S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's ordered observations)

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Documentation for package ‘zoo’ version 1.7-11

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z misc

-- A --

aggregate.zoo Compute Summary Statistics of zoo Objects
as.character.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.character.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.data.frame.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.data.frame.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.data.frame.zoo Coercion from and to zoo
as.Date An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.Date.numeric An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.Date.ts An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.Date.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.Date.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.list.ts Coercion from and to zoo
as.list.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.list.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.list.zoo Coercion from and to zoo
as.matrix.zoo Coercion from and to zoo
as.numeric.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.numeric.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.POSIXct.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.POSIXct.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.POSIXlt.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.POSIXlt.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.ts.zoo Coercion from and to zoo
as.ts.zooreg Regular zoo Series
as.vector.zoo Coercion from and to zoo
as.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.character An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.Date An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.date An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.dates An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.default An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.factor An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.integer An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.jul An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.numeric An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.POSIXt An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearmon.timeDate An Index Class for Monthly Data
as.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.character An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.Date An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.date An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.dates An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.default An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.factor An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.integer An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.jul An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.numeric An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.POSIXt An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.timeDate An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.yearqtr.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
as.zoo Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.data.frame Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.default Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.factor Z's Ordered Observations
as.zoo.fts Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.irts Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.its Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.matrix Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.mcmc Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.tis Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.ts Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.xts Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.zoo Coercion from and to zoo
as.zoo.zooreg Regular zoo Series
as.zooreg Regular zoo Series
as.zooreg.default Regular zoo Series
as.zooreg.its Regular zoo Series
as.zooreg.ts Regular zoo Series
as.zooreg.xts Regular zoo Series
as.zooreg.zoo Regular zoo Series
autoplot.zoo Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2

-- B --

barplot.zoo Plotting zoo Objects

-- C --

c.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
c.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
c.zoo Merge Two or More zoo Objects
cbind.zoo Merge Two or More zoo Objects
coredata Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata.default Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata.irts Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata.its Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata.ts Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata<- Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata<-.irts Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata<-.its Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata<-.ts Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
coredata<-.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
cummax.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
cummin.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
cumprod.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
cumsum.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
cycle.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
cycle.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
cycle.zoo Regular zoo Series
cycle.zooreg Regular zoo Series

-- D --

deltat.zoo Regular zoo Series
deltat.zooreg Regular zoo Series
diff.zoo Lags and Differences of zoo Objects

-- E --

end.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects

-- F --

facet_free Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2
format.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
format.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
fortify.zoo Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2
frequency.zoo Regular zoo Series
frequency.zooreg Regular zoo Series
frequency<- Replacing the Index of Objects
frequency<-.zoo Replacing the Index of Objects
frequency<-.zooreg Replacing the Index of Objects

-- G --

ggplot2.zoo Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2

-- H --

head.ts Z's Ordered Observations
head.zoo Z's Ordered Observations

-- I --

ifelse.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
index Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
index.default Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
index.ts Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
index.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
index2char Z's Ordered Observations
index2char.default Z's Ordered Observations
index2char.numeric Z's Ordered Observations
index<- Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
index<-.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
index<-.zooreg Regular zoo Series
is.numeric.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
is.regular Check Regularity of a Series
is.regular.default Check Regularity of a Series
is.regular.ts Check Regularity of a Series
is.regular.zoo Check Regularity of a Series
is.regular.zooreg Check Regularity of a Series
is.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
is.zoo Z's Ordered Observations

-- L --

lag.zoo Lags and Differences of zoo Objects
lag.zooreg Regular zoo Series
lines.zoo Plotting zoo Objects
llines.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
llines.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
llines.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
lpoints.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
lpoints.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
lpoints.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
ltext.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
ltext.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
ltext.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice

-- M --

make.par.list Make a List from a Parameter Specification
MATCH Value Matching
MATCH.default Value Matching
MATCH.times Value Matching
MATCH.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
MATCH.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
mean.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
mean.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
mean.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
median.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
merge.zoo Merge Two or More zoo Objects

-- N --

na.aggregate Replace NA by Aggregation
na.aggregate.default Replace NA by Aggregation
na.approx Replace NA by Interpolation
na.approx.default Replace NA by Interpolation
na.approx.ts Replace NA by Interpolation
na.approx.zoo Replace NA by Interpolation
na.approx.zooreg Replace NA by Interpolation
na.contiguous Z's Ordered Observations
na.contiguous.data.frame Z's Ordered Observations
na.contiguous.default Z's Ordered Observations
na.contiguous.list Z's Ordered Observations
na.contiguous.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
na.fill Fill NA or specified positions.
na.fill.default Fill NA or specified positions.
na.fill.ts Fill NA or specified positions.
na.fill.zoo Fill NA or specified positions.
na.locf Last Observation Carried Forward
na.locf.data.frame Last Observation Carried Forward
na.locf.default Last Observation Carried Forward
na.locf.list Last Observation Carried Forward
na.spline Replace NA by Interpolation
na.spline.default Replace NA by Interpolation
na.spline.ts Replace NA by Interpolation
na.spline.zoo Replace NA by Interpolation
na.spline.zooreg Replace NA by Interpolation
na.StructTS Fill NA or specified positions.
na.StructTS.ts Fill NA or specified positions.
na.StructTS.zoo Fill NA or specified positions.
na.trim Trim Leading/Trailing Missing Observations
na.trim.default Trim Leading/Trailing Missing Observations
na.trim.ts Trim Leading/Trailing Missing Observations
names.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
names<-.zoo Z's Ordered Observations

-- O --

Ops.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
Ops.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
Ops.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
ORDER Ordering Permutation
ORDER.default Ordering Permutation

-- P --

panel.lines.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.lines.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.lines.ts Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.lines.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.plot.custom Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.plot.default Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.points.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.points.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.points.ts Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.points.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.polygon.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.polygon.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.polygon.ts Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.polygon.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.rect.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.rect.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.rect.ts Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.rect.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.segments.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.segments.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.segments.ts Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.segments.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.text.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.text.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.text.ts Plot zoo Series with Lattice
panel.text.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice
plot.zoo Plotting zoo Objects
points.zoo Plotting zoo Objects
print.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
print.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
print.zoo Z's Ordered Observations

-- Q --

quantile.zoo Z's Ordered Observations

-- R --

range.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
range.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
range.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
rbind.zoo Merge Two or More zoo Objects
read.zoo Reading and Writing zoo Series
rev.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
rollapply Apply Rolling Functions
rollapply.default Apply Rolling Functions
rollapply.ts Apply Rolling Functions
rollapply.zoo Apply Rolling Functions
rollapplyr Apply Rolling Functions
rollmax Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmax.default Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmax.ts Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmax.zoo Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmaxr Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmean Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmean.default Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmean.ts Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmean.zoo Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmeanr Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmedian Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmedian.default Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmedian.ts Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmedian.zoo Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollmedianr Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollsum Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollsum.default Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollsum.ts Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollsum.zoo Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
rollsumr Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums

-- S --

scale.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
scale_x_yearmon Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2
scale_x_yearqtr Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2
scale_y_yearmon Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2
scale_y_yearqtr Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2
split.zoo Compute Summary Statistics of zoo Objects
start.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
str.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
subset.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
summary.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
Summary.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
summary.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
summary.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
Sys.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
Sys.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data

-- T --

t.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
tail.ts Z's Ordered Observations
tail.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
time.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
time<- Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
time<-.zoo Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
time<-.zooreg Regular zoo Series
transform.zoo Z's Ordered Observations

-- U --

unique.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
unique.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data

-- W --

window.zoo Extract/Replacing the Time Windows of Objects
window<-.zoo Extract/Replacing the Time Windows of Objects
with.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
write.zoo Reading and Writing zoo Series

-- X --

xblocks Plot contiguous blocks along x axis.
xblocks.default Plot contiguous blocks along x axis.
xblocks.ts Plot contiguous blocks along x axis.
xblocks.zoo Plot contiguous blocks along x axis.
xtfrm.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
xtfrm.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
xtfrm.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
xyplot.its Plot zoo Series with Lattice
xyplot.tis Plot zoo Series with Lattice
xyplot.zoo Plot zoo Series with Lattice

-- Y --

yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
yearmon_trans Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2
yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
yearqtr_trans Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2

-- Z --

zoo Z's Ordered Observations
zooreg Regular zoo Series

-- misc --

$.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
$<-.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
-.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
-.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
[.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
[.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data
[.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
[<-.zoo Z's Ordered Observations
[[.yearmon An Index Class for Monthly Data
[[.yearqtr An Index Class for Quarterly Data