Friday, May 30, 2014

5 30 2014 fidalgo repro check

Anacortes wa
Mid 60s to mid 70s
Performed standard reproduction check using the anesthesia sop. Found no brooders. Also surface water Temps at 3 pm were only 9C.
Initial 10
45 min. 12
1.5 hrs   16
Initial. 9
45 min.  13
1.5 hrs.  16
2.25 hrs.  19
Initial.  9
45 min. 13
1.5 hrs.  16
Seawater.  30 ppt
Treatment.  65 ppt
Brood.   0
Gaping.  77
Dead.      1
Brood.   0
Gaping.  46
Dead.     0
Brood.  0
Gaping. 50
Dead.   1
Also forgot to dessicate 2N tray. Placed it straight in treatment from bath. Still got ok reaction from it.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

5 29 2014 oyster bay repro check

Shelton wa
Mid 60s
Performed standard repro check from anesthesia sop. Found brooders!
Also took temp, salinity and size of brooding females.
Numbers as follow:
President treatment bath
Initial.  15.5
45 min.  15.5
1.5 hrs.   16.5
Treatment temp
Initial.  11
45 min. 12
1.5 hrs.  15
2.25 hrs.  16
Recovery bath Temps
Initial.   14
45 min   17
1.5 hrs.   18
2.25 hrs.  18
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment.  25
Treatment.        70
Recovery.          25
Brooding data
Brood.  1
Gaping 80
Dead.    7
Brooders info
#       size (mm).      Larvae taken
1.        24.                   y
Brood.   5
Gaping  74
Dead.     9
Brooders info
#        size (mm)         larvae taken
1.        36.                       Y
2.         26.                      Y
3.         26.                      Y
4.         25.                      Y
5.         28.                      Y
Brood.   2
Gaping 51
Dead.     6
Brooders info
#            size (mm)         larvae taken
1.            27.                     Y
2.            28.                      Y
Brooding larvae are easy to spot. They appear as pools or swarms of white material around the mouth portion of the visceral mass. If oyster has water still in it they maybe swarming inside of the animal. To confirm their presence use black tip of zip tie to collect small portion for viewing. Small white grainy substance is brooding larvae. Grey or green substance most likely algae or food.
Also hazard note. Small portion of ethanol fell on to some gaping animals when transferring larvae to tube. Washed off immediately but worried that undue mortality may occur. That or drunk oyster party. 
Attempted to get pics of brooding but not good ones. Posted below.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5 28 2014 Manchester Repro Check

Manchester WA

Mid 60s

Started partly cloudy and warm, then rained later in the day while finishing the last tray check.

Took temperatures while the temp probe still worked. Probe failed halfway through the day due to being doused with salt water.

Followed procedure listed in the Reproduction Anesthesia SOP. Modified the procedure at the end by eliminating the time for the final tray to recover due to the torrential rain.

Also took salinity of the water collected as well as the treatment salinity.

Temps as follows:
Seawater for pre treatment in C
Initial:          13.1
45 min:       19.5
1.5 hrs:       23.8

Treatment Temps in C
Initial:          15.3
45 mins:       21.2
1.5 hrs:        23.5

Salinity (taken during initial collection/treatment creation)
Seawater:   26.5 ppt
Treatment:  68.5 ppt

Brooding Conditions as follows:
Brood    0
Gaping   43
Dead      9

Brood    0
Gaping   27
Dead      0

Brood     0
Gaping    54
Dead      15

There were two oysters in 4H5-8 and three in 4N5-8 that looked like candidated for brooding due to darkened gill tissues. Rinsed all 5 thoroughly with seawater in to 52 um screen but collected nothing. Gill tissue color did not change. I assumed these animals were not brooding based on this.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Reproduction Survey Spring 2014 Standard Operating Procedures

SOP Anesthesia Procedure for Brood Check/Collection

1 stack consisting of 1 tray from each population is pulled out of the water where they are held for anesthesia. The stack will be different each week until all 4 stacks have been checked and then the process will repeat starting with the stack that was checked first.

Two of the trays are placed individual in roughly 10 gallons of ambient sea water in 2 twenty gallon pools.

The third tray remains outside side of the pool for approximately 45 minutes to deprive the oysters of oxygen.

Once the 45 minute mark is reached the tray is then placed in 10 gallons of a 50/50 seawater/85 g/L epsom salt freshwater mixture. These animals are then allowed 45 minutes to open up inside the treatment. Once open the animals are anesthetized by the epsom salts and remain gaping until flushed with sea water.

While the first tray is being treated the second tray is being dessicated. This repeats with the second tray treatment and the third tray dessication.

The animals are then visually inspected for signs of larvae including a grayish mass in the gills or on the lower deep cup of the shell. If anything suspect is seen, these animal is then flushed with seawater into a 52 um screen to capture any possible larvae. If larvae are present, they are washed off the screen into a 50 ml falcon with 75% Ethanol solution for preservation.

After all gaping animals are inspected, a quick count of all dead, gaping, and brooding animals is performed. Then the tray is placed in a pool of fresh ambient sea water to help the animals recover and avoid dessication until the process is completed for all trays being observed.

Once the final tray has been surveyed. The trays are then randomly organized back into a stack, secured to the hanging rope, and then returned back to their holding area.

Any brood collected will be brought back to the lab and have their solution switched out with 95% Ethanol.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

5 24 2014 fidalgo repro

Anacortes, WA
Temps mid 50 to 60
Light rain
Participants L. Christine savolainen and Jake heare

Checked the third stack for reproductive activities using Anesthesia SOP. Also checked the first stack to see if there were any mortality events. The first stack was completely fine with minimal mortalities.
The third stack had no signs of brooding.
Numbers for pops as follows

Brood. 0
Gaping. 24
Dead 0

Brood. 0
Gaping 53
Dead 0

Brood. 0
Gaping. 77
Dead. 0

Friday, May 23, 2014

5 23 2014 oyster bay emergency sampling

Oyster bay, WA

Mid 60s 70s

Participants Steven Roberts, Brent vadopalas, and Jake heare

We came back to oyster bay today to check if mortality occurred across the board.

Upon inspection of the three remaining stacks. There was no indication that the mortality event was spread to the other trays. It seems that a mix of extended exposure, high temperatures, and the treatment caused a mass mortality event. Dabob was the first group to be treated and thus did not experience the same duration of high heat and low oxygen that the north and south sound trays did. We decided to same from the affected trays anyway.  We collected 8 from the north sound tray, 4 from the south sound tray, and 10 from the dabob tray. We also individually bagged the shells from the dead oyster in hopes of using them for future data efforts.

On a side note, there appeared to be 2 dabob oysters that had recently spawned as evidenced by the post gonadal canals. Since they showed no signs of brooding it is assumed they spawned as male and may spawn again in the near future as female.

We also did a semi brood check on the other full set of trays and found no brooders.

Shells were placed on dry ice, tissue samples stored in rna later. Will be transferred to cold storage in the near future.

Will continue repro check at fidalgo tomorrow.

Enjoy this selfie of Brent and I in the car as I write reports.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

5 22 2014 oyster bay repro

Oyster bay, WA

High mid 70s.

Participants Katie Jackson and Jake heare.

Tested for reproductive active today. Very bad news.

There has been a huge mortality event at oyster bay. Numbers for brooding, gaping, dead, and alive but not open are as follows.

Brood. 0
Gaping. 3
Dead 93
Alive 5

Brood 0
Gaping 2
Dead 68
Alive 4

Brood 0
Gaping 47
Dead  51
Alive. 9

Clearly dabob has survived whatever mortality event much better than north and south sounds populations. We will be sampling this site tomorrow to ensure fresh samples.