Sam's Notebook » OmpW University of Washington - Fishery Sciences - Roberts Lab Thu, 08 Nov 2018 21:47:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 qPCR – Replicate of V.tubiashii Control vs. Autoclaved gigas samples (see yesterday) Thu, 26 Feb 2009 02:03:44 +0000

This is a repeat of the qPCR from yesterday, but without the 16s and OmpW primer sets due to double peaks in melting curves yesterday. Plate layout/qPCR workup is here.

Results: Similar to yesterday’s results, the amplification looks a bit odd when viewing on a log scale. However, the linear scale curves look to be normal. Melting curves look good for all genes examined and there is not any detectable gDNA in the RNA samples. Excellent…

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qPCR – V.tubiashii Control vs. Autoclaved gigas samples (see below) Wed, 25 Feb 2009 02:07:23 +0000

qPCR was performed using SensiMix/SYBR “kit” with DNAsed RNA samples and cDNA made earlier today. The plate layout/qPCR workup is here.

Results: Generally, the amplification looks a bit odd when viewing on a log scale. However, the linear scale curves look to be normal. There doesn’t appear to be any gDNA contamination in the RNA samples, BUT the Vtub_16sV2 primers used on the RNA samples also do not produce much of a signal in the cDNA either. The melting curves for the 16s and the Vtub_OmpW primer sets have multiple peaks. Will likely order new 16s primes, due to weak signal.

Will redo qPCR on the DNAsed RNA to make sure that the lack of detectable signal is due to lack of gDNA and NOT because the 16s primers don’t work. Also will repeat in order to have a replicate of the other samples.

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