Bisulfite NGS Library Prep - LSU C.virginica Oil Spill Bisulfite DNA and Emma’s C.gigas Larvae OA Bisulfite DNA

Constructed next generation libraries (Illumina) using the bisulfite-treated DNA from yesterday using the EpiNext Post-Bisulfite DNA Library Preparation Kit - Illumina (Epigentek). Samples were processed according to the manufacturer’s protocol up to Section 8 (Library Amplification) with the following changes:

  • Skipped Section 7.1 (recommended to do so in the protocol due to low quantity of input DNA)

Samples were stored O/N @ -20C.

dA Tailing Master Mix

10x Tailing Buffer 1.5uL x 17.6 = 26.4uL

Klenow 1uL x 17.6 = 17.6uL

H2O 0.5uL x 17.6 = 8.8uL

Add 3uL of master mix to each sample

Adaptor Ligation

2x Ligation Buffer 17uL x 17.6 - 299.2uL

T4 DNA Ligase 1uL x 17.6uL = 17.6uL

Adaptors 1uL x 17.6 = 17.6uL

Added 19uL of master mix to each sample

dsDNA Conversion Master Mix

5x Conversion Buffer 4uL x 17.6 = 70.4uL

C.P. 2uL x 17.6 = 35.2uL

H2O 3uL x 18.6 = 52.8uL

Add 9uL of master mix to each sample

End Repair

10x Buffer 2uL x 17.6 = 35.2uL

Enzyme 1uL x 17.6 = 17.6uL

H2O 5uL x 17.6 = 88uL

Added 8uL of master mix to each sample