Bioanalyzer - Fragmented SB/WB gDNA (from 20100625)

To gain a more quantitative assessment of the fragmentation from 20100625, I ran 1uL of each sample (~55ng, according to pre-fragmentation spec values) on the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100, using the DNA 1000 kit, according to manufacturer’s protocol.


Avg. size of fragmentation is ~460bp for the two samples. Fragmentation size was determined by marking the same region on both sample’s electropherograms (see below).

R37: Avg. size = 450bp (in Region 1, marked with blue lines in image below)

R51: Avg. size = 468bp (in Region 1, marked with blue lines in image below)

Overlay of R37 and R51 fragmentation. Note that both electropherograms are nearly identical (this is good).