Wednesday, July 16, 2014
7 16 2014 Manchester Repro Check
Low 70s to Mid 80s
Participants: Alicia Godersky and Jake Heare
Performed the anesthesia SOP with insulation and ice blocks on the treatment group and tarp over the recovery and pretreatment tubs. Finally found multiple brooders in one population. If you can guess the pop, you can consider yourself an Oly Whisperer. The brooding animals were also much smaller than expected. Half were less than 20 mm which is quite odd. Also temps fluxed on the tubs on the dock even with replacing water, the combination of sun and no breeze just baked the docks.
Numbers as follow:
Temps in C
Initial 10
45 12
1.5 13
Initial 12
45 13
1.5 12
2.25 11
Initial 12
45 14
1.5 15
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment 26
Treatment 66
Recovery 25
Brood Collection
Brood 3
Gaping 59
Dead 12
Closed 12
# size sick
1 22 w
2 16 w
3 20 w
Brood 1
Gaping 56
Dead 8
Closed 17
# size sick
1 17 W
Brood 0
Gaping 61
Dead 6
Closed 8
Friday, July 11, 2014
7 11 2014 fidalgo repro check
Anacortes, wa
Low 70s to mid 80s
Performed the anesthesia sop with insulation and ice blocks on treatment and tarp cover on Pretreatment and recovery. Found lots of brooders in southern pop and none in the other two pops. South sound oysters seem to be very attune to tidal changes. Also temps remained within range using the tarp cover. I think I should add a board or stand to keep the tarp higher over the tubs to keep it out of the water and allow for air flow to keep air temps lower. Also note to self, next week I absolutely have to refill my EtOH, 50 ml falcon tubes, and zipties. Also need a new water proof write in the rain pen as I have lost my only good one.
Numbers as follow :
Temps in c
Initial. 16
45. 16
1.5. 17
Initial. 14
45. 15
1.5. 14
2.25. 14
Initial. 16
45. 16
1.5. 17
Pretreatment. 20
Treatment. 68
Recovery. 23
Brood collection
Brood. 0
Gaping. 70
Dead. 0
Closed. 28
Brood. 11
Gaping. 81
Dead. 0
Closed. 11
# size. Sick
1. 27. W
2. 25. W
3. 26. W
4. 30. W
5. 28. W
6. 30. W
7. 27. W
8. 31. W
9. 25. W
10. 32. W
11. 31. W
Brood. 0
Gaping. 78
Dead. 0
Closed. 17
Thursday, July 10, 2014
7 10 2014 oyster bay repro check
Klamiche shores, wa
Hi 60s to low 80s
Performed the anesthesia sop with insulation and ice blocks on treat. I also covered the Pretreatment and recovery tubs with a tarp to shade them from direct sun to help moderate the water temps. It worked well along with adding fresh seawater and leftover ice blocks, keeping the trays within 3 degrees of ambient. Also I broke the one day record for number of brooders. All pops had multiple brooders with the northern pop almost being equal to the southern pop in terms of numbers. Dabob pop also performed very well. I think this has to do with last week's neap tide and the much warmer than average air temps.
Numbers as follow.
Temps in c
Initial. 16
45. 16
1.5. 16
Initial. 14
45. 14
1.5. 13
2.25. 12
Initial. 16
45. 17
1.5. 17
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment. 25
Treatment. 65
Recovery. 24
Brood collection
Brood. 8
Gaping. 73
Dead. 3
Closed. 2
# size. Sick
1. 30. W
2. 22. W no sample, very few larvae
3. 39. W
4. 35. W
5. 31. W
6. 33. W
7. 28. W
8. 32. W no sample tile oyster
Brood. 6
Gaping. 83
Dead. 3
Closed. 3
# size. Sick
1. 27. W
2. 27. W.
3. 28. W
4. 26. W
5. 26. W
6. 27. W
Brood. 10
Gaping. 82
Dead. 0
Closed. 1
# size. Sick
1. 22. W
2. 22. W
3. 25. W
4. 28. W
5. 27. W
6. 27. W
7. 25. W
8. 24. W
9. 30. W
10. 30. W. No sample, tile oyster
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
7 9 2014 Manchester Repro Check
Hi 60s to Mid 80s, sunny
Participants: Joe Stevick and Jake Heare
Used the anesthesia SOP with insulation modification and ice blocks in both the treatment and recovery trays. Treatment stayed within 1 degree, while recovery trays stayed within 5 degrees. Found 1 brooder from the Dabob population which was pretty interesting considering that none of the other populations have been spawning.
Numbers as follow:
Temps in C
Initial 11
45 min 13
1.5 hr 16
Initial 11
45 min 12
1.5 hr 11
2.25 hr 10
Initial 13
45 min 16
1.5 hr 17
Salinity in PPT
Pretreatment 26
Treatment 53
Recovery 27
Brood Collection
Brood 0
Gaping 45
Dead 12
Closed 2
Brood 0
Gaping 55
Dead 22
Closed 15
Brood 1
Gaping 60
Dead 5
Closed 21
# size sick
1 21 w
Monday, July 7, 2014
7 7 2014 Running Tally of Brooders
Total Brooders | Manchester | Oyster Bay | Fidalgo |
N | 1 | 15 | 3 |
H | 1 | 8 | 1 |
S | 1 | 41 | 17 |
1st brood | 6/18/2014 | 5/29/2014 | 6/6/2014 |
Friday, July 4, 2014
7 4 2014 Fidalgo repro check
Anacortes wa
Mid 60s to low 70s
Participants: Jim cerkovnik and Jake heare
Performed anesthesia sop with insulation on treatment tub. Found brood Dr s in all three pops. Majority in southern pop, equal numbers in northern and dabob.
Numbers as follow:
Temps in c
Initial. 9
45 11
1.5. 12
Initial. 12
45. 12
1.5. 12
2.25. 12
Initial. 13
45. 13
1.5. 15
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment. 31
Treatment. 65
Recovery. 32
Brood collection
Brood. 1
Gaping. 88
Dead. 0
Closed. 9
# size. Sick
1. 23. W
Brood. 6
Gaping 71
Dead. 0
Closed. 14
# size. Sick
1. 30. W
2. 32. W
3. 32 W
4. 41. W
5. 32. Grey
6. 21. W
Brood. 1
Gaping. 82
Dead. 0
Closed. 13
# size. Sick
1. 28. W
Thursday, July 3, 2014
7 3 2014 oyster bay repro check
Shelton, wa
Mid 60s to high 70s cloudy mostly till 2 pm then sunny
Performed the anesthesia sop with insulation on treatment. No ice blocks needed. Found no brooders in North pop but 3 in dabob. Lots still from south sound pop.
Numbers as follow
Temps in c
Initial. 15
45. 15
1.5. 16
Initial. 11
45. 10
1.5. 11
2.25. 11
Initial. 16
45. 19
1.5. 22 sun came out. Kept adding water.
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment. 25
Treatment. 73
Recovery. 26
Brood collection
Brood. 0
Gaping. 49
Dead. 0
Closed. 1
Brood. 3
Gaping. 66
Dead. 4
Closed. 4
# size. Sick
1. 25. W
2. 26. Grey
3. 25. W
Brood. 9
Gaping. 78
Dead. 0
Closed. 3
# size. Sick
1. 26. W
2. 28. W
3. 26. W
4. 30. W
5. 39. W
6. 25. W
7. 28. W
8. 29. W
9. 25. W. No larvae collected from 9. Tile oyster.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
7 2 2014 Manchester Repro Update
Mid 60's to High 70s Sunny
Participants: L. Christine Savolainen and Jake Heare
Used the Anesthesia SOP with the insulation and ice blocks on the treatment tubs. Found absolutely no brooders. This site just does not have the conditions necessary for these animals to spawn. It must be due to the colder deep water that comes into the bay off the Sound.
Numbers as Follow:
Temps in C
Initial 10
45 min 11
1.5 hr 15 * sun came out
Initial 11
45 min 11
1.5 hr 10
2.25 9
Initial 11
45 min 13
1.5 hr 15
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment 28
Treatment 67
Recovery 28
Brood Collection
Brood 0
Gaping 52
Dead 20
Closed 8
Brood 0
Gaping 31
Dead 4
Closed 48 *Lots of boat traffic shaking the dock
Brood 0
Gaping 40
Dead 20
Closed 18
Monday, June 30, 2014
6 30 2014 June Survivorship Data
All numbers are for living animals only.
Oyster Bay | N | H | S |
1-4 | 73 | 86 | 97 |
5-8 | 63 | 56 | 0 |
9-12 | 85 | 97 | 1 |
13-16 | 0 | 12 | 93 |
Total | 221 | 251 | 191 |
Manchester | N | H | S |
1-4 | 90 | 96 | 65 |
5-8 | 95 | 92 | 93 |
9-12 | 61 | 89 | 98 |
13-16 | 87 | 79 | 94 |
Total | 333 | 356 | 350 |
Fidalgo | N | H | S |
1-4 | 96 | 93 | 93 |
5-8 | 97 | 99 | 93 |
9-12 | 93 | 87 | 97 |
13-16 | 110 | 91 | 87 |
Total | 396 | 370 | 370 |
Total Brooders | Manchester | Oyster Bay | Fidalgo |
N | 1 | 15 | 2 |
H | 1 | 5 | 0 |
S | 1 | 32 | 11 |
1st brood | 6/18/2014 | 5/29/2014 | 6/6/2014 |
*1N trays were sampled twice in one sample date |
Percent Brood | Manchester | Oyster Bay | Fidalgo |
N | 0.30% | 6.79% | 0.51% |
H | 0.28% | 1.99% | 0.00% |
S | 0.29% | 16.75% | 2.97% |
6 30 2014 South Sound Survivors
Pop Live
North 221
Dabob 251
South 191
Tray Break Down is such:
South Sound | |||
N | H | S | |
1-4 | 73 | 86 | 97 |
5-8 | 63 | 56 | 0 |
9-12 | 85 | 97 | 1 |
13-16 | 0 | 12 | 93 |
Total | 221 | 251 | 191 |
Friday, June 27, 2014
6 27 2014 fidalgo repro check
Initial. 9
45. 10
1.5. 10
Initial. 9
45. 10
1.5. 10
2.25. 12
Initial. 10
45. 10
1.5. 14
Pretreatment. 29
Treatment. 58
Recovery. 28
Brood. 3
Gaping. 87
Dead. 0
Closed. 6
# size. Sick
1. 27. W
2. 25. W
3. 26. W
Brood. 0
Gaping. 65
Dead. 0
Closed. 28
Brood. 1
Gaping. 87
Dead. 0
Closed. 6
# size. Sick
1. 31. W
Thursday, June 26, 2014
6 26 2014 oyster bay repro
Used the modified anesthesia sop with insulation and ice blocks. Collected from the water the lost stack as well as the hhn stack to reshuffle oyster trays. Big things of note, 1 south sound tray was 99% dead. It was a middle tray, had no predators and no fouling. No idea why those animals died but the other two trays in the stack survived. Brooding in all sampled trays seemed to have followed expectations. With no pop with way more or way less brooders than expected. Also collected temp logger info. All trays were kept in ambient seawater during Pretreatment or out plant if not sampled
Lost trays marked with orange ziptie, hhn trays labeled with blue ziptie.
Numbers as follows:
Temps in c
Initial. 14
45. 14
1.5. 14
2.25. 16
Initial. 11
45. 11
1.5. 11
2.25. 9
3. 8
Initial. 13
45. 15
1.5. 16
2.25. 16
Pretreatment. 26
Treatment. 68
Recovery. 24
Trays not used for Brood collection
Live. 1
Dead. 82
Live. 12
Dead. 0
Brood collection
1N1-4. From hhn stack
Brood. 2
Gaping. 72
Dead. 10
Closed. 1
# size. Sick
1. 25. W
2. 31. Grey
(Three previous trays were put out immediately as stack 1. Far left from shore)
Brood. 1
Gaping. 92
Dead. 4
Closed. 1
# size. Sick
1. 27. Grey
Brood. 11
Gaping. 85
Dead. 10
Closed. 2
# size. Sick
1. 29. W
2. 25. W
3. 28. W
4. 30. W
5. 26. W
6. 30. W
7. 25. W
8. 26. W
9. 28. W
10. 31. W
11. 27. W
10/11. Were dirty samples, had lots of mud mixed in with larvae.
Brood. 5
Gaping. 84
Dead. 16
Closed. 1
# size. Sick
1. 31. W
2. 29. W
3. 36. W
4. 28. W
5. 30. W
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
6 25 2014 Manchester Repro Check
Mid 60's to mid 70s sunny
Participants: L. Christine Savolainen and Jake Heare
Performed the Anesthesia SOP modified with insulation on the treatment tub as well as ice blocks to keep temperatures within range. Found one brooder in the Northern population with minimal larvae and found one brooder from Dabob that had a very strange mix of eggs and what appeared to be semen. This might be evidence for an abortive spawn. also collected all mortalities from trays.
numbers as follow.
Temps in C
Initial 10
45 min 15
1.5 hr 15
Initial 11
45 min 11
1.5 hrs 11
2.25 hr 11
Initial 10
45 min 15
1.5 hr 17
Pretreatment 27
Treatment 65
Recovery 21
Brood Collection
Brood 0
Gaping 50
Dead 22
Closed 13
Brood 1
Gaping 53
Dead 23
Closed 19
# size sick
1 25 w
Brood 1
Gaping 52
Dead 7
Closed 33
# size sick
1 15 W
![]() |
Harbor Seal watching us work all day. |
Friday, June 20, 2014
6 20 2014 fidalgo repro check
Initial. 8
45 min. 8
1.5 hrs. 9
Initial. 9
45 min. 9
1.5 hrs. 10
2.25 hrs. 10
Initial. 7
45 min. 8
1.5 hrs. 8
Pretreatment. 35
Treatment. 65
Recovery. 35
Brood. 1
Gaping. 83
Dead. 0
Closed. 10
# size. Sick
1. 27. W
Brood. 0
Gaping. 77
Dead. 0
Closed. 10
Brood. 0
Gaping. 76
Dead. 0
Closed. 34
Thursday, June 19, 2014
6 19 2014. Oyster bay repro
Initial. 16
45 min. 18
1.5 hrs. 18
Initial. 11
45 min. 11
1.5 hrs. 11
2.25 hrs. 10
Initial. 16
45 min. 20
1.5 hrs. 16
Pretreatment. 25
Treatment. 63
Recovery. 25
Brood. 0
Gaping. 70
Closed. 9
Dead. 7
Brood. 3
Gaping. 54
Dead. 8
Closed. 1
# size. Sick
1. 29. W
2. 26. W
3. 30. W
Brooders 11
Gaping. 80
Dead. 12
Closed. 1
# size. Sick
1. 27. W
2. 22. W
3. 26. W
4. 25. W
5. 26. W
6. 28. W
7. 31. W
8. 33. W
9. 22. W
10. 21. W
11. 29. W
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
6 18 2014 Manchester Repro Check
Hi 50's to mid 60's, mostly cloudy until later in the day
Participants: L. Christine Savolainen and Jake Heare
Performed the Anesthesia SOP modified with insulators and ice blocks for the treatment tub. Found 1 brooder at Manchester. It seems no matter where they are, South Sound oysters just love to spawn. Also collected all mortalities from all trays checked. Failed to take a picture of the single brooder, I absent mindedly put the tray into recovery before taking the pic and then couldn't find the brooder when I did remember.
Numbers as Follow:
Temps in C
Initial 7
45 min 8
1.5 hr 10
Initial 8
45 min 8
1.5 hr 7
2.25 hr 7
Initial 8
45 min 8
1.5 hr 10
Salinity in ppt
Pretreatment 30
Treatment 71
Recovery 30
Brood Collection
Brood 0
Gaping 63
Dead 4
Closed 12
Brood 0
Gaping 73
Dead 2
Closed 12
Brood 1
Gaping 55
Dead 10
Closed 28
# size sick
1 19 w