mRNA Isolation - hard clam gill #1 DNased RNA from today

DNased RNA from earlier today was split into four equal parts (175uL = 39.8ug). Three will be used for mRNA isolation and the fourth will remain as total RNA. Three of these were precipitated according to Ambion PolyAPurist Protocol: 1/10 volume 5M ammonium acetate, 1uL glycogen and 2.5 volumes of 100% EtOH. Incubated @ -80C for 30 mins. One sample was processed with the Promega PolyA Tract kit. The remaining two samples were processed according to PolyAPurist Protocol. Of those two, one of the samples was processed a second time to evaluate the effectiveness of running a sample through the PolyAPurist Protocol twice.

mRNA samples were precipitated O/N @ -20C according to the PolyAPurist Protocol.