PCR - Dungan isolates from 20090402 with Euk primers

Did PCR with new Euk primers designed by Steven. Should be one step higher taxonomically. PCR set up is here. Aneal temp 50C.

Lane 1 - Hyperladder

Lane 2 - 19t

Lane 4 - 13t

Lane 6 - 17t

Lane 7 - 100bp ladder

Lane 8 - 1.5t

Lane 10 - 1.2t

Lane 11 - Hyperladder

Lane 12 - 11t

Lane 14 - H5

Lane 15 - 100bp ladder

Lane 16 - 12t

Lane 18 - H2O

Lane 19 - H2O

Laen 20 - Hyperladder

Results: The new EukA/B primers worked wonderfully. The brightest band in each lane was excised and purified using Millipore DA spin columns. These will be stored and sequenced at a later date.