DNA Isolation - Olympia Oyster Populations for RAD Sequencing

Olympia oysters from three different Puget Sound locations/populations (HL, NF, and SN) were collected and stored @ -80C on 8/29/2103.

We removed whole bodies from 32 oysters (randomly selected; ~5 -10mm “diameter” shells) from each population and placed them into a 96 well DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen). DNA was prepared/isolated according to the manufacturer’s protocol.

DNA was eluted once with 200uL of Buffer AE and stored @ 4C.

Plate is called: Oly Oyster gDNA-01

Plate layout can be found here: 20141022-OlyRADdnaConcentrations

UPDATE 20141017

Steven ran the samples out on a gel for quality assessment. His notebook entry can be seen here:

Gel layout info and image of gel 1 of 2: https://sr320.tumblr.com/post/100245499294

Images of gel 2 of 2: https://sr320.tumblr.com/post/100231194034

The samples are all heavily smeared, suggesting heavy degradation. Will compare Qiagen kit with DNazol on some of the samples from 8/29/2013, as well as samples more recently collected/frozen.