PCR - Dungan Isolates

Samples (in Chelex) were vortexed and heated @ 95C for 30mins with periodic vortexing. Tubes were spun max speed @ 4C for 2 mins to pellet Chelex. Set up PCR using Immomix master mix. Anealing temp. = 56C. PCR set up here.

Lane 1 - 100bp ladder

Lane 2 - xCvC-11t

Lane 3 - xCvC-12t

Lane 4 - xCvC-17t

Lane 5 - VNTc-12-C1/G10

Lane 6 - BC05Ca-18t/H5

Lane 7 - VATm-1.2t

Lane 8 - VNTc-1.5t

Lane 9 - Neg. Control

Results: PCR seems to have worked for some of the samples. The bottom-most band in lanes 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10 were cut out and stored in “Sam’s Misc. -20C Box”. Date is 1/8/2009, since this PCR ran O/N.