DNase - DNase C.gigas RNA from 20110120, 20110121 and 20110124

5ug of RNA was DNased using Ambion’s Turbo DNA-free kit, following the rigorous protocol (0.5uL of DNase for 30 mins then additional 0.5uL of DNase for 30mins). Calcs for DNase reactions are here. RNA was stored @ -80C in Shellfish RNA Boxes 4 and 5. Samples will be spec’d on Monday.


Overall, the RNA looks really good (based on OD 260/280 numbers). Not surprisingly, the OD 260/230 values for all samples dropped, likely due to the addition of the buffer (salts) used in the DNase reaction. Emma says she will check these samples for residual DNA.

–UPDATE (20110131)– Emma checked all DNased RNA samples on 20110131 using C.gigas 18s primers (SR ID: ?). She has not listed the results of the whether or not all samples are clean or if some still have residual gDNA carryover.

–UDPATE (20110201– Samples that appear to have residual gDNA carryover based on Emma’s qPCR on 20110131: Muscle C6, Gill 1hr C2 & E2.