Thursday, July 10, 2014

7 10 2014 oyster bay repro check

Klamiche shores, wa

Hi 60s to low 80s

Performed the anesthesia sop with insulation and ice blocks on treat. I also covered the Pretreatment and recovery tubs with a tarp to shade them from direct sun to help moderate the water temps. It worked well along with adding fresh seawater and leftover ice blocks, keeping the trays within 3 degrees of ambient. Also I broke the one day record for number of brooders. All pops had multiple brooders with the northern pop almost being equal to the southern pop in terms of numbers. Dabob pop also performed very well. I think this has to do with last week's neap tide and the much warmer than average air temps.

Numbers as follow.

Temps in c
Initial.        16
45.              16
1.5.             16

Initial.         14
45.               14
1.5.              13
2.25.            12

Initial.          16
45.               17
1.5.               17

Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment.     25
Treatment.          65
Recovery.            24

Brood collection

Brood.      8
Gaping.    73
Dead.        3
Closed.     2

#     size.     Sick
1.     30.        W
2.     22.        W  no sample, very few larvae
3.     39.        W
4.     35.        W
5.     31.        W
6.     33.        W
7.     28.        W
8.     32.        W  no sample tile oyster

Brood.       6
Gaping.     83
Dead.         3
Closed.      3

#      size.     Sick
1.      27.        W
2.      27.        W.
3.      28.        W
4.      26.        W
5.      26.        W
6.      27.        W

Brood.      10
Gaping.    82
Dead.        0
Closed.     1

#        size.       Sick
1.        22.          W
2.        22.          W
3.        25.          W
4.        28.          W
5.        27.          W
6.        27.          W
7.        25.          W
8.        24.          W
9.        30.          W
10.      30.          W.  No sample, tile oyster

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

7 9 2014 Manchester Repro Check

Manchester, WA

Hi 60s to Mid 80s, sunny

Participants: Joe Stevick and Jake Heare

Used the anesthesia SOP with insulation modification and ice blocks in both the treatment and recovery trays. Treatment stayed within 1 degree, while recovery trays stayed within 5 degrees. Found 1 brooder from the Dabob population which was pretty interesting considering that none of the other populations have been spawning.

Numbers as follow:

Temps in C

Initial        11
45 min      13
1.5 hr       16

Initial       11
45 min     12
1.5 hr      11
2.25 hr    10

Initial       13
45 min     16
1.5 hr      17

Salinity in PPT

Pretreatment     26
Treatment        53
Recovery         27

Brood Collection
Brood       0
Gaping      45
Dead        12
Closed      2

Brood       0
Gaping      55
Dead        22
Closed      15

Brood       1
Gaping      60
Dead         5
Closed      21

#       size     sick
1       21       w

Monday, July 7, 2014

7 7 2014 Running Tally of Brooders

Here's an updated running tally of brooders. It appears the numbers for fidalgo were a bit weaker than I thought this morning during lab meeting.

Total BroodersManchesterOyster BayFidalgo
1st brood6/18/20145/29/20146/6/2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

7 4 2014 Fidalgo repro check

Anacortes wa

Mid 60s to low 70s

Participants: Jim cerkovnik and Jake heare

Performed anesthesia sop with insulation on treatment tub. Found brood Dr s in all three pops. Majority in southern pop, equal numbers in northern and dabob.

Numbers as follow:

Temps in c
Initial.        9
45              11
1.5.            12

Initial.        12
45.              12
1.5.             12
2.25.           12

Initial.          13
45.                13
1.5.               15

Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment.       31
Treatment.            65
Recovery.              32

Brood collection
Brood.     1
Gaping.   88
Dead.       0
Closed.    9

#         size.     Sick
1.         23.         W

Brood.      6
Gaping     71
Dead.        0
Closed.     14

#     size.     Sick
1.     30.        W
2.     32.         W
3.     32         W
4.      41.        W
5.       32.      Grey
6.       21.       W

Brood.      1
Gaping.     82
Dead.        0
Closed.      13

#     size.     Sick
1.       28.      W

Thursday, July 3, 2014

7 3 2014 oyster bay repro check

Shelton, wa

Mid 60s to high 70s cloudy mostly till 2 pm then sunny

Performed the anesthesia sop with insulation on treatment. No ice blocks needed. Found no brooders in North pop but 3 in dabob. Lots still from south sound pop.

Numbers as follow

Temps in c
Initial.      15
45.            15
1.5.           16

Initial.       11
45.             10
1.5.            11
2.25.          11

Initial.     16
45.           19
1.5.           22 sun came out. Kept adding water.

Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment.       25
Treatment.            73
Recovery.              26

Brood collection
Brood.    0
Gaping.   49
Dead.      0
Closed.    1

Brood.       3
Gaping.     66
Dead.         4
Closed.      4

#          size.      Sick
1.          25.         W
2.          26.          Grey
3.          25.          W

Brood.     9
Gaping.   78
Dead.      0
Closed.    3

#       size.        Sick
1.       26.           W
2.       28.           W
3.       26.           W
4.       30.           W
5.       39.           W
6.       25.           W
7.       28.           W
8.       29.           W
9.       25.           W. No larvae collected from 9. Tile oyster.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

7 2 2014 Manchester Repro Update

Manchester WA

Mid 60's to High 70s Sunny

Participants: L. Christine Savolainen and Jake Heare

Used the Anesthesia SOP with the insulation and ice blocks on the treatment tubs. Found absolutely no brooders. This site just does not have the conditions necessary for these animals to spawn. It must be due to the colder deep water that comes into the bay off the Sound.

Numbers as Follow:

Temps in C

Initial     10
45 min   11
1.5 hr     15 * sun came out

Initial     11
45 min   11
1.5 hr    10
2.25       9

Initial     11
45 min   13
1.5 hr    15

Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment    28
Treatment        67
Recovery        28

Brood Collection

Brood          0
Gaping         52
Dead           20
Closed         8

Brood           0
Gaping          31
Dead             4
Closed          48 *Lots of boat traffic shaking the dock

Brood          0
Gaping        40
Dead           20
Closed         18

Monday, June 30, 2014

6 30 2014 June Survivorship Data

Just for toots and googles I worked up the survivorship data from June just to see where we stand number wise out in the field. This comes from the weekly counts of gapers and closed animals which together make up the total number of living animals. These numbers are tentative and will be verified in the future when we do a full scale work up of the samples in August or September for the annual sample taking.

All numbers are for living animals only.

Oyster BayNHS

While there has been a pretty major loss in Oyster Bay, I think we can safely proceed into year 2 with enough animals to get significant data from their development as well as Year 2 reproductive effort. 

Also in previous counts Manchester had the highest survival but is now well below that of Fidalgo. I think this is due to the much warmer sunnier conditions at Manchester which lead to a 10% mortality event in the beginning of May and may continue to cause a small 1-2% mortality each month during repro sampling. 

This info is also really cool when you compare it to the number of Brooders I've found over the course of the season for each population at each site. 

Total BroodersManchesterOyster BayFidalgo
1st brood6/18/20145/29/20146/6/2014
*1N trays were sampled twice in one sample date
Percent brooders from each pop for entirety of sampling period is as follows

Percent BroodManchesterOyster BayFidalgo

So almost 17% of the South Sound population at Oyster Bay has spawned and about 3% of the same population at Fidalgo has spawned. It blows me away that they are nearly 6 times as productive as the Dabob population in their home site but at Manchester they are not significantly different.  Its also cool that they are twice as productive as the Northern population in South sound and almost 5 times more productive at Fidalgo bay. 

Bonnie has suggested to me that the animals taken from Fidalgo for the original broodstock are possibly from a population that is being restored with animals from South Sound. This could be leading to an outbreeding depression with regards to local adaptation in the northern population and the reason the South sound animals are more prolific than the northern pops. 

The other take away from these numbers is that it seems to me that Dabob animals are juggernauts that don't spawn. They have the highest survivorship at two of the sites (though Oyster Bay is arguable due to the many accidental exposure and other mishaps) and are very close to the North Sound populace at Fidalgo. 

Eventually graphing all this with temps and tide times would be helpful to determine any differences in week to week spawn collections.