Shelton, wa
Mid 60s to high 70s cloudy mostly till 2 pm then sunny
Performed the anesthesia sop with insulation on treatment. No ice blocks needed. Found no brooders in North pop but 3 in dabob. Lots still from south sound pop.
Numbers as follow
Temps in c
Initial. 15
45. 15
1.5. 16
Initial. 11
45. 10
1.5. 11
2.25. 11
Initial. 16
45. 19
1.5. 22 sun came out. Kept adding water.
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment. 25
Treatment. 73
Recovery. 26
Brood collection
Brood. 0
Gaping. 49
Dead. 0
Closed. 1
Brood. 3
Gaping. 66
Dead. 4
Closed. 4
# size. Sick
1. 25. W
2. 26. Grey
3. 25. W
Brood. 9
Gaping. 78
Dead. 0
Closed. 3
# size. Sick
1. 26. W
2. 28. W
3. 26. W
4. 30. W
5. 39. W
6. 25. W
7. 28. W
8. 29. W
9. 25. W. No larvae collected from 9. Tile oyster.