NA values, the various NA types are emitted as follows: - NA: .na - NA_real_: .na.real - NA_integer_: .na.integer - NA_character_: .na.character v2.1.6 - add unicode option to as.yaml() (bug submissions by Gergely Daróczi and Aleksandar Blagotić) v2.1.5 - fix yaml.load() ignoring explicit quotes around strings (bug submitted by Jonas Zimmermann) - fix as.yaml() not quoting strings that need to be quoted v2.1.4 - replace lang5() function for backwards compatibility with R < 2.12.0 (bug submitted by Philipp Hofmann) v2.1.3 - fix as.yaml() converting numeric vectors incorrectly (bug submitted by Markus Göker) v2.1.2 - fix multiple anchor bug (bug submitted by apshaar) v2.1.1 - remove redundant yaml-package help page - fix solaris compilation error - remove printf/assert symbols from the compiled library v2.1.0 - re-wrote as.yaml in C (using libyaml's emitter) - removed the `pre.indent` option to as.yaml, mainly because libyaml doesn't support pre-indention and I'm not sure the option is useful anymore; will revisit if requested v2.0.0 - switch from the Syck parser to the libyaml (0.1.4) parser - changed behavior: - sequences of sequences no longer collapse when they contain the same type; ex: yaml.load("[1, [2, 3], 4]") returns list(1L, c(2L, 3L), 4L) v1.2.0 - added support for loading R expressions (using the !expr tag) - added multiline string support - added support for nameless lists in as.yaml (converts to a sequence) v1.1.0 - added support for omaps - added yaml.load_file function to read from files/connections - using format instead of as.character now in as.yaml.default v1.0.2 - fixed as.yaml bug where a nested empty list wasn't converted correctly v1.0.1 - yaml.load will now load empty documents (bug submitted by Jeff Klingner) - as.yaml will return '[]' for empty objects (patch submitted by Brendan O'Connor) - as.yaml will now create valid YAML for a list that contains a list of length one (bug submitted by Gabor Grothendieck)