1632 | PGRP-S_FWD | GAGACTTCACCTCGCACCAA | JH | 5/21/2015 | 20 | 55 | O.lurida | Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 (Peptidoglycan recognition protein short) (PGRP-S) | O75594 | |
1631 | PGRP-S_REV | AACTGGTTTGCCCGACATCA | JH | 5/21/2015 | 20 | 55 | O.lurida | Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 (Peptidoglycan recognition protein short) (PGRP-S) | O75594 |
Reagent Table:
Volume | Reactions X116 | |
Ssofast Evagreen MM | 10 | 1160 |
FWD Primer | 0.5 | 58 |
REV Primer | 0.5 | 58 |
1:9 cDNA | 9 |
- Added reagents from greatest to least volume
- Vortexed
- Centrifuged briefly
- Pipetted 11 ul Master Mix to each tube
- Pipetted 9 ul of 1:9 cDNA each column using a channel pipetter
- Centrifuged plate at 2000 rpm for 1 minute
- Ran Program Below
Step | Temperature | Time |
Initiation | 95 C | 10 min |
Elongation | 95 C | 30 sec |
60 C | 1 min | |
Read | ||
72 C | 30 sec | |
Read | ||
Repeat Elongation 39 times | ||
Termination | 95 C | 1 min |
55 C | 1 sec | |
Melt Curve Manual ramp 0.2C per sec Read 0.5 C | 55 - 95 C | 30 sec |
21 C | 10 min | |
End |
Plate Layout:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
DNased 42215 HC1 | DNased 42215 NC1 | DNased 42215 SC1 | DNased 42215 HT1 1 | DNased 42215 NT1 1 | DNased 42215 ST1 1 | NTC |
DNased 42215 HC2 | DNased 42215 NC2 | DNased 42215 SC2 | DNased 42215 HT1 2 | DNased 42215 NT1 2 | DNased 42215 ST1 2 | NTC |
DNased 42215 HC3 | DNased 42215 NC3 | DNased 42215 SC3 | DNased 42215 HT1 3 | DNased 42215 NT1 3 | DNased 42215 ST1 3 | NTC |
DNased 42215 HC4 | DNased 42215 NC4 | DNased 42215 SC4 | DNased 42215 HT1 4 | DNased 42215 NT1 4 | DNased 42215 ST1 4 | NTC |
DNased 42215 HC5 | DNased 42215 NC5 | DNased 42215 SC5 | DNased 42215 HT1 5 | DNased 42215 NT1 5 | DNased 42215 ST1 5 | |
DNased 42215 HC6 | DNased 42215 NC6 | DNased 42215 SC6 | DNased 42215 HT1 6 | DNased 42215 NT1 6 | DNased 42215 ST1 6 | |
DNased 42215 HC7 | DNased 42215 NC7 | DNased 42215 SC7 | DNased 42215 HT1 7 | DNased 42215 NT1 7 | DNased 42215 ST1 7 | |
DNased 42215 HC8 | DNased 42215 NC8 | DNased 42215 SC8 | DNased 42215 HT1 8 | DNased 42215 NT1 8 | DNased 42215 ST1 8 |
All samples
To check to see if these are expressed different I ran an ANOVA and Tukey's HSD. I also removed all NA's and extreme outliers to improve performance of the ANOVA and make better boxplots.
Adjusted Expression Graph
Adjusted ANOVA/Tukey's HSD
aov(formula = expression ~ Pop + Treat + Pop:Treat, data = rep2res2)
Pop Treat Pop:Treat Residuals
Sum of Squares 1.023990e-26 6.074000e-27 1.899868e-25 9.509453e-25
Deg. of Freedom 2 1 2 30
Residual standard error: 1.780398e-13
Estimated effects may be unbalanced
> TukeyHSD(fit)
Tukey multiple comparisons of means
95% family-wise confidence level
Fit: aov(formula = expression ~ Pop + Treat + Pop:Treat, data = rep2res2)
p adj
N-H 0.8754092
S-H 0.8861151
S-N 0.9996556
p adj
T-C 0.6675126
p adj
N:C-H:C 0.4566177
S:C-H:C 0.9999965
H:T-H:C 0.9838963
N:T-H:C 0.9991194
S:T-H:C 0.8788662
S:C-N:C 0.6282287
H:T-N:C 0.8351607
N:T-N:C 0.2734918
S:T-N:C 0.9783862
H:T-S:C 0.9872158
N:T-S:C 0.9999829
S:T-S:C 0.9215598
N:T-H:T 0.9038099
S:T-H:T 0.9973751
S:T-N:T 0.7015271
There doesn't appear to be any significant differences from the ANOVA. But when looking at the boxplot it seems like there might be.
Adjusted Boxplot
Its possible with further T-tests and 1 factor ANOVAs might find the true difference in the data.
You can see the raw data here.