Sam's Notebook » RNeasy Plus Mini University of Washington - Fishery Sciences - Roberts Lab Thu, 08 Nov 2018 21:47:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 RNA Cleanup – Tanner Crab RNA Tue, 31 Jul 2018 22:42:51 +0000

In a continued attempt to figure out what we can do about the tanner crab RNA, Steven tasked me with using an RNeasy Kit to cleanup some existing RNA.

Here’re the samples grace provided:

All of the RNA had some sort of undissolved/insoluble material present. Here’s an example (this is the worts of the bunch – others did not have such large/dense pellets):

Samples were cleaned up using the [RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (Qiagen)]. Added 350uL of Buffer RLT Plus (no beta-mercaptoethanol added) to each sample, vortexed, and then processed according to the manufacturer’s protocol (skipped gDNA Eliminator spin column step).

Samples were eluted with 30uL of nuclease-free water.

Samples were quantified using the Roberts Lab Qubit 3.0 with the RNA High Sensitivity asssay (Invitrogen). Used 5uL of sample for measurements.

Samples were also assessed with the Roberts Lab NandoDrop1000.

Samples were recovered from the pedestal after measurement.

RNA was given to Grace for storage at -80C.


Qubit measurements (Google Sheet):

NanoDrop Table:

All concentrations were too low for detection via NanoDrop.

Qubit quantification indicate yields ranging from ~25ng to ~192.5ng.

Will share info with Grace and let her compare these numbers to her original concentrations to see if there’s any differences.

Regardless, based on my earlier RNA isolation today, these samples should now be much cleaner and we should be able to trust the Qubit quantifications.

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RNA Isolation – Tanner Crab Hemolymph Using RNeasy Plus Mini Kit Tue, 31 Jul 2018 22:07:32 +0000

Tanner crab RNA has proved a bit troublesome. As such, Steven asked me to try isolating some RNA using the RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (Qiagen) to see how things would turn out.

Grace provided me with the following samples:

Crab hemolymph had been collected (100uL?) and preserved with 1mL (?) of RNAlater. Grace pelleted the samples, removed the supernatant, and stored the pelleted material at -80C. Here’s what that looked like:

RNA was isolated according to the manufacturer’s protocol – following guideline for samples with < 1 x 106 cells.

One interesting thing that happened is a precipitate formed after adding the initial buffer to the sample:

A solid precipitate formed in each of the tubes that could not be dispersed – it actually looked like a small piece of paper was now present in each tube.

Samples were spun and the supernatant was utilized (this was the normal progression of the protocol, regardless of this precipitate forming).

Samples were eluted with 30uL of nuclease-free water.

Samples were quantified using the Roberts Lab Qubit 3.0 with the RNA High Sensitivity asssay (Invitrogen). Used 5uL of sample for measurements.

Samples were also assessed with the Roberts Lab NandoDrop1000. Samples were recovered from the pedestal after measurement.

RNA was given to Grace for storage at -80C.


Qubit measurements (Google Sheet):

NanoDrop Spec Curves:

NanoDrop Table:

Overall, the isolation looks pretty good. The purity looks good (NanoDrop 260/280 ratios) and the absorbance peak at 260nm is exactly where we would want/expect it to be.

The yields (according to the Qubit) are OK. They range from ~37ng – 350ng.

The important part is that this method produced clean RNA, which means the quantification is believable. I think Grace’s earlier RNA isolations using RNAzol RT had too much contamination carried over, leading to incorrect quantification measurements.

Going forward, I think we need to use some sort of isolation kit, however, we will be testing out good, old TriReagent as well.

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RNA Cleanup – Tanner Crab RNA Pools Thu, 19 Jul 2018 22:47:17 +0000

Grace had previously pooled a set of crab RNA in preparation for RNAseq. Yesterday, we/she concentrated the samples and then quantified them. Unfortunately, Qubit results were not good (concentrations were far below the expected 20ng/uL) and the NanoDrop1000 results yielded awful looking curves.

In an attempt to figure out what was wrong, I decided to use the RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (Qiagen) on the three pools. I did this due to the poor spec curves seen in the NanoDrop1000 measurements. Additionally, all of the RNA pools had undissolved/insoluble bits floating around in them. My thinking was that excess contaminants/salts could be interfering with the Qubit assay. Removing these could/should enlighten us as to what the issue might be.

Followed the manufacturer’s protocol for RNeasy MiniElute Cleanup Kit (as the RNeasy Plus Mini Kit uses the same reagents/columns for RNA purification) for samples with <100uL.

Samples were quantified on the RobertsLab NanoDrop1000 (ThermoFisher) and the Qubit 3.0 (ThermoFisher) using the RNA high sensitivity (HS) Kit. Used 1uL of each sample.


Qubit (Google Sheet): 20180719_qubit_RNA_crab_pools


The NanoDrop did not detect any RNA in the samples.

The Qubit did not detect any RNA in Crab Pool 1. The other two samples had similar concentrations (~7ng/uL). This would mean a total of ~84ng of RNA was present in each of those two samples.

All pools were expected to have well over 1000ng of RNA.

Will have to think about what should be done, but I would lean towards attempting to run some “test” samples through the RNeasy Cleanup kit to see if that would help get us more accurate Qubit readings? I don’t know, though…

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