Tag Archives: SRA

SRA Submission – Olymia oyster Whole Genome BS-seq Data

Submitted our whole genome bisulfite sequencing data to NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA).

Relevant SRA info is below.

Have updated nightingales Google Sheet with SRA info.

SAMPLE SRA (Study) BioProject BioSample
1NF11 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172233
1NF15 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172234
1NF16 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172235
1NF17 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172236
2NF5 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172237
2NF6 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172238
2NF7 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172239
2NF8 SRP163248 PRJNA494552 SAMN10172240

Data Management – SRA Submission LSU C.virginica Oil Spill MBD BS-seq Data

Submitted the Crassostrea virginica (Eastern oyster) MBD BS-seq data we received on 20150413 to NCBI Sequence Read Archive.

Data was uploaded via the web browser interface, as the FTP method was not functioning properly.

SRA deets are below (assigned FASTQ files to new BioProject and created new BioSamples).

SRA Study: SRP139854
BioProject: PRJNA449904

BioSamples Table

Sample Treatment BioSample
HB2 oil 25,000ppm SAMN08919868
HB16 oil 25,000ppm SAMN08919921
HB30 oil 25,000ppm SAMN08919953
NB3 unexposed SAMN08919461
NB6 unexposed SAMN08919577
NB11 unexposed SAMN08919772

Data Management – SRA Submission Olympia Oyster UW PacBio Data from 20170323

Submitted the FASTQ files from the UW PacBio Data from 20170323 to the NCBI sequence read archive (SRA).

FTP’d the data to NCBI’s servers, following their instructions. Briefly,

Change to the directory where the FASTQ files are (Owl/web/nightingales/O_lurida) and then initiate an FTP session:

ftp -i ftp-private.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Enter provided username/password, change to my designated uploads directory, create new folder dedicate to this particular upload. Then, upload all the files using the mput command:

mput *filtered_subreads*

SRA deets are below (assigned FASTQ files to existing BioProject and created a new BioSample). Will update post with SRA number when processing is complete on the NCBI end.

SRA: SRS2339870
Study: SRR5809355
BioProject: PRJNA316624
BioSample: SAMN07326085

Data Management – SRA Submission Oly GBS Batch Submission

An earlier attempt at submitting these files failed.

I re-uploaded the failed files (indicated in my previous notebook entry linked above) and tried again.


It failed again, despite having successfully uploaded just minutes before.

I re-uploaded that “missing” file and tried again.

This time, it succeeded (and no end-of-stream error for the 1SN_1A file!)!

Will post here with the SRA accession number once it goes live!


Data Management – SRA Submission Oly GBS Batch Submission Fail

I had previously submitted the two non-demultiplexed genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) files provided by BGI to the NCBI short read archive (SRA).

Recently, Jay responded to an issue I had posted on the GitHub repo for the manuscript we’re writing about this data.

He noticed that the SRA no longer wants “raw data dumps” (i.e. the type of submission I made before). So, that means I had to prepare the demultiplexed files provided by BGI to actually submit to the SRA.

Last week, I uploaded all 192 of the files via FTP. It took over 10hrs.

(FTP tips: – Use ftp -i to initiate FTP. – Then use open ftp.address.IP to connect. – Then can use mput with regular expressions to upload multiple files)

Today, I created a batch BioSample submission:




Initiated the submission process (Ummm, this looks like it’s going to take awhile…):




Aaaaaand, it failed:



It seems like the FTP failed at some point, as there’s nothing about those seven files that would separate them from the remaining 185 files. Additional support for FTP failure is that the 1SN_1A_1.fq.gz error message makes it sound like only part of the file got transferred.

I’ll retrieve those files from our UW Google Drive (since their original home on Owl is still down) and get them trasnferred to the SRA.

Data Management – SRA Submission of Ostrea lurida GBS FASTQ Files

Prepared a short read archive (SRA) submission for archiving our Olympia oyster genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) data in NCBI. This is in preparation for submission of the mansucript we’re putting together.

I followed my outline/guideline for navigating the SRA submission process, as it’s a bit of a pain in the neck. Glad my notes were actually useful!

The following two files are currently being uploaded via FTP; the process will take about 3hrs, as each file is ~18GB in size:


They are being submitted under the following accession numbers (note: a final accession number will be provided once this is publicly available; I will update this post when that happens):

SRA Release – Transcriptomic Profiles of Adult Female & Male Gonads in Panopea generosa (Pacific geoduck)

The RNAseq data that I previously submitted to NCBI short read archive (SRA) has been released to the public today. Here are the various links for the project:

Study: SRP072283http://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/study/?acc=SRP072283


BioProject: PRJNA316216http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA316216

Study: SRP072283http://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/?study=SRP072283

Female Pool Experiment: SRX1659865http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/SRX1659865

Male Pool Experiment: SRX1659865http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/SRX1659866

SRA Submission – Genome sequencing of the Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida)

Adding our Olympia oyster genome sequencing (sequencing done by BGI) to the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRS). The current status can be seen in the screen cap below. Release date is set for a year from now, but will likely bump it up. Need Steven to review the details of the submission (BioProject, Experiment descriptions, etc.) before I initiate the public release. Will update this post with the SRA number once we receive it.

Here’s the list of files uploaded to the SRA:


Paired-end sequencing files were uploaded together within a single “Run”.

SRA Info:
SRA: SRS1365663
Study: SRP072461
BioProject: PRJNA316624
BioSample: SAMN04588827

SRA Submission – Genome sequencing of the Pacific geoduck (Panopea generosa)

Adding our geoduck genome sequencing (sequencing done by BGI) to the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRS). The current status can be seen in the screen cap below. Release date is set for a year from now, but will likely bump it up. Need Steven to review the details of the submission (BioProject, Experiment descriptions, etc.) before I initiate the public release. Will update this post with the SRA number once we receive it.

Here’s the list of files uploaded to the SRA:


Mate pair sequencing files were uploaded together within a single “Run”.

SRA Submission – Transcriptomic Profiles of Adult Female & Male Gonads in Panopea generosa (Pacific geoduck).

RNAseq experiment, which is part of a larger project that involves characterizing geoduck gonad development across multiple stages: histologically, proteomically, and transcriptomically. Initial sample collection performed by Grace Crandall.

The current status can be seen in the screen cap below. Current release date is set for a year from now, but will likely bump it up. Need Steven to review the details of the submission (BioProject, Experiment descriptions, etc.) before I initiate the public release. Will update this post with the SRA number once we receive it.

Here’s the list of files uploaded to the SRA:


Mate pair sequencing files were uploaded together within a single “Run”.