SOLiD ePCR - Herring fragmented cDNA library: 2LHKOD09

Using 1.5pM of starting template, based on success of the 3LHSITK09 bead prep (see 20100108).

Processed herring fragmented cDNA library 2LHKOD09 ( according to the ABI “Templated Bead Preparation Guide” following the “full-scale” protocol. Made a 1:100 dilution (1uL library, 99uL 1x Low TE) = 761pg/uL. Mixed 23.7uL of this diluted sample with 76.3uL 1x Low TE to get a final concentration of 180pg/uL (1.5pM, according to ABI protocol). Oil phase used was previously prepared by Jesse (Seeb lab) 1/11/2010. This oil phase is stable for 2 months @ 4C.

ePCR was started and run O/N. The plate will be stored @ 4C until the two remaining libraries have been through ePCR. Then, all three libraries will be processed simulatneously.