Tag Archives: OSF

Manuscript Writing – Submitted!



Here are some useful links:

data records repo-URL: https://osf.io/j8rc2/
draft repo-URL: https://github.com/kubu4/paper_oly_gbs
draft: https://www.authorea.com/users/4974/articles/149442
preprint (Overleaf): https://www.overleaf.com/read/mqbbvmwxhncg
preprint (PDF): https://osf.io/cdj7m/

Manuscript – Oly GBS 14 Day Plan

For Pub-a-thon 2017, Steven has asked us to put together a 14 day plan for our manuscripts.

My manuscript is accessible in three locations:

Current: Overleaf for final editing/formatting before submission Scientific Data.
Archival: Authorea for initial writing/comments.
Archival: GitHub for initial writing/issues.

Additionally, I have established a data repository with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) at Open Science Framework

Here’s what I have going on:

Day 1

  • Convert .xls data records to .csv to see if they will render in OSF repo.
  • Assemble figure: phylogenetic tree.
  • Add figure to manuscript.
  • Deal with any minor edits.

Day 2

  • Assemble figure: Puget Sound map.
  • Add figure to manuscript.
  • Deal with any minor edits.

Day 3

  • Submit? Depends on what Steven’s availability is to finish of Background & Summary and write up Abstract.