All volumes in ul. All reactions mixtures made by adding reagents from largest volume to smallest. Done in 1 96 well plate with strip caps covering open wells when not in use. Borrowed Ambion 96-Well plate magnet from Seeb Lab. Thermocycler used was Ernie, the 96 Well Plate Cycler.
dsDNA Conversion
Reaction Mixture
Component | Volume |
BS DNA | 10 |
5X Conversion Buffer | 4 |
Conversion Primer | 2 |
Nanopure Water | 3 |
Total Volume | 19 |
- Made mixture, vortexed, centrifuged plate at 4300 rcf for 1 min
- Incubated in Thermocycler without heated lid
- 5 min at 95 C
- 5 min at 4 C
- Added 1 ul Conversion Enzyme Mix
- Incubated in Thermocycler without heated lid
- 60 min at 37 C
Cleanup dsDNA
- Resuspended MQ Binding Beads via vortex
- Added 36 ul beads to samples
- Vortex to mix
- Centrifuged plate 4300 rcf for 1 min
- Vortex to resuspend beads in sample (decided not to vortex/centrifuge again)
- Incubate at 10 minutes at room temp
- Place plate on magnet for 2 minutes to collect beads
- Removed supernant
- Washed sample with 200 ul 80% EtOH for 1 minute
- Removed supernant
- Repeated Wash once
- After removing supernant, allowed beads to air dry for 10 minutes
- Removed Samples from magnet
- Resuspended beads in 12 ul Elution buffer via pipetting
- Incubated samples 2 minutes at room temp
- Placed sample back on magnet for 2 minutes
- Moved 12 ul supernants from Row A on plate to Row B
- Note Albion magnet doesn't work well with samples less than 25 ul. To attempt to clean up the beads, I held the magnet at an angle depending on which side of the magnet the beads were on and ran the sample over the magnet until visibly clear. Still did not fully remove beads from sample.
DNA End Repairing
Reaction Mixture
Component | Volume |
dsDNA | 11 |
10x End Repair Buffer | 2 |
End Repair Enzyme Mix | 1 |
Nanopure Water | 6 |
Total Volume | 12 |
- Incubated in thermocycler with heated lid
- 30 min at 20 C
Cleanup End Repair DNA
- Resuspended MQ Binding Beads via vortex
- Added 36 ul beads to samples
- Mixed via pipetting
- Incubate at 10 minutes at room temp
- Place plate on magnet for 2 minutes to collect beads
- Removed supernant
- Washed sample with 200 ul 80% EtOH for 1 minute
- Removed supernant
- Repeated Wash once
- After removing supernant, allowed beads to air dry for 10 minutes
- Removed Samples from magnet
- Resuspended beads in 12 ul Elution buffer via pipetting
- Incubated samples 2 minutes at room temp
- Placed sample back on magnet for 2 minutes
- Moved 12 ul supernants from Row B on plate to Row C
- Note Albion magnet doesn't work well with samples less than 25 ul. To attempt to clean up the beads, I held the magnet at an angle depending on which side of the magnet the beads were on and ran the sample over the magnet until visibly clear. Still did not fully remove beads from sample.
DNA dA-Tailing
Reaction Mixture
Component | Volume |
End repaired DNA | 12 |
10x dA-tailing buffer | 1.5 |
Klenow Fragment | 1 |
Nanopure Water | 0.5 |
Total Volume | 15 |
- Incubated in thermocycler with heated lid
- 30 min at 37 C
- 10 min at 75 C
Adapter Ligation
Reaction Mixture
Component | Volume |
dA-Tailed DNA | 15 |
2x Ligation Buffer | 17 |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 |
Adaptors | 1 |
Total Volume | 34 |
- Incubated in thermocycler without heated lid
- 10 min at 25 C
Clean Ligated DNA
- Resuspended MQ Binding Beads via vortex
- Added 34 ul beads to samples
- Mixed via pipetting
- Incubate at 5 minutes at room temp
- Place plate on magnet for 2 minutes to collect beads
- Removed supernant
- Washed sample with 200 ul 80% EtOH for 1 minute
- Removed supernant
- Repeated Wash twice
- After removing supernant, allowed beads to air dry for 10 minutes
- Removed Samples from magnet
- Resuspended beads in 12 ul Elution buffer via pipetting
- Incubated samples 2 minutes at room temp
- Placed sample back on magnet for 2 minutes
- Moved 11 ul supernants from Row C on plate to Row D
- Note Albion magnet doesn't work well with samples less than 25 ul. To attempt to clean up the beads, I held the magnet at an angle depending on which side of the magnet the beads were on and ran the sample over the magnet until visibly clear. Still did not fully remove beads from sample.
Library Amplification
Sample Well Number, Sample ID, Barcode Used
Well Number | Sample | Barcode |
1 | HL28 | ATCACG |
2 | HL26 | CGATGT |
3 | HL31 | TTAGGC |
4 | HL24 | TGACCA |
5 | NF05 | ACAGTG |
6 | NF12 | GCCAAT |
7 | NF07 | CAGATC |
8 | NF15 | ACTTGA |
9 | SN08 | GATCAG |
10 | SN04 | TAGCTT |
11 | SN01 | GGCTAC |
12 | SN15 | CTTGTA |
In the barcode placeholder is replaced with one of the 12 barcodes depending on the sample
Reaction Mixture
Component | Volume |
2x HiFi Master Mix | 12.5 |
EpiNext Universal Primer | 1 |
Barcode (1-12) | 1 |
Ligated DNA | 11 |
Total Volume | 25.5 |
- Ran the PCR program in the thermocycler with heated lid
- 30 sec 98 C
- 20 sec 98 C
- 20 sec 55 C
- 20 sec 72 C
- Repeat 12 times Steps 2,3,4
- 2 min 72 C
Cleanup library
- Resuspended MQ Binding Beads via vortex
- Added 25 ul beads to samples
- Mixed via pipetting
- Due to bubbles had to centrifuge 4300 rcf for 1 min
- vortexed beads into suspension
- Incubate at 5 minutes at room temp
- Place plate on magnet for 2 minutes to collect beads
- Removed supernant
- Washed sample with 200 ul 80% EtOH for 1 minute
- Removed supernant
- Repeated Wash twice
- After removing supernant, allowed beads to air dry for 10 minutes
- Removed Samples from magnet
- Resuspended beads in 12 ul Elution buffer via pipetting
- Incubated samples 2 minutes at room temp
- Placed sample back on magnet for 2 minutes
- Moved 11 ul supernants from Row D on plate to Row E
- Note Albion magnet doesn't work well with samples less than 25 ul. To attempt to clean up the beads, I held the magnet at an angle depending on which side of the magnet the beads were on and ran the sample over the magnet until visibly clear. Still did not fully remove beads from sample.
Was not able to collect full volume of 11 ul from sample as beads were particularly troublesome in removing at this step. Attempted to clear them out using method described above but some just did not take. Without being able to measure it, it looks like most samples are between 9-11 ul in volume.
Samples stored in -20 C freezer in 209. Will quantify with Sam next week to verify concentrations.