PCR - Dungan Isolates

All samples , except xCVC-11t, are already in Chelex. For xCvC-11t, pipetted a shunk of cells/tissue from source tube. Volume of liquid (EtOH) was ~75uL. Added this to screw cap tube containing 300uL of 10% Chelex solution. Vortexed and incubated @ 95C for 30mins. Vortexed and incubated other samples at 95C for 5mins. Set up PCR with AmpliTaq. Anneal temp. = 53C. PCR set up here.

Lane 1 - 100bp ladder

Lane 2 - xCvC-11t

Lane 3 - xCvC-12t

Lane 4 - xCvC-17t

Lane 5 - VNTc-12-C1/G10

Lane 6 - BC05Ca-18t/H5

Lane 7 - VATm-1.2t

Lane 8 - VNTc-1.5t

Lane 9 - Neg. Control

Results: Ladder is degraded and there are no bands in any lane. Will repeat and try to duplicate Steven’s results from 20080916.